Below you will find information for lodging available in Indiana and the surrounding area.
Listings are provided as information only and do not imply endorsement from the university.
714 Pratt Drive, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-349-2222
On campus
1545 Wayne Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-349-9620
Approximately one-half mile from campus
1395 Wayne Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-724-463-3561
Approximately one mile from campus
1275 Indian Springs Road, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-465-7000
Two miles from campus
1275 Indian Springs Road, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-349-7700
Two miles from campus
111 Plaza Road,Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-4349-4600
Approximately two miles from campus
62 Pine Ridge Road, Blairsville, PA 15717
Phone: 724-459-5920
Eleven miles from Indiana
Bed and Breakfast Lodging
209 South Sixth Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-463-3430
Two blocks from Ä¢¹½tv campus and downtown Indiana
7453 Rte. 403 Highway South, P.O. Box 1, Dilltown, PA 15929
Phone: 814-464-6465
Eighteen miles from Indiana on Route 403 North
*Disability accessible rooms available.