School of Graduate Studies and Research
Research Appreciation Week 2006
Schedule of Events

Saturday, April 8
Fostering and Developing Sustained Projects for Undergraduate Research
Sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence
Location: Foster Hall
Time: 8:00am2:00pm
Contact: Francisco Alarcon by calling 724-357-2206 or by emailing

Monday, April 10
Grant Writing Workshop for Graduate Students
Location: Mack Instruction Lab, Mack Hall
Time: 9:00am10:30am
Contact: Julie Wyse by calling 724-357-4504 or by emailing

Women in Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Sponsored by the Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Location: Weyandt Hall
Time: 9:00a.m.-10:30a.m.
Contact: Ola Kaniasty by calling 724-357-2609 or by

Tuesday, April 11
How to Find and Win Foundation and Corporate Grants
Sponsored by the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute
Session led by national consultant David Bauer
Location: HUB, Conemaugh Room
Time: 8:30am12:00pm
Contact: Vivian Filer by calling 724-357-2856 or by emailing

How to Find and Win Government Grants
Sponsored by the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute
Session led by national consultant David Bauer
Location: HUB, Conemaugh Room
Time: 1:00pm4:30pm
Contact: Vivian Filer by calling 724-357-2856 or by emailing

Wednesday, April 12
Poster Session for Faculty and Staff
Sponsored by the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute
Location: Folger Hall Crimson Event Center
Time: 10:30am2:00pm
For additional information, contact Vivian Filer by calling 724-357-2856 or by emailing

12th Annual Awards Luncheon
Outstanding Achievement in Sponsored Research and Excellence in Graduate Student Research
Location: Folger Hall Crimson Event Center
Time: 11:30am1:30pm
By Invitation Only

Thursday, April 13
Centers and Institutes Breakfast
Location: Folger Hall Crimson Event Center
Time: 7:30am9:00am
By Invitation Only

Research for Lunch
Sponsored by the Applied Research Lab
Location: HUB, Allegheny Rooms 1 and 2
Time: 11:45am1:00pm
Contact: Edie Bash by calling 724-357-2439 or by emailing