
On a sponsored project, a most important aspect of getting underway is hiring staff. There are several types of positions and appointments at Ä¢¹½tv, and different offices are involved in making them. This chart indicates the office to contact for hiring various staff. Contact the designated Ä¢¹½tv RI Project development officer to determine the most appropriate course of action to ensure the project hires are done in compliance with Ä¢¹½tv, Ä¢¹½tv RI, and federal and state regulations.

Contacts for Faculty Department Provost Human Resources Staff Payroll Student Payroll Graduate School
Replacement X X
Release Time X X
Summer Contracts X X
Fellowships X X
Faculty Researchers X X
Contacts for Staff Department Provost Human Resources Staff Payroll Student Payroll Graduate School
Position Classification X
Hiring Staff X
Search Process X
Wage & Salary X X
Contacts for Other Appointments Department Provost Human Resources Staff Payroll Student Payroll Graduate School
Centers and Institutes X
Contacts for Fringe Benefits Department Provost Human Resources Staff Payroll Student Payroll Graduate School
Eligible Benefits X
Rates X
Leave Usage X
Contacts for Students Department Provost Human Resources Staff Payroll Student Payroll Graduate School
Place Students on Payroll X
Eligibility X
Externally Funded Graduate Assistants X

Background investigations must be conducted for all successful candidates for instructional and non-instructional vacancies prior to extending offers of employment. The investigations are submitted by the Office of Human Resources, and normally the results are obtained within 24-48 hours. The Background Investigation Policy is available on the Ä¢¹½tv Human Resources Policy webpage.

Faculty Appointments

Project directors are responsible for arranging the appointment of faculty to externally funded positions. The academic department of the project director initiates the paperwork that often requires the approval of the Dean's and Provost's offices. Project directors must follow the policies of the Department of Human Resources who, in turn, are governed by the APSCUF (collective bargaining unit) guidelines for hiring faculty. The project development officers at the Ä¢¹½tv RI are knowledgeable in the topics listed below and can assist with the required paperwork.

Types of Faculty Appointments:

When hiring any new faculty members, please refer to the Faculty Hiring Procedures. In externally funded projects, faculty appointments can include the following situations:

  • Request for Alternate Workload Assignment: Releasing faculty from academic year duties in order to devote time to an externally funded project usually involves two steps: (1) releasing the faculty member from teaching through an Alternate Workload Equivalency; and (2) hiring a faculty replacement to assume those academic assignments for a designated period.
  • Faculty Replacement: To cover classes affected when faculty are released from teaching, departments frequently hire temporary faculty. The process for hiring faculty replacements is the same as for hiring temporary faculty, although some departments may choose not to hire faculty replacements.
  • Hiring a Grant-funded Faculty Researcher: Because of their knowledge and expertise, these faculty researchers may have already been identified in the proposal and were included in the program plan and budget.
  • Summer Contract Employment: Hiring faculty on summer contracts is often included in externally funded projects. Note thatone credit hour of work =one week of pay, and that total summer contract employment cannot exceed 12 credit hours.
  • Faculty Overload: Check with your grant accountant for clarification concerning allowable overload payments.
  • Educational Leave: In the case of post-doctoral fellowships or other off-campus opportunities, an educational leave may be negotiated with the Provost's Office in accordance with the faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The following table outlines some of the key elements project directors must know in order to hire faculty for externally funded projects.


Type of Appointment Forms Required Signatures Other Reviews
Alternate Workload Assignment (1) Alternate Workload Equivalency
(2) Evidence of Work Completed for Alternate Workload Assignment
Department Chair
College Dean
Copies to Grant Accounting
Faculty Replacement Faculty Authorization and Appointment Form Submit electronically:
College Dean
Assoc VP for Acad Admin
VP for Finance
Department Approval (according to Article 11.A.1 of CBA)
Office of Human Resources
Grant Funded Faculty Researcher Faculty Authorization and Appointment Form Submit electronically:
College Dean
Assoc VP for Acad Admin
VP for Finance
Department Approval (according to Article 11.A.1 of CBA)
Office of Human Resources
Summer Employment Summer Contract Approval Form Department Chair
College Dean
Assoc VP for Acad Admin
Copies to Grant Accounting
Payroll Office
Faculty Overload (1) Faculty Overload Certification
(2) Alternate Workload Equivalency
(3) Evidence of Work Completed for Alternate Workload Assignment
President when overload hours exceed .3 per AY
Assoc VP for Acad Admin
College Dean
Department Chair
Possible Chancellor's Office Review
Payroll Office
Copies to Grant Accounting
Educational Leave Faculty Request Leave in writing (no form used) Reviewed by College Dean
and Provost

Note: All forms can be administered by the college dean or be found at X:\Public\Academic Information. Summer Contract forms are available from the associate VP for Academic Administration Office.

Before the Ä¢¹½tv faculty appointment can be made, the Pre-employment File must include three letters of reference and the candidate's vitae. The Personnel File must include all correspondence with the candidate, official transcripts, the departmental faculty recommendation, the department chairperson's recommendation, the English Fluency Form, and New Faculty Information Form. Faculty appointments are made for a nine-month academic year appointment. Summer employment is handled through summer contracts in addition to the academic year appointment.

Staff Appointments

The Office of Human Resources coordinates the hiring of all staff, managers, administrators, and grant funded program coordinators, consistent with the university's hiring policies/procedures and collective bargaining agreements. The Office of Human Resources works closely with the Office of Social Equity when hiring all employees.

Prior to submitting a grant proposal:

  • Provide a description of responsibilities to a classification manager in the Office of Human Resources who will classify the position.
  • If time does not permit, obtain a verbal assessment of the position classification.
  • Use the entry-level salary in the grant proposal.

While there are several unions and collective bargaining agreements in place at Ä¢¹½tv, most grant-funded staff positions are governed by two unions. Grant-funded program coordinators are represented by SCUPA (State College and University Professional Association), while AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees) represents support staff such as secretaries, laboratory assistants, and typists.

Project directors are responsible for complying with all articles of the collective bargaining agreements. Information about these articles may be found in the bargaining agreements or from the Office of Human Resources.

To help project directors understand the steps involved in the hiring process and the estimated time for filling new positions, the Office of Human Resources has provided a Hiring Timeline.

Grant Funded Program Coordinators

When hiring program coordinators, please refer to the Search Procedures Guidelines. Grant-funded program coordinators, as temporary positions, are the equivalent of state university administrators. Professional positions wholly funded by grant money can be classified as grant-funded program coordinator.

Position Continuation:

Grant-funded program coordinators are considered temporary positions held only for the term of the grant and its renewal, if any. For renewed grant-funded projects, the annual service increment (step increases) may be provided to a grant-funded program coordinator only if the increases were budgeted. Other matters affecting position continuation include the following:

  • The employer notifies the Office of Human Resources when a grant will not be renewed, and they, in turn, provide the professional employee with sixty days notice.
  • If the professional employee plans to resign or leave employment, a minimum two-week notice is preferred.

Clerical Support

When hiring clerical workers, please refer to Staff Hiring Procedures.

Position Continuation:

If grant-funded AFSCME positions are not continued because the grant is not renewed, and if an employee has been hired for one year or more, the employee holds furlough/bumping rights to other positions as provided in the Agreement. The project director contacts the Office of Human Resources as soon as notice is received that the grant will not be continued. The AFSCME Union is notified within thirty days, or as soon as the university receives notification of nonrenewal. The Office of Human Resources is responsible for notifying AFSCME and the employee and for preparing all correspondence regarding furlough/bumping rights.


When hiring new managers, please refer to Managers Hiring Procedures.

Student Employees

Project directors may hire undergraduate or graduate student employees as university/grant employees or as graduate assistants. Federal Work Study funds cannot be used to hire student employees on a grant.

Consultants/Speakers/Honorarium and International Procedures

When hiring consultants or speakers, please refer to the Procurement Procedures for Consultants/Speakers.

Hiring through the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute

Provided specific criteria are met, project directors may be able to hire employees through the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute. Temporary positions that do not fall within the parameters of a bargaining unit position are an example. Consultants or independent contracts may also be "hired" through the Ä¢¹½tv RI if the IRS guidelines are met. Contact the designated Ä¢¹½tv RI project development officer to determine the most appropriate course of action to ensure the project hires are done in compliance with university, RI, and federal and state regulations.

Using the Supplemental Payment Request Form

The Supplemental Payment Request Form must be used to request payment for short-term services performed by Ä¢¹½tv and non-Ä¢¹½tv employees. The Supplemental Payment Request Form replaces the Continuing Education-Centers and Institutes Contract Approval Form.

See the Supplemental Payment Request Form and Instructions.