The Academic Committee of the Ä¢¹½tv Senate is now soliciting nominations for emeritus status for deans who retired in 2018–19 and 2019–20 (August 2018–present).

Please see the links below for more information..

Dean Emeritus Process 2020

Dean Emeritus Nominations Memo 2020

Dean Emeritus Nomination Form 2020

Each year the university confers the title "Emeritus" on exemplary Deans/Associate Deans/Assistant Deans who have been recommended through a Chairs and Dean’s Council or Associate Deans group-based process. Emeritus status is an honor conferred by the university to show respect for a distinguished career. It says, "even though you are no longer an official part of this organization, you have shown such merit that we claim you as a continuing part of our professional group; we gather glory from your reflected glory."