Many Psychology faculty, students, and alumni are active scholars and researchers, furthering progress in the science of psychology.
Faculty and Student Publications
Roussi, P., Vassilaki, E., & Kaniasty, K. (2008). Stress and Psychological Resources: Coping with Life Changes, Occupational Demands, Educational Challenges, and Threats to Physical and Emotional Well-being. Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag.
Thornton, G, Jett, S, & Zanich, M. L. (2007). "Resources in Thanatology" in D. Balk, C. Wogrin, G. Thornton, & D. Meagher (Eds.). Handbook of Thanatology:The Essential Body of Knowledgefor the Study of Death, Dying, and Bereavement. New York: Routledge.
Raeff, C. (2006). Always Separate, Always Connected: Independence and Interdependence in Cultural Contexts of Development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Goodwin, B.J., McHugh, M.C., & Touster, L.O. (2003). "Who is the Woman in the Psychology of Women?" In P. Bronstein, & K. Quina (Eds.), Teaching a Psychology of People: Resources for Gender and Sociocultural Awareness, 2nd Ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Kaniasty, K. (2003). Klska |ywioBowa czy katastrofa spoBeczna? PsychospoBeczne konsekwencje polskiej powodzi 1997 roku. (Natural disaster or social catastrophe? Psychosocial consequences of the 1997 Polish Flood).GdaDsk, Poland: GdaDskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne ().Received the 2006 Individual Award from the Polish Ministry of Science andHigher Education.
Raeff, C. & Benson, J. B. (Eds.). (2003). Social and Cognitive Development in the Context of Individual, Social, and Cultural Processes. London: Routledge.
Journal Articles
Mills, J. A. & Chasler, J. K. (2012). Establishing priorities in the supervision hour. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 6 (3), 160-166.
Raeff, C. (2010). Self constructing activities. Theory and Psychology, 20, 28-51.
Firmin, M. W., Bailey, M., Johnson, C., & Foster, J. (2008). Religious influences of individuals with cancer in remission. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 3, 13-27.
Kaniasty, K., & Norris, F.H. (2008). Longitudinal linkages between perceived social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms: Sequential roles of social causation and social selection. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21, 274-281.
Brass, J.E., & Federoff, L. M. (2007). Psychological benefits of water aerobics for fibromyalgia patients. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 1, 255-268.
Hatfield, D.R. & Ogles, B.M. (2007). Why some clinicians use outcome measures and others do not. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 34(3), 283-291.
McHugh, M.C. (2007) Women and sex at midlife: Desire, dysfunction and diversity. Part of the Invited AWP/SWP Science Track: Women over 50: Psychological Perspectives. Association for Women in Psychology, San Francisco, March.
McHugh, M.C. Chair, Organizer and Discussant (2007). What counts as violence? (re)Conceptualizing dyadic interactions. Symposium presented to Association for Women in Psychology, March, San Francisco.
Meil, W. M. (2007) The use of Case studies in teaching undergraduate neuroscience. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education. 5: 53-62.
Mundy, P. & Newell, L. (2007). Attention, Joint Attention, and Social. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(5), 269-274.
Pavloski, R. (2007).Latent emergent order and its detection in attractor neural networks. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: An International Journal for Theory and Applications (Series B). Special Volume: Advances in Neural Networks Theory and Applications, 14(S1) 271-279.
Hatfield, D.R. & Ogles, B.M. (2006). The influence of outcome measures in assessing client change and treatment decisions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(3), 325-337.
Luo, D., Thompson, L.A., & Detterman, D. K. (2006). The criterion validity of tasks of basic cognitive processing. Intelligence 34(1), 79-120.
Luo, D., Chen, G.; Zen, F.; & Jiang, Y. (2006). The cognitive etiology of mild mental retardation (Accepted by Intelligence)
McHugh, M. C. (2006) What Women Want: Challenging the Medicalization of Women s Sexual Problems. Special Issue of Sex Roles
Ogles, B. M., Carlston, D. L., Hatfield, D.R., Melendez, G., Dowell, K., & Fields, S. A. (2006). The role of fidelity and feedback in the wraparound approach. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 15, 114-128.
Pavloski, R. (2006). An attractor lattice model with latent emergent order. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and the Life Sciences,10(3), 319-340.
Raeff, C. (2006). Individuals in relation to others: Independence and interdependence in a kindergarten classroom, Ethos, 34, 521-557.
Raeff, C. (2006). Continuing to consider the complexities of independence and interdependence Human Development, 49, 135-137.
Raeff, C. (2006). Multiple and inseparable: Conceptualizing the development of independence and interdependence. Human Development, 49, 96-121.
Roehrich, L., Meil, W., Simansky, J., Davis, W., & Dunne, R.. (2006). Substance abuse in rural Pennsylvania: Present and future. Center for Rural Pennsylvania study report.
Book Chapters
Kaniasty, K. (2008). Social support and psychological trauma. In G. Reyes, J. D. Elhai & J. D. Ford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Bokszczanin, A., Kaniasty, K., SzarzyDska, M. (2007). Community psychology in Poland. In S. Reich,M. Riemer, I. Prilleltensky, & M. Montero (Eds.), International Community Psychology: History and Theories. Springer Press.
McHugh, M.C. & Frieze, I. H. (2006) Intimate Partner Violence: New directions. In F. Denmark, H. Krauss, E. Halpern, & J. Sechzer (Eds.) Violence and Exploitation against Women and Girls. Annals of the New York Academic of Sciences (pp 121-141). New York: Blackwell.
McHugh, M. C. (2006) Women at Midlife and Sex: Desire, Dysfunction, Diversity. In V. Muhlbauer & J. Chrisler, (Eds.). Women over 50: Psychological Perspectives (pp.26-52). New York: Springer.
Kaniasty, K. (2006). Searching for points of convergence: A commentary on prior research on disasters and some community programs initiated in response to September 11, 2001. In Y. Neria, R. Gross, R. Marshall, & E. Susser (Eds.), 9/11: Mental Health in the Wake of Terrorist Attacks, 529-542. Cambridge University Press.
Kaniasty, K. (2006). Sense of mastery as a moderator of longer-term effects of disaster impact on psychological distress. In J. Strelau & T. Klonowicz (Eds.), People under extreme stress (pp.131-147). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Meil, W. M., Boja, J. W. (2006) The Dopamine Transporter and Addiction. Drug Abuse Handbook, Second Edition, Ed. S. B. Karch. CRC Press. 430-450.
Faculty and Student Conference Presentations and Posters
Long, A. E., & Eyerer, A. (2013, January). Saying "I'm sorry" twice: Forgiveness after a repeated transgression. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Knight, L.A., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Clarke, T., O'Brien, K., Diaz, Y., Raggi, V., Seymour, K., Rooney, M., & Mintz, A. (2009, November). Predictors of treatment attendance and attrition in an integrated behavioral parent training program for depressed mothers of children with ADHD. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, New York. [abstract]
Palumbo, M. & Steele-Johnson, D. (2009, May). Perceptions of job knowledge test: do they influence test performance?. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Psychological Society annual convention, San Francisco, CA.
Shuler, C. (2008). A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: An Assessment of College Students' Knowledge and Attitudes toward HIV and AIDS. Paper presented at the fourteenth Annual National McNair Research Conference.
Kaniasty, K. (2008). Social causation and social selection models of perceived social support and posttraumatic stress.Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 2008 (A part of symposium: Posttraumatic stress disorder - Theoretical and empirical advances A. Maercker & A. Ehlers, Co-chairs).
Mills, J. A. (2008, August). "Use of role-playing in advanced psychotherapy supervision." Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the , Boston, MA.
Mills, J. A. (2008, March). "Prioritizing themes in psychotherapy supervision." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the , Boston, MA.
Alwine, T. M., & Sadler, D. D. (2007, May). "Eyewitness identification confidence: Effects of postidentification feedback and misinformation." Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the , Washington, D.C.
Bahrick, L.E., Newell, L.C., Shuman, M., & Ben, Y. (2007, March). "Three-month-old Infants Recognize Faces in Unimodal Visual but not Bimodal Audiovisual Stimulation." Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.
Berman, P. & Diorio, M. (2007). "Can the Many Roles of Psychologists be Harnessed to Decrease Violence?" Paper presented at the International Conference on Psychology, Athens, Greece.
Best, C.A., Strauss, M.S.,Newell, L.C., & Minshew, N.J. (2007, May). "Memory for faces: A Comparison of intentional vs. incidental paradigms." Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Federoff, L. (2007, March). "Psychoneuroimmunology: A Prospective Peek." Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Garlitz, D., Meil W.M. (2007) "Political beliefs and substance use patterns influence attributions of drug addicting behavior." Association Psychological Science Abstracts.
Ibanez, L.V., Lambert, B., Newell, L.C., Sheskin, M., & Messinger, D.S. (2007, May). "Gaze shifting in the infant siblings of children with an autism spectrum disorder." Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Kimbler, K. J., Margrett, J.A., & Neely, T.L. (2007) "The effect of experimentally-provided supportive messages on everyday problem-solving performance." Poster to be presented at the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
LaPorte, D.J.(2007) "Behavioral Issues in the Elderly: Neuropsychological Testing and Competency Issues." Twenty-seventh Multidisciplinary Medical Conference, Champion, PA.
LaPorte, D.J., Vaughn, E.E., & Rehil, H.A. (2007, April)."The effect of 9/11 on the incidence of paranoid disorders and content of paranoid delusions." The eleventh International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO
Margrett, J.A., Ayotte, B.A., Neely, T.L., & Deshpande, N.J. (2007, February). "Assessing Everyday Functioning in Emerging and Later Adulthood: Are We Comparing Apples and Oranges?" Poster presented at the Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Tucson, AZ.
Messias, E., LaPorte, D.J., Kirkpatrick, B. (2007, April). "Schizoid-like features and season of birth in a nonpatient sample." The eleventh International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO.
Neely, T.L., Margrett, J.A., & Kimbler, K.J. (2007) "The effects of age, sex, and instructions on instrumental and interpersonal problem solving." Poster to be presented at the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Newell, L.C., Bahrick, L.E., Vaillant-Molina, M., Shuman, M., & Castellanos, I. (2007, May). "Intersensory perception and attention disengagement in young children with autism." Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Newell, L.C., Bahrick, L.E., & Sternstein, M.L. (2007, March). "Face Recognition in Preschool-Aged Children." Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.
Parkinson, S., & Thornton, G. (2007). "Factors associated with recognizing and responding to peers in suicidal crisis." Poster presented at the 28th annual conference of the , Indianapolis, IN.
Raeff, C. (2007). "Resisting stereotypes: New directions in the study of culture and development." Keynote Lecture presented at the Second Annual Symposium on Women in Mathematics, Science, and Technology. Ä¢¹½tv.
Raeff, C. & Newberry, C. (2007). "Free to be you and me: Young adults conceptions of freedom and the self." Presented at the Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Boston, Massachusetts.
Rivera, F., & Kaniasty, K. (2007, July). "Cultural scripts and earthly realities of social support dynamics in Latinos and U.S. Hispanics." (Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Bavaro-Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
Robertson, D. U., Federoff, L., & Eisensmith, K. E. (2007, June). "Heart rate variability during trumpet playing." Paper presented at the 25th Annual Symposium on Medical Problems Of Musicians and Dancers, Aspen, CO.
Robertson, D. U. & Eisensmith, K. E. (2007, March). "Construct validity for a multidimensional measure of psychological factors in music performance." Paper presented at the annual MENC Eastern Division Conference, Hartford, CT.
Robertson, D. U. & Eisensmith, K. E. (2007, March). "Scratch pads and pop-ups: A model of music performance anxiety." Paper presented at the annual MENC Eastern Division Conference, Hartford, CT.
Rufrano-Ruffner, T., Short, T., VanDyke, T., & Wygonik, M. (2007, April). "Cross disciplinary comparisons of students attitudes toward service learning." Workshop presented at Lilly East Conference on University and College Teaching, University of Delaware.
Sherburne, L. M., Watt, J. J., & Stires, L. K. (2007). "Stereotype Threat Versus Priming as Explanations of 'Police Officer s Dilemma' Bias." Poster presentation at the meeting of the , Washington, D.C.
Thornton, G., Manges, C., Servaty-Seib, H., Sofka, C., & Goldstrohm, S. (2007). "Student participation in ADEC: Learn how and why." Symposia presented at the 27th annual conference of the , Indianapolis, IN.
Tremel, K.J., Meimann, L.E., Margrett, J.A., Desphande, N., Neely, T.L., & Ayotte, B.J. (2007) "Self and spousal behaviors as related to health and functioning." Poster to be presented at the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Watt, J. J., Stires, L. K., & Sherburne, L. M.. (2007). "Multiple Methods of Influencing Implicit Racial Bias in Shooting Decisions." Poster presentation at the meeting of the , Washington, D.C.
Yetsko, K., Mercadante J. & Maureen McHugh (2007, March). "Relationship satisfaction as a function of gender roles, intimacy, power and aggression." Poster presented at , San Francisco.
Doctoral Dissertations
Dissertation committee chair in parentheses.
December 2008 Graduate
Fink, Stephen. Hopkins Verbal Learnig Test Revised: Standardization Data of Percentage Retention and Comparison of Retention Rates with Logical Memory Subtests of the Wechsler Memory Scales-Revised (LaPorte)
August 2008 Graduates
Allen, Brian. The Relationship of Physical Discipline and Psychological Maltreatment in Childhood to the Use of Dysfunctional Tension-Reducing Behaviors in Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Self-Capacities (Robertson)
Brass, Jamie. Psychological Benefits of Water Aerobics for Fibromyalgia Patients (Federoff)
DeLong, Danielle. The Effect of Active Learning Exercises on Academic Performance and Nonintellectual Learning Factors (Husenits)
Dietz, Sarah. University Faculty Response to Student Loss by Death or Romantic Breakup (Thornton)
Dubbs, Jenna. Parent Stress Reduction Through a Psychosocial Intervention for Children Diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Robertson)
Dunne, Ryan. The Need for Training Teachers About Childhood Psychiatric Disorders (Husenits)
Ford, Amy. The Effects of Two-Way Mirrors, Video Cameras, and Observation Teams on Clients Judgments of the Therapeutic Relationship (Robertson)
Francoeur, Keith. The Relationship Between the Five-Factor Model of Personality and Leadership Preferences for Initiating Structure and Consideration (Robertson)
Jett, Scarlett. Impact of Exposure to Pro-Eating Disorder Websites on Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Behavior in College Women (LaPorte)
Morgan, Tiffani. An Examination of the Anxiolytic Effects of Interaction With a Therapy Dog (Husenits)
Simansky, Jennifer. Rural Adolescent Perceptions of the Availability and Accessibility of Substance Abuse Treatment (Roehrich)
Simpson-McCleary, Katrina. Gender Education and Training in Professional Psychology Programs: an Exploratory Investigation (Goodwin)
Wilkinson, Charity. Unwanted Sex Versus Rape: How Terms Used to Describe Sexual Assault Impact Perceptions of Blame, Punishment and Reporting (Husenits)
Zeiger, Victoria. Routine Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Pediatric Practices Six Years After Publication of Practice Parameters (Kaniasty)
May 2008 Graduates
Dunn, Candice. An Experimental Study on the Problem of Premature Termination From Therapy by Rural Adolescents (Goodwin)
December 2007 Graduates
Segee, Patricia. Relationships and the Experience of Home in Agoraphobia (McHugh)
Turner, Susan. Reality Television and Relational Aggression (Husenits)
August 2007 Graduates
Bowden, Julie. Ethical Issues in the Provision of Wraparound Services (Husenits)
Clayton, Darla. Parenting Education for Low-Income Parents of Preschoolers: What is the Most Effective Approach? (Husenits)
Diorio, Melissa. Warning Signs for the Prevention of Teen Violence and Suicide (Berman)
Donahoe, M. Bertille. Internet usage, Self-Regulatory Skills, and Personality Traits (Zanich)
Garlitz, Dawn. College Students Attitudes Toward Drug Addiction: Disease Model Versus Moral Model (Meil)
Kisslinger, Stephen. Burnout in Presbyterian Clergy of Southwestern Pennsylvania (Robertson)
Kugler, Lisa. Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Its Effects on Executive Functioning (Meil)
Martin, Virginia. The Effects of Prematurity and Parent Stress on Preschoolers Behavior and Temperament as Reported by Parents and Teachers (Robertson)
Tussey, Chriscelyn. The Role of Intuition on Decision Making Among Law Enforcement Officials (Robertson)
Ward, Binal. Assessing Externalizing Behaviors Using Instruments Basd on the DSM-IV and DC: 0-3 (Husenits)
Zychowski, Lori. Academic and Social Predictors of College Adjustment Among First-Year Students: Do High School Friendships Make a Difference? (Robertson)
Undergraduate Honors Theses
Faculty advisor in parentheses.
Bauer, C. (2010). The effects of Androstadienone on female ratings of male attractiveness and lateralization of emotion. (Meil)
Gryga, S.N. (2010). The Effects of Presentation Method and Summaries on Everyday Memory of Health Information. (Johnson)
Marmo, L. (2010). Cross-cultural Comparisons of Homelessness in Aged-out Youth. (Zimny)
Randolph, E. (2010). The Effect of Proximity on Obedience to Authority in University Residence Halls. (Long)
Rossi, A. (2010). Cooperation in Vocal Quartet Rehearsal. (Robertson)
Sollenberger, A. K. (2010). Battle of the Musical Badges: How Knowledge of Others' Music Preferences Influences Liking, Attraction, and Trust. (Robertson)
Walker, S. (2010). Perceptions of Street Harassment among College Undergraduates. (McHugh)
White, A. (2010). Study Skills Test Development: Assessing Knowledge Dimensions. (Palumbo)
Connolly, M. (2009). Empirical validation of the proposed models of dehumanization: Mechanistic and animalistic dehumanization as two distinct categories. (Mills)
Hogue, S. (2009). An analysis of homophobia, sexism, religious fundamentalism and the rejection of effeminacy in males. (HcHugh)
Judge, L. (2009). Predictors of emerging adults' civic engagement. (Johnson)
Mehalick, M. (2009). Human pheromones: Do they enhance interpersonal attraction and brain lateralization of emotion? (Meil)
Ramsey, R. (2008). Comparison of college students and older adults in attitudes toward addiction and disease. (Meil)
Moss, J. (2008). Does pre-exposure to cannabinoid agonist HU-210 during adolescence alter behavioral sensitization and conditioned place preference to cocaine in adult rats? (Meil)
Hazel, J. (2008). Love me, love my dog: The role of companion animals in mate selection. (Zanich)
Sidelinger, S. (2008). The effects of anxiety on competitive sport performance. (Mills).
Fenstermaker, N. (2008). An investigation of the role of parental divorce in homesickness in college. (Mills)
Keppler, C. (2008). Emerging Identities. (Raeff)
Leighann Linza, L. (2008). The influence of type of food, speed of consumption, and gender on external perceptions of an eating binge. (LaPorte)
Morgan, E. (2008). How do you make judgments about music you like and dislike? (Robertson)
Pant, N. (2008). The effect of fundamentals program to increase happiness among college students. (Federoff)
Real, D. (2008). Analysis of the college bar as a behavioral setting and its influence on gendered behavior. (McHugh)
Ryanna Verbiest, R. (2008). An examination of pseudo-stalking in the absence of threat. (LaPorte)
Undergraduate Honors Theses in Progress (with faculty advisor)
Crandall, A. (2010). Implicit and Explicit Anti-Fat Bias: The Effect of Subjective and Objective BMI. (Meil)
Larson, K.G. (2010). Levels of Representation in Chemistry and in the Mind. (Zimny)
Ly, K. (2009). Recognition of upright and inverteed stimuli of varying social relevance in children with an Autism Specturm Disorder and typically developing children.
Riggs, J. (2010). When I's Meet: Comparing Shared Subjective Experiences with a Group and with an Individual. (Long)
Wagner, H. (2010). The Impact of Parental Involvement on Adjustment, Motivation, and School Satisfaction for First Semester College Students. (Knight)