Activities of the Sex and Gender Conference are as follows. All are in the Hadley Union Building, unless otherwise indicated.
Thursday, April 12
9:00 to 10:15 a.m.
- Welcome, Ohio Room
- Panel of students to discuss sex and gender experiences at Ģtv, Ohio Room
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
- “What About the T? Transgender Issues on Campus” (Cowles, Drapkin, and Dennison), Monongahela Room
- Two presentations, both in the Allegheny Room:
- “Female Characters in Videos” (King)
- “Challenging Stereotypes of Muslim and Saudi Women” (Albalawi)
- “Nontraditional Careers” (Cinkovic-Pesch and Westrom, Community College of Allegheny County), Conemaugh Room
- “SLUTS! Sexual Derogation and the Sexual Double Standard” (Crawford, Scairillo, and McHugh), Susquehanna Room
- Film The Fine Line, Ohio Room
11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
- “A Panel of LGB Issues” (Pullins and Pride Alliance), Monongahela Room
- Two presentations, both in the Allegheny Room:
- “Psychological Abuse as a Function of Gender” (Rakowski)
- “Rape Proclivity and Rape” (Watson)
- “WAGES: A Board Game” (Lassiter), Conemaugh Room
- “Gender Awareness Exercise” (Jones and McDevitt), Susquehanna Room
- Film Miss Representation, followed by a panel discussion, Ohio Room
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
- Two presentations, both in the Monongahela Room:
- “Making Church Better: Exploring Texts Used for Oppression” (Cogar)
- “Impact of Christianity on Sexual Behavior” (Musser)
- Poster session: “International Women,” Atrium
- Three presentations, Susquehanna Room:
- “The Identity of the Queer Femme” (Berzinsky)
- “The Politics of Body Hair” (Posner)
- “Fashion and Form: Clothing's Effect on the Body” (Metzger)
2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
- “Transgender Youth Policy” (Adams, Pennsylvania Student Equality Coalition), Monongahela Room
- “Hooking Up and the Walk of Shame” (Poet and Pearlson), Allegheny Room
- “Phenomenology of Heteronormative White Double Consciousness in James Baldwin's ‘Giovanni's Room'” (Chwala), Conemaugh Room
- “Should We Blame the Media? Influence of Media on Students' Body Image and Sexual Behavior,” a panel discussion of students (Muchtar, moderator), Susquehanna Room
3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
- Sex Carnival (Residence Hall Association), Atrium
3:15 to 5:00 p.m.
- Documentary Orgasm Inc., Ohio Room
7:00 p.m.
- Keynote Address: “Is Sex More Like Dancing or Digestion? Unpacking the Dangers and Complexities of the Medicalization of Sexuality,” Tiefer, Pratt Auditorium
Friday, April 13
9:00 a.m. to Noon
- Workshop for graduate students and local therapists: “Integrating a Non-Medical View of Sexual Problems into Clinical Practice: The Contribution of the New View Campaign” (Tiefer), Stabley Library, Room 210
- Student rally against sexual violence and victim blaming, Oak Grove