Research Project
White Township Flood Management and Mapping
Faculty Mentor
What is your research?
The aim of this project is to develop computational models using HEC-RAS (Hydraulic Engineering Center's River Analysis System) for three different detention ponds within White Township. This region located in Western Pennsylvania, USA has had an increase of flash flooding over recent years. White Township in Indiana County Pennsylvania uses a common storm water management practice to manage rainwater runoff. Retention basins all over the township are designed to store overflow after high precipitation rainfall events. Increasing numbers of one hundred- year floods are minimalizing the effectiveness of retention basins in the county. Due to this increase in high precipitation rainfall events, the township recognized the detention ponds are not functioning as designed which is resulting in flooding downstream and in homes and businesses near the storage basins. The results of the series of models will help guide the township to redesign and modify the three detention ponds.