Ä¢¹½tv does not administer ARD in Indiana County. This information is here as a courtesy to Ä¢¹½tv students. If you have specific questions about ARD, you need to direct them to a District Court Office. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.

Indiana County Summary ARD Program

Summary ARD is a diversionary program that allows first-time summary offenders to participate in a program, the successful completion of which may result in the expungement of the summary arrest record.

Eligibility for the program

  • You must be a first-time offender with no prior criminal record (including Summary Offenses).
  • Participation in the program does not exclude you from future participation in an ARD program for misdemeanors.
  • Persons, regardless of where they reside or attend school, may participate.
  • Summary ARD will not be granted for traffic and summary harassment charges.

Application for the program

  • Download the Application for Admission to the Indiana County Summary ARD Program.
  • At the time of application, a $50 fee must be paid to District Court 40-2-01 by cash, check, or money order only.
  • After completion, the application must be notarized. The district judge can notarize the form.
  • Once completed and notarized, the District Court will forward the application to the Office of the District Attorney, which has thirty (30) days to approve or disapprove the application. If approved, you will receive a hearing notice from the Indiana County Probation Department instructing you when to report. If disapproved, your application will be returned to the district judge for adjudication (plea or trial of the charges).

The Summary ARD Program consists of a ninety (90)-day probationary period in which the defendant will be subject to certain conditions:

All fees listed are subject to change without notice.

  • You will report to the Indiana County Probation Department as instructed.
  • If you are charged with Underage Drinking, you will be required to complete an Underage User's Group provided by the ARIN Intermediate Unit at the cost of $80.
  • If you are charged with Public Drunkenness, you will be required to undergo a drug and alcohol assessment at the Open Door at the cost of $126.
  • If you are charged with both Underage Drinking and Public Drunkenness, you will be required to complete both the Underage User's Group and the drug and alcohol assessment.
  • If you are charged with Retail Theft, you will be required to complete the Educational Alternatives to Shop Lifting Program provided by the ARIN Intermediate Unit.
  • In some cases, you may be required to perform eight (8) hours of community service, in which case a $25 fee will be assessed to cover insurances.
  • The cost of the Summary ARD Program is $175. In addition, there is a $132 expungement fee and a monthly supervision fee of $10 (total of $30). These fees must be paid to the Clerk of Courts Office, located on the first floor of the Indiana County Courthouse.

Upon successful completion of the Summary ARD Program and once all fees have been paid, the defendant is eligible for dismissal of charges and expungement of the arrest record.

If the Summary ARD Program is not successfully completed, including the timely payment of all required fees, the charges will be returned to District Court for adjudicating.

The conditions of the Summary ARD Program are subject to change by the Court of Common Pleas without notice.

Magisterial District Judges

District 2-1 Guy Haberl

Office: 350 North 4th Street
Indiana, PA 15701
TEL: 724-463-8781
FAX: 724-465-3967

District 3-1 Christopher Welch

Office: 1450 Franklin Street
Clymer, PA 15728
TEL: 724-254-4348
FAX: 724-254-1111

District 3-2 Susanna Steffee

Office: 20 W. Indiana Street
Suite 1, PO Box 24
Homer City, PA 15748
TEL: 724-479-8082
FAX: 724-479-5053

District 3-3 Robert Bell

Office: 147 E. Market St.
Blairsville, PA 15717
TEL: 724-459-7203
FAX: 724-459-0480