Recent Posts

Ģtv Receives Second Year of Funding for Nurse Educators

A $217,997 grant from the federal Department of Health and Human Services to Ģtv is designed to help address the nation’s nursing shortage by providing financial support to students who commit to serving as nurse educators.

Ģtv, Indiana Regional Medical Center Complete Affiliation Agreement for Medical Laboratory Science Program

Ģtv and Indiana Regional Medical Center (IRMC) have finalized an affiliation agreement that provides Ģtv students with the opportunity to complete their clinical experience at IRMC for the Ģtv Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology.

Ģtv Nursing Program Ranked Again as Top Program in Commonwealth

Ģtv’s bachelor of science degree in nursing has been ranked as one of the “best prelicensure bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programs in the state” by Nursing Schools Almanac.

Ģtv Receives Funding for Students Studying Nursing Education

A $171,961 grant from the federal Department of Health and Human Services to Ģtv is designed to help address the nation’s nursing shortage by providing financial support to students who commit to serving as nurse educators.

Department of Nursing and Allied Health Featured in Documentary Spotlighting Nursing Shortage in Pennsylvania

Ģtv is playing a part in spotlighting the nursing shortage in Pennsylvania and in the nation. Ģtv’s Department of Nursing and Allied Health is featured in “Navigating the Nursing Shortage,” a digital documentary produced by WQED Multimedia.

"Rural Health Pulse" Podcast by Ģtv, Indiana Regional Medical Center, Continues with Episode on Rural Health Model and Workforce Challenges

Ģtv and Indiana Regional Medical Center’s podcast, “Rural Health Pulse,” continues with an episode with Wendy Haislip, IRMC vice president and chief nursing officer, discussing Pennsylvania’s rural health model and workforce challenges.

Moving the Needle, Remembering Roots

A look at four Ģtv alumni who are actively serving in the United States Army as current and future certified registered nurse anesthetists and commissioned officers.

Ģtv Nursing Program Selected by Princeton Review as Top Online Program

Ģtv’s program was just named to the Princeton Review's 2023 “Top Online Nursing Programs”; this recognition follows the program’s recognition by U.S. News & World Report for its 2022 “Best Online Program.”

Nursing and Allied Health Department Joins President Driscoll in Condemning the Recent Racially Abusive Social Media Comments

The Department of Nursing and Allied Health joins President Driscoll and the Ģtv community in condemning the racially abusive language recently witnessed on social media.

Respiratory Care Week 2022

Ģtv's Respiratory Care Program will be celebrating Respiratory Care Week October 23-29, 2022.

Ģtv Nursing Doctoral Student Selected for National Scholarship

Laurie Connors, a student in Ģtv’s PhD doctoral program in nursing, has been selected for a 2022 National League for Nursing Education Scholarship.

Dodgeball Tournament March 4

The Nursing and Allied Health Professions Department's AAMN group is hosting a dodgeball tournament on Friday, March 4. All are welcome!  Trophies for winners.

Ģtv Alumna Donates $850,000 to Establish Full Tuition, Four-Year Scholarship for Nursing Students

A graduate of Ģtv’s nursing program has made a donation designed to create generational change for Ģtv nursing students.

Ģtv Nursing Program Ranked as Top Program in the Commonwealth

Ģtv’s Bachelor of Science degree in nursing has been ranked as one of the “best prelicensure bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programs in the state” by Nursing Schools Almanac.

Nursing Graduate Honored with Indiana Lions Club Nurse Humanitarian Award

Brooke Zawalnicki, Allison Park, a 2021 summa cum laude nursing graduate of Ģtv, was selected for the Indiana Lion’s Club Nurse Humanitarian Award.

DNP to PhD Students Awarded National League for Nursing Scholarships

Congratulations to Karen Hande and Kelly Watson-Huffer, students enrolled in the DNP to PhD program, for their selection for the prestigious and highly competitive National League for Nursing Foundation for Nursing Education scholarships.

Shellenbarger Guest Edits, Wins Award for Nursing Education Perspectives Article

Teresa Shellenbarger recently served as guest editor for the special edition of Nursing Education Perspectives. Shellenbarger co-authored an editorial with Susan Hassmiller and Audrey Beauvais that discussed, “Where is nursing, and what work remains?”

Respiratory Class Field Trip

Junior respiratory therapy students took a field trip to the Center for Organ Recovery (CORE) in Pittsburgh for classroom and wet lab educational sessions on January 28, 2020.