Conducting responsible research is critical for excellence, as well as public trust, in science and engineering.

Some policies relating to the responsible conduct of research are listed below. Find a comprehensive list in the Policies section.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects

The regulatory body of Ä¢¹½tv that reviews research involving human participants

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Guidelines

All research and teaching involving the use of vertebrate animals must be reviewed and approved by the IACUC prior to the procurement or use of the animals.

Psychology graduate student talking with student

NSF Implementation of Responsible Conduct of Research

Training information for students who will participate in NSF-funded projects

Policy for the Classification of Gifts, Grants, and Contracts

This policy clarifies the roles of offices in the solicitation and administration of gifts and grants that originate from private corporations and foundations.

Online Research Ethics Training

Ä¢¹½tv offers online training for faculty, staff, and students through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).

Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property

Technology transfer and commercialization services are offered for faculty, students, and staff of the university.

Export Control

Federal laws prohibit the unlicensed export of certain commodities or information for reasons of national security or protection of trade.