
For the most up-to-date directions to campus, please visit the Map, Directions, and Parking website.

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Ways to Travel to Campus

Air Travel

Most flights arrive at Pittsburgh International Airport (approximately 75 miles from Indiana). Some airlines may fly to Latrobe Airport (approximately 35 miles from Indiana), the Johnstown Airport (approximately 30 miles from Indiana), or the Jimmy Stewart Airport (Indiana, Pa.). The ability to secure transportation from the airport should be carefully considered when making travel arrangements. Please contact all airlines/airports/transportation services directly.

Bus Travel


Fullington Trailways offers transportation from the Pittsburgh International Airport to Indiana, Pa. Specific information may be acquired by contacting the company at 724-465-7827. Fullington Trailways also services Indiana, Pa., from multiple locations within Pennsylvania. Buses arrive at 1205 CC Maple Street, Indiana, Pa. Transportation from the bus station in Indiana may be arranged through contacting Turbo Taxi at 24-465-8294. Check ahead for specific hours of operation and or to arrange a ride. (Unlike some cities, taxi service is pre-arranged and not on-call.)


Transit services are available throughout the regular bus routes.

Train Travel

Amtrak services may be available to/from Pittsburgh (approximately 60 miles from Indiana) and Johnstown, Pa. (approximately 30 miles from Indiana). As with air travel, students and family members traveling by train need to ensure appropriate connections to Indiana via bus or taxi.

Additional directions and information are available on the Ä¢¹½tv website.