Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Service
This award was presented to Dr. John Engler, director of the Pennsylvania/OSHA Consultation Program and Safety Sciences faculty member.
New Investigator AwardNew Geoscience faculty member, Jonathan Lewis, has won this award.
Graduate Dean's Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sponsored ProgramsDr. Calvin Masilela, professor of Geography and Regional Planning, is the recipient of this award.
Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Curriculum and InstructionDr. Melvin Jenkins of the Department of Developmental Studies is the winner of this award.
Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research
This award is presented to Dr. John Anderson of the Department of Sociology.
Outstanding Graduate Student Research AwardsMegan Edwards-Gass, Paul Klenowski, Krystia Nora, and Edel Reilly were awarded for their research.
Schedule of EventsSchedule for Research Appreciation Week, April 14-18, 2008