Processes to purchase equipment, supplies, etc., vary depending upon the scenario. For assistance and recommendations on the required or best course of action, contact your project development officer at the Ä¢¹½tv RI. The Ä¢¹½tv RI will manage all purchases under Scenario One. Scenario Two depends on budget allocations, and Scenario Three is managed by Ä¢¹½tv and follows the guidelines below.

Procurement Services at Ä¢¹½tv assists the project director in acquiring all equipment, supplies, and services and in complying with Commonwealth Procurement law and all PASSHE and university policies and regulations related to such acquisitions. Services are provided online, and project directors or their support staff can receive training in the SAP system by contacting the Purchasing Services Group for training at 724-357-3077.

Purchasing Timeline for Advertisements

Please use the SAP online requisition for all advertisement purchases.

Activity Person
Time Needed
to Process
Comments or Additional Information
Placement of advertisements,
various media
Project Director Two Weeks Project director enters a requisition for an advertisement.

Purchasing Timeline for Commodities

Please use the SAP online requisition for all commodity purchases, unless the purchase is less than $300 and can be picked up by the project director via the Purchasing Card.

Activity Person Responsible Time Needed to Process Comments or Additional Information
Local purchases under $300 (materials picked up by project director) Project Director Immediate Project director purchases via Purchasing Card issued by Financial Operations.
Local purchases $300.01-$10,000 (materials picked up by project director) Project Director Two Days Purchasing Office issues Purchase Order (PO) number to project director after receipt of SAP online requisition.
Purchases ordered by Purchasing Office up to $10,000 Project Director and Purchasing Office Two-Four Weeks Purchasing Office places order and material is delivered to project director at address indicated on SAP online requisition.
Purchases ordered by Purchasing Office over $10,000 Project Director and Purchasing Office Four-Eight Weeks Advertising and bidding required for all purchases over $10,000 unless eligible for Sole Source or Emergency Purchase or available PASSHE, COSTARS, or DOS contracts.

Purchasing Timeline for Services

Please use the SAP online requisition for all service purchases, unless the purchase is less than $200 and can be arranged by the project director via phone call to Purchasing Office.

Activity Person Responsible Time Needed to Process Comments or Additional Information
Local services under $200 (arranged by project director) Project Director Immediate Project director calls Purchasing Office for Purchase Order (PO) number. No SAP online requisition required.
Local services $200.01- $1500 (arranged by project director) Project Director and Purchasing Office Two-three days Purchasing Office issues Purchase Order (PO) number to project director after receipt of SAP online requisition.
Services costing $1500 or less (arranged by Purchasing Office) Project Director and Purchasing Office One-two weeks - add one week if payment check is requested on date of service Purchasing Office issues Purchase Order (PO) number to project director after receipt of SAP online requisition.
Services costing $1500.01 - $10,000 (Purchasing Office prepares Services Purchase Contract) Project Director and Purchasing Office Four-six weeks - Add one week if payment check is required on the date of service Two weeks for contract preparation. Vendor signs contract (Ä¢¹½tv has no control over how long vendor takes to sign contract but estimates two weeks.) One week for Legal Review.
Services over $10,000 Project Director and Purchasing Office Ten-twelve weeks - Add one week if payment check is required on the date of service Bidding required for all contracts for services over $10,000 unless eligible for Sole Source or Emergency Purchase or available through PASSHE, COSTARS or DGS contracts. Two weeks for advertising. Two weeks for contract preparation. Vendor signs contract (Ä¢¹½tv has no control over how long vendor takes to sign contract but estimates two weeks.) Four to six weeks for Legal Review.

Purchasing Timeline for Legal Approval of Contracts

Activity Person Responsible Time Needed to Process Comments or Additional Information
Legal approval of contract for $1500 to $500,000 University Legal Counsel and Attorney General' s Office Five Weeks Project director should contact Purchasing Office for instructions.
Legal approval of contract over $500,000 University Legal Counsel, Attorney General' s Office, Office of General Counsel Ten Weeks Project director should contact Purchasing Office for instructions.