Faculty Research Award Winners 2009

Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research

Dr. John Benhart (standing, third from left) and Mr.Phillip Zorich (seated, left) were selected as this year's co-recipients of the Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research. Their collaborative effort on the Institute for Mine Mapping, Archival Procedures, and Safety (IMAPS) project has enhanced the overall results of this initiative. Dr. Benhart is a professor and department chair in the Geography and Regional Planning Department. His teaching focus includes GIS Applications Development, GPS Concepts and Techniques, Spatial Analysis Techniques, and GIS for Social Services. Mr. Zorich joined Ä¢¹½tv in 1981 and currently serves as interim dean of Libraries. Mr. Zorich has been active in sponsored research and has served as principle investigator and/or co-PI on projects totaling more than $1 million.

Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. George R. Long (seated, center) has been selected as this year's recipient of the Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Long is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and has been with Ä¢¹½tv since 1988. His areas of expertise include physical chemistry, the application of computers and the Internet in chemical education, and laser photothermal spectroscopy. He serves as assistant chair and is the Chemistry Department's graduate coordinator. Dr. Long's dedication to research is evidenced by his ability to secure $1 million in sponsored research during his academic career.

Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Service

Mr. Roger A. White (standing, second from right) has been selected as this year's recipient of the Sponsored Programs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Service. Since joining Ä¢¹½tv in 2005, Mr. White has served as the executive director of the Criminal Justice Training Center. In this role, Mr. White is responsible for coordinating research, curriculum, development, and training delivery to all facilities and law enforcement training sites affiliated with Ä¢¹½tv.

New Investigator Award

Dr. Katherine L. Farnsworth (standing, third from right) has been selected as this year's recipient of the New Investigator Award by the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute. Dr. Farnsworth joined the Department of Geoscience as an assistant professor in 2007. Her two current initiatives, both awarded in 2008, are (1) U.S. Geological Survey; Memorandum of UnderstandingNearshore Turbidity Near the Tijuana River Mouth and (2) MRI: Acquisition of a Coulter-Beckman Multisizer 3 Electronic Particle Analyzer and preparatory instruments for sedimentary research and education with undergraduate students at Ä¢¹½tv (co-investigator with Dr. Steven Hovan).

Graduate Dean's Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sponsored Programs

Dr. Jeffery L. Larkin (seated, right) has been selected as this year's recipient of the Graduate Dean's Award for Outstanding Commitment to Sponsored Programs. Dr. Larkin joined Ä¢¹½tv in 2005 as an assistant professor of Conservation Biology. His commitment and dedication to research is evidenced by his ability to secure twenty awards, with a value of $500,000 in funds since 2005. Current initiatives include: (1) U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceGolden-Winged Warbler Response to Habitat Manipulation in Pennsylvania, (2) Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural ResourcesGolden-Winged Warbler Response to Habitat Manipulation in Pennsylvania, and (3) National Fish and Wildlife Foundation via Cornell Laboratory of OrnithologyCooperative Rangewide Golden-Winged Warbler Demographics and Habitat Management Project.

Pictured with the faculty award winners are Dr. Tony Atwater, Ä¢¹½tv president (standing, left), Dr. Gerald Intemann, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs (standing, second from left), and Dr. David Myers, interim vice provost for Research and dean of Graduate Studies (standing, right).