Contact Information
Office: 313 Davis
Phone: 724-357-2400
Academic Qualifications
Kelli Paquette received an education innovation and change EdD (2003) and school leadership and instruction MEd (1997) from Wilmington University, Delaware, before joining Ä¢¹½tv in 2003. She is also certified as a reading specialist, school principal, and program specialist ESL. Prior to joining the Department of Professional Studies in Education, she was an elementary school teacher in Capital School District, Dover, Delaware. She was well prepared for her first day of teaching first grade with the education she received at Ä¢¹½tv, where she earned her bachelor of science degree (1993).
Academic Interests
Professor Paquette'sspecialty areas include Content Literacy,Emergent Literacy,Mentoring, Online Teaching and Learning; School Leadership,Teacher Effectiveness,Qualitative Research Methods, and Writing in the Disciplines.She enjoys presenting at international, national, and regional conferences, as well as writing and publishing books, book chapters, and journal articles solely or with her esteemed colleagues. She also likes volunteering her time and efforts in the local elementary schoolsand many of Ä¢¹½tv's university, college, and departmental committees.
Course specialties include: CURR 915 Writing for Publication;CURR 918 Qualitative Research Design in Education; CURR 930 Analysis of Effective Teaching;LTCY 644 Issues and Trends in Language Arts; LTCY 705Literacy Leadership and Collaboration; ECED 351 Literacy for the Emergent ReaderPreK-1; ECED 451 Literacy for the Primary Reader 2-4;and,ECED 250 Language Development.
Personal Narrative
"Ä¢¹½tv equipped me with the knowledge and skills required of an effective and successful teacher. I will be forever thankful. Shortly after graduation, I had the opportunity and privilege to teach inHartly, Delaware. I built wonderful relationships with my students, families, colleagues, and administrators. I am extremely thankful to Mrs.Lybarger, my principal, who hired me for my first teaching position. With continued schooling in Delaware, I was able to move back to my hometown area and teach at Ä¢¹½tv. I love teaching and learning with the Ä¢¹½tv campus community. Ourundergraduate, graduate, and doctoralstudents are the best of the best.'"