SFC Tyler LandisTyler Landis is a native of Berlin, Pennsylvania. He enlisted into the Pennsylvania Army National Guard in March 2016 as an 88M motor transport operator. He served in the 121st Transportation Company for four years, where he also competed and earned the title of the 2019 Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s Soldier of the Year. He then applied for and accepted an Active Guard and Reserve position as the recruiting and retention NCO in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. He served as the recruiter in that area for three and a half years before coming to Ä¢¹½tv’s Army ROTC program as the on-campus recruiter and liaison for the Army National Guard.

SFC Landis has attended numerous military schools, including Basic Leaders Course, Advanced Leaders Course, Air Assault, Common Faculty Development Instructor Course, and Army National Guard Career Recruiter Course.

SFC Landis’s awards include Army Commendation Medal (2OLC), Army Achievement Medal (3OLC), Army Good Conduct Metal, National Defense Service Medal, Non Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (x2), Army Service Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism, and Expert Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Badge.