PNAF 131 - Intro to Pan-African Studies
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for Liberal Studies Electives and Global and Multicultural Awareness.
Required for the minor in Pan-African Studies.
A multidisciplinary introduction to Africa and the African diaspora. Explores the effects of Africa's history, in particular colonialism and independence, on present-day Africa; it examines the relationship between Africa and the African diaspora with special attention to African arts, social systems, and political and economic development; it also looks at Africa's contribution to contemporary culture in the Americas.
HIST 365 - History of Black America Since Emancipation
Credits: 3.00
Required for the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Description and analysis of the role of blacks in the history of the United States since the Civil War; emphasis on key leaders, major organizations, leading movements, and crucial ideologies of blacks in modern America.
ANTH 271 - Cultural Area: Africa
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives and Global and Multicultural Awareness.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Explores the cultural diversity of the continent of Africa. The first unit examines the historical processes which shape modern society, including the formation of indigenous African empires, the evidence for trade routes, slave trading, and colonialism. The second unit examines the nature of African traditional societies, including analyses of forager and agricultural groups. The last unit covers issues of contemporary development in Africa such as famine and agricultural policy, the status of women in economic development, and apartheid. Reading includes ethnographic and historical accounts of African society as well as selections by African writers on the issues of contemporary society. Also offered as SOC 271; may not be taken for duplicate credit.
COMM 380 - History of African-Americans in Film and Television
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Traces the historical development of the roles of African Americans in film and television. Students examine the early stereotypic portrayals of this group, the origins of these stereotypes, and the ongoing changes, positive and negative, that have occurred regarding the media representation through research, film, and archetypal analysis, observation, and discussion. The new generation of African American filmmakers and their creative efforts to promote more realistic portrayals are analyzed.
ECON 339 - Economic Development I
Credits: 3.00
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Theory of growth; theory of economic development of underdeveloped countries.
Pre-requisites: ECON 121 and ECON 122
ENGL 348 - African American Literature
Credits: 3.00
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Primarily nineteenth- and twentieth-century African- American literature (poetry, fiction, nonfiction): includes works by Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois, spirituals and folk poetry, Harriet B. Wilson, Jean Toomer, Richard Wright, Audrey Lorde, and Toni Morrison. Emphasis on historical context and an Afrocentric approach.
Pre-requisites: ENGL 121 or ENGL 122, and ENGL 202
GEOG 255 - Geography of Africa
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives and Global and Multicultural Awareness.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies
Systematic survey of the physical, economic, political- historical, and cultural geography of the continent is followed by regional studies of countries and peoples in Africa, south of the Sahara.
HIST 355 - African History I: Antiquity-1600
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Survey of the sociocultural, political, and economic life of precolonial African societies. Focus is on ancient kingdoms and cultures, precolonial states, internal and Atlantic trade networks.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, HIST 195 (nonmajors)
HIST 356 - African History II: 1600-Present
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives and Global and Multicultural Awareness.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and HIST 195 (nonmajors)
Survey of African sociocultural, political, and economic developments during the colonial and modern periods. Course covers imperialism, the struggle for control for Africa, the two global wars and their repercussions for Africa, decolonization, and modern African states.
HIST 366 - African-American Women
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Major economic, social, and political issues which have affected black women since their introduction into North America to the present.
MUSC 300 - Black Music in America and Diaspora
Credits: 3.00 (lecture)
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
Provides a survey of the body (roots) of music known as"black music"through a topical examination of selected styles, genres, and musicians. Through lecture, reading, discussion, videography and discography, its historical, socio-political, philosophical, religious, influences and musical developments will also be explored. Students will examine the origins of African music as well as music created in cultures of the Black Diaspora.
RLST 360 - African Religions
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives andGlobal and Multicultural Awareness.
Counts toward the minor in Pan-African Studies.
An examination of the nature of African traditional religion and how traditional religion, Islam, and Christianity coexist and influence each other.
The following course has significant content on African Americans, and as such can count toward the Pan-African Studies minor, with the approval of the PAS coordinator.
SOC 362 - Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill the requirements for LS Electives.
Examines from an historical and comparative perspective the experiences of minority groups, with special emphasis on economic and political domination, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Techniques of majority group domination and the responses of minority groups are discussed. Various reasons for the different rates and patterns of assimilation are explored.
Prerequisite: SOC 151
The following course has significant content on Africa, and as such can be counted toward the minor in Pan-African Studies, with the coordinator's approval.
PLSC 389 - International Development Strategies
Credits: 3.00
May fulfill requirements for LS Electives and Global and Multicultural Awareness.
Suggested political characteristics of emerging nations; impact of economic and social change upon political structure; evolving patterns of political development; and techniques of nation-building.
Suggested prerequisites: PLSC 280 and/or 285.