IRBManager is a web-based system designed specifically for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) review process, all the way from submission to approval letters.

Investigators can sign forms electronically, collaborate with other investigators, and access the current status of the submission at any time. Investigators create their submissions in IRBManager using smart forms called "Xforms." Email notifications to investigators provide links to access, review, and update study material immediately. In fact, investigators have remote access capability from any computer with an internet connection. In addition, IRB reviewers will have access to a study's entire history as they conduct their review, enabling informed decisions quickly.

IRBManager Tutorials: Downloadable PDFs

For Researchers

How do I get started with IRBManager?

How do I create a new protocol submission?

The IRB/DRB/my faculty advisor asked for revisions to my submission. Now what?

How do I submit a Request for Change, a Request for Continuing Review, or add a site approval letter to my approved study?

For Reviewers

I'm a faculty advisor. How do I review and sign off on my student's IRB submission?

I serve on my Department Review Board. How do I review and submit protocols to the IRB? (Only applies to Psychology department).

For IRB Members

I'm a member of the Institutional Review Board. How do I log in to navigate IRBManager?

I serve on the Institutional Review Board. How do I review and approve protocols?