Donor Report Stastics

Who Gives to Ä¢¹½tv?

Alumni/Students $3,694,211
Corporations/Foundations $1,409,255
Friends $1,416,142
Faculty/Staff/Retirees $77,766
Parents $25,001

How Your Gifts Support Ä¢¹½tv

Student Success and Engagement $3,122,911
Academic Excellence $2,494,867
Leadership through Athletic Competition $1,004,597

*This total reflects cash donations received during the 2021-22 fiscal year. Commitments of planned gifts and pledges that extend beyond the fiscal year are not included in the total.

2,302 Awards presented


1,715 Students received scholarships


$4,624,826 Total in scholarships awarded


$313 Average annual fund gift amount


1,845 Loyalty society donors (those who have given for 5+ consecutive years)


576 Leadership Society donors ($1,000+ annual donors)


4,548 All donors


Philanthropic support to Ä¢¹½tv comes from many people and organizations and in many forms.

As the charts show, alumni, employees, corporate, and foundation friends—even students—believe Ä¢¹½tv is a worthy investment, and they support Ä¢¹½tv's mission through annual gifts, large-gift endowments, estate planning, and more. In this section, you'll find those who have supported Ä¢¹½tv with gifts of $1,000 or more (or slightly lower range for graduates of the last decade).

Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society

Members of the Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society set the pace for charitable giving and help to provide students with scholarships, research opportunities, and out-of-classroom experiences.

Leadership Society members have chosen to invest in the success of Ä¢¹½tv at a higher level. As the leaders of philanthropic giving, they enable Ä¢¹½tv students to act as ambassadors for Ä¢¹½tv through their travels to competitions, conferences, and performances.

Stephen Abel '73

Lorna Milkovich Abernathy '83 and Justin Abernathy

Carl Adams

Steven Agnoli '86 and Elizabeth McNary Agnoli M'85

Judith Ahern '67

Francisco Alarcon

Robert Allen '85 and Tara Hicks Allen '85

Hussam Al-Shammari

Andrea Logue Alsippi '75

Sekhar Anantharaman

Robert Anderson '67 and Bonnie Anderson

Bonnie Harbison Anderson '80



David Antolik '88 and Elizabeth Ferguson Antolik M'04, D'19

Yaw Asamoah and Carol Asamoah

James Ashton '64 and Virginia Harrigan Ashton '64

Tony Atwater and Beverly Roberts-Atwater

Richard Ayers '90

Kevin Bailey '86, M'90

Frank Baker and Mary Baker*

Kathleen Baker '94 and Joel Petruschke

William Balint '88 and Amy Balint '98

Barry Balliet '74 and Diane Klingensmith Balliet '75

Gretchen Barbor M'85 and John Barbor

Donald Baronitis '76 and Anne Baronitis

Robert Barto '71 and Karen Barto

Robert Basehore '71 and Kathie Kuvinka Basehore '71

David Baughman '74 and Debra Marinelli Baughman '74

Nadav Baum '86 and Nancy Wallace Baum '83

John Benson '88, M'19

Frances Bentkowski '70

Elisa Benzoni Benzoni’88 and Brian Rosenhein

Richard Berardi '90 and Jill Routch Berardi '90

Elaine Berry M'67

Michael Bertness '88 and Denise Haverty Bertness '86

Prashanth Bharadwaj and Jaya Rao

Ann Bilko

Kristen Blucas '91

David Bluemling '85 and Sheila Mowry Bluemling '85

Keith Blystone and Hanna Gratzmiller Blystone '10, M'12

Jeffrey Bobich '93 and Angela Bobich

Michael Bodolosky '72, M'78 and Glenna Bodolosky

Paul Bolig ‘71, M'73 and Jo Ann Bolig

Mark Bolinger '77 and Linda Bolinger

Martin Bolinger and Fayetta Bolinger

Rose Boroch

Helene Boroch '76*

Anthony Bosnick '72

Samuel Bowers and Fredalene Barletta Bowers '70, M'73*

David Brady D'20 and Susan Boser

Philip Brannen M'06

Timothy Bratton '68

James Brekovsky '87 and Susan Brekovsky

Clare Bretz '69 and Thomas Sullivan

Thomas Briggle '68 and Fayetta Briggle

John Brochetti '72

Ronald Brubaker

Chris Brussalis and Christina Burssalis

Mark Piwinsky and Dolores Brzycki

Craig Burgess '11

Matthew Burglund '98 and Sarah Burglund '14

Frank Burke '74 and Karen Burke

Daniel Burkett '86

Bret Buterbaugh and Marie Buterbaugh

John Butzow and Carol Hollander Butzow D'91*

Victor Campbell '68

Elias Can

Stephen Can

Courtney Canale '00

James Carino

John Carr '83

Richard Caruso '83

Charles Cashdollar '65 and Donna Cashdollar

Richard Cassel

Vidvuds Celtnieks and Jenna-Marie Celtnieks

Aaron Chapman '87

Diane Ratica Church '81 and Harry Church

Daniel Cicero '71 and C Elaine Everitt

Frank Cignetti, Sr '60, M'65* and Marlene Kocon Cignetti

Gerald Clark '69 and Cheryl Dunlap Clark '68

James Clarke '78 and Rosemary Clarke

Susan Clarke-Johnson '80

Vaughn Clay and Sarah Mantel*

Roger Claypoole and Charlene Claypoole

Brian Cobaugh '92

Robert Coleman '50*

John Collins '87 and Daria Levkus Collins '88

John Collins '19

Jack Conaboy '77 and Julia Morabito Conaboy '77

Frank Condino and Marty Condino

Amy McMillin Conjelko '90 and Brian Conjelko

David Connell '83

J Victor Conrad '87 and Debbie Conrad

John Conrad '58 and Barbara Conrad

Denise Cortis M'83 and John Russell

Bergitta Edison Cotroneo '80 and Peter Cotroneo

Craig Cox '79

Dennis Cramer '75, M'82 and Elizabeth Michaliszyn Cramer '76

Virginia Crider

Mary Cunningham

James Curtis '74

Thomas Curtiss and Helma Curtiss

Linda Deabenderfer

Richard DeBastiani '61 and Iris Chapman DeBastiani '61

Susan Snell Delaney '64 and John Delaney

Phyllis DeMark '65

Blane Dessy '73 and Randal Shannon

Mary Ann Dickey

Kevin Dodds '84 and Kimberly Lezanic Dodds '91

David Dolinger '69, '73 and E Jean Growden Dolinger '73

William Dorsey M'70

Mary Jo Dressel '82

Michael Driscoll Rebecca Young Driscoll*

David Duckett '75 and Joan Duckett

Terry Dunlap '81 and Mary Jo Dunlap

Jennifer Luzier Dunsmore '98 and James Dunsmore

Robert Eckenrode '79 and Linda Eckenrode

Peter Eilbott and Joan Eilbott

Barbara Eisen

David Elko '76 and Constance Elko

Rodney Emerson '97 and LaLa Emerson

Seth Erwin '07 and Meghan Gregorakis Erwin '08, M'09, M'11

Kelly Eschbach '86

John Esposito '78 and Chantel Esposito

Derek Fairman '03 and Lindsay Fairman

Joyce Ritenour Fairman '76, M'84

Andrea Fako and Brad Fako

Anthony Ferrari '70 and Kitty Ferrari

Thomas Fiddler '86 and Lori Foss Fiddler '85, M'89

Joseph Finocchiaro

Cassie Fish '06

Glenn Fitzgerald '69

John Flaherty '87 and Jennifer Flaherty

Christopher Fleischner and Dawn Fleischner

John Frank '58 and Jeannette Frank

J. Thomas Frantz '73, M'77, D'00

Elizabeth Illar Fry '71

Mario Gabelli and Regina Gabelli

J. Stephen Gallagher and Susan Gallagher

Frederick Garbinski '65 and Judith Garbinski†

Rajendar Garg and Vipul Garg

Louis Garzarelli '95, M'04 and Tammy McCready Garzarelli '95, M'00†

Jon Gascoine '81 and Beverly Rupert Gascoine AA'89†

Grady Gaspar '77 and Carol Zeh Gaspar '78†

Rebecca Gay-Gregory M'17 and William Gregory†

John Geisler '93 and Jamie Hetrick Geisler '91, M'92

Gail Gerlach '59†

Robert Gett '72 and Lisbeth Gett†

Donald Gill

John Gilly '79 and Jane McMahon-Gilly†

Beverly Bartzer Glendening '77 and Robert Glendening†

Rose Dill Glenn '82 and W. Todd Glenn

Mary Beth Leidman and David Golub†

Matthew Golub†

William Grant '75 and Mary Grant†

T Kerry Green '78

Richard Gudewicz '70

William Hadley M'70 and Georgeann Kattic Hadley '69†

Trevor Hadley '68*

Linda Clemmer Hagey '65†

Dale Hall '69 and Linda Hall†

Lawrence Hammonds*

Shenggao Han and Xianwen Qiao

Thomas Harley and Patrice Harley†

Patricia Hartwell M'88*†

Charles Hasse '71 and Kathleen Hasse†

Frances Thompson Hawkins Wells '78†

Timothy Hayes '82 and Ellen Kelsesky Hayes '82†

Christopher Hayes '18

John Henry '69 and Carol Highberger Henry '68, M'89†

Jo-Ann Taylor Herrick '72 and John Herrick†

Garry Hess and Linda Hess

Joshua Hillard '01 and Jamie Anna Hillard '00†

W David Hoff and Kim Hoff

David Holben '85 and Lisa Holben

Mark Holman '79†

Chris Holuta '89 and Luci Scerbo Holuta '89

Michael J. Hood and Kitty Hood D'08†

Dale Hosack '81 and Jo Hosack†

James Hostler '90 and Jennifer Givens Hostler '93

Robert Houk '86 and Sue Houk

Amy Hovan '95, M'13 and Steven Hovan†

Mary Jane Hovanec '73 and Howard Miska†

Donna Carlson Howard '69†

Donald Howe '79 and Belinda Askew Howe '79†

Janice Krall Hummel '75, M'79 and John Hummel

Patrick Imbrogno '78 and Denise Spangler Imbrogno '78†

Gerald Intemann and Chris Intemann

Richard Irvin '70

Daniel Jack '79 and Carolyn Jack†

Robert Jamison '65 and Carol Jamison†

CJ Jaynes '79, M'82†

G Bruce Jenkins*†

Ann Roberts Jesick M'80 and Randy Jesick†

Matthew Jones

James Jozefowicz and Stephanie Jozefowicz†

Alex Juhasz and Rosemary Juhasz†

Ivan Kalister '69, M'75 and Debra Dengler Kalister '74

Robert Kane '90 and Kristen Kane†

Robert Kanick '84 and Andrea Kanick

David Karl '64, M'68†

Deborah Kavasch

C Edward Keller '74 and Judy Keller†

George Kelly '82 and Lisa Kelly†

John Kengla '67, M'72†

Esther Massung Kepplinger '71 and Gary Kepplinger

Mark Kernen '04 and Jenny Kernen†

Gloria Hullihen Kerr '70, M'75, D'96 and M Dale Kerr†

Beatrice Kerridge '91†

Robert Kiel

John Kilmarx and Beth Kilmarx†

Frank Kinter and Hastie Kinter†

F Bernard Kish '60 and Judith Kish†

Irvin Kochel and Carla Kochel†

Gregory Kenning and Katalin Komjati†

John Kopchick '72, M'75 and Char Labay Kopchick '73†

Christina Koren

Joseph Kovaleski and Susan Kovaleski†

Nancy Sheridan Kralik '74

Diane Kirkland Krise '89 and Timothy Krise

Mileah Kromer '03 and Michael Madden '02†

Larry Kubala '68 and Barbara Bentrim Kubala '68, M'73†

Donald Kuty '69†

Stephanie Lambidakis '81 and John Leseur†

Almar Latour '94

James Lattanzi '76 and Tena Lattanzi†

Erick Lauber and Betsy Lauber†

John Laudeman '71 and Dorothy Laudeman†

James Leda '95 and Leslie Vanderhoof Leda '98†

Neil Lehman and Edna Lehman†

Mary Leisher Leipheimer '66†

Louise Lettiero '59†

Walter Lewis '70 and Suzanne Lamm Lewis '71

Ada Greening Lewis '54, M'66

William Lewis '81

Meredith Light

David Linton '64, M'69 and Simi Linton

Barry Lippencott '67 and Patricia Hedges Lippencott '68

Joshua Liss '92

James Litzenberger '85 and Ellen Dougherty Litzenberger '84

Lorree Liscik Lockard '86 and Douglas Lockard

Jane Ramsey Logan '63 and H Morris Logan

Janet Servinsky Lombardi '85 and Joseph Lombardi

Andrew Longacre '13 M'19 and Meghan Longacre

Donald Loomis

Dorothy Sullivan Love '81

Timothy Ludwig '85

Lara Luetkehans

Ronald Lunardini '69 and Margaret Evans Lunardini '69

William Madia '69, M'71 and Audrey Delaquil Madia '70

Maura Mittelhauser Marcus '90, M'01 and Robert Marcus

Daniel Markey '77 and Linda Markey

Maria Markovich '74 and Gregory Shutske

Donald Mash '64

James Cahalan and Lea Masiello

Frank Mastro

David Maudie '87 and Carol Maudie

Derrick Maultsby Jr. '17

David Mawhinney '86 and Kristan Ebersberger Mawhinney '86

Pat Mazanek '73, M'82 and Patti Shannahan Mazanek '74, M'86

Stephen McAneny and Cynthia McAneny

Patricia Curran McCarthy '89, D'15 and Thomas McCarthy

David McClymont '84 and Kathleen Lewis McClymont '84

Karl McDermott '76 and Deirdre Weston

Lawrence McDonough '86 and Lynn Robbins McDonough '86

Diane Taylor McGeehan '72

Skip McGreevy '71

Barry McKnight

Elaine Lytle Mead '70 and James Mead

William Mechling and Darla Mechling

David Medvetz '86

Judith Meister '80 and Andrew Newcomb

Wendy Metcalf ‘92

Raymond Mialki

Patrick Mikesell '62

James Mill and Bonnie Mill

Paul Miller '74 and Susan Walker Miller '74

Gwendolyn Howard Miller '60

James Miller '87

Ricky Miller and Lori Miller

James Milligan '01 and Becky Boarts Milligan '01, M'03

Robert Millward and Kathleen Millward

David Mintus '76 and Ruthy Mintus

Rebecca Mir '10 and Jarret Wasko '14

Kathleen Stadelmyer Mitchell '71 and John Mitchell

Charles Mociak '77

Richard Mock

Tina Piccolini Moore '82 and David Moore

Casey Moore '75 and Janice Moore

Kimberly Brown Moore '74, M'75 and David Shores

Beatrice Moore

Mario Morino and Dana Morino

John Morris '71

Ralph Morris '69

Barbara Morycz '72

Ryan Mostyn '09 and Jayde Mostyn

Patrick Mullen '79, M'82 and Cherry Mullen

Richard Muth M'96 and Brandy Muth

M. Darlene Myer-Rhodes

David Myers '93 and Jennifer Myers

Wendy Naman '92

Cheryl Longenecker Naughton '75, M'80 and Paul Naughton

Penelope Moyer Naylor '77 and W Patrick Naylor

Ethel Jane Naylor '48*

Sally Miller McCombie '74, M'78 and John Nelson III '73

Eleanor Zakrajsek Nemeth '62 and Edward Nemeth

Douglas Niesen '87 and Heidi Niesen

Christopher Noah

John North '69 and Kimberly North

M Michelina Zoffuto Olmstead '73, M'79 and Gary Olmstead

Edward Onderick and Catherine Onderick

Khatmeh Osseiran-Hanna and Ibrahim Hanna

Eugene O'Sullivan '71 and Saundra O'Sullivan

Ellen O'Toole

Greg Palchak '73 and Elaine Marince Palchak '74

Kelli Reefer Paquette '93

Kevin O'Donnell M'11 and Gloria Park

Samuel Patti '70 and Debra Patti

Wesley Perich '73 and Cecile Kelley Perich '74

John Pettina '87 and Cathy Jones Pettina '87

Paul Phillips '93

Sam Phillips '91, M'19 and Lisa Phillips

Frederick Phillips-Earlington '16

Susan Pickering '85, M'89 and Jerry Pickering

David Piper '84, M'89, M'92, D'00 and Joyce Piper

Martha Piwinsky

Edward Platt and Olga Platt

Richard Pontius '76 and Sharon Pontius

Joseph Pontoli and Heather Pontoli

Dennis Popovec '77 and Annmarie Popovec

Daniel Powers '70

Kathleen Darkes Prokay '69

Brian Quinn '96 and Rebecca Ruffner Quinn '95

Gerald Quinn '91 and Jennifer Thomas Quinn '94

Cheryl Ralston '70, M'72, D'90 and Wayne Staples

Martin Raniowski '96, M'98 and Jenna Raniowski

Edward Receski

James Reckard III '90 and Marla Reckard

Erik Reinhard and Donna Reinhard

Janelle Reinoso '92 and Juan Reinoso

James Renacci '80 and Tina Renacci

Matthew Repasky '93 and Susan Callahan Repasky '91

Nellie Byers Reynolds '48*

Samuel Richards '04

Ruth Riesenman '64

Allen Childs '81 and Glenda Riley-Childs

Jeremy Risinger '16, M'18

Shirley Ritter '74

Keith Rittle '91 and Kathleen Rittle

Loretta Schlegel Rittle M'78 and Robert Rittle

Douglas Roblin '75

Catherine Rodgers '71

Andrew Rolen '85, '91 and Jeanne Rolen

Martha Rorabaugh

Beth Snyder Rosenthal '84 and Daniel Rosenthal

Bert Ross and Karen Ross

Dianne Mittura Rothstein '75 and Marc Rothstein

Rodney Ruddock '65, M'75 and Ellen Sylves Ruddock '66

William Rusnack '66 and Marsha Zamberlan Rusnack '66

Joseph Saffron '63 and Merceda Biordi Saffron '65

Kenneth Salem '97 and Lee Salem M'18

Dorothy Salsgiver*

Robert Sauritch '84

Stanley Saylor

William Scheeren '68 and Judith Scheeren

Curtis Scheib '77, M'78

Gregg Schmidt '78 and Sharon Ammons

Eugene Schmidt '64 and Kathy Wright

Gregory Schockling '81 and Judith Schockling

Matthew Schroeder '91 and Stacy Schroeder

Sara Cline Schumacher '02 and William Schumacher

N Jane Scott '70

Nancy Fox Scott '70 and David Scott

Thomas Segar

Thomas Selby '75

James Self '65 and Jamiela Self

Terry Serafini '61 and Janet Serafini

Tracy Settle '80 and Sheri Settle

Dennis Sevin '98 and Kelly Krevokuch Sevin '97

Jeremiah Shanahan '88 and Kristen Dean Shanahan '91

Harry Sharp '67 and Vickie Sharp

William Shipley '75 and Judith Stuart Shipley '22

Daniel Shively and Joanne Shively

Jeffrey Shockey '80 and Debra Shockey

Marilyn Silvey

Daniel Simoni '94 and Michelle Costanza Simoni '95

John Simpson '79 and Darlene Frye Simpson '80

Jean Sabolovich Sledzik '61 and Herman Sledzik

Kay Baker Smith

David Smith '67

C. Kevin Smith '80

R Roger Smith

Samuel Smith and Donna Bruder-Smith

Paul Smocer '74 and Susan Seftic Smocer '75

Deanne Snavely

Judith Beatty Snyder '69 and John Maynard

Larry Sobotka '63

Candice Cedarland Spadafora '68 and William Spadafora

Charles Spadafora

Jo-Una Spadafora

C J Spadafora

Linda Reese Spadafora

Nathan Spade '01

Paul Spears

Marcia Igims Squire '71 and Frederick Squire

James Staples

Michael Staub '80 and Gayle Leader

Kenneth Steffy '03 and Chrystina Black Steffy '03

Joanne Steiner

Daniel Steinhaus '08 and Maria Steinhaus

Judith Kralik Sterner '69 and Stephen Sterner

Douglas Steve '92, M'93 and Julie Steve

Martha Stitt Stewart-Finton '60 and Abe Finton

Benjamin Stiles and Carolyn Stiles

Susan Giles Stonebraker '68

Rick Stouffer and Meg Stouffer

Dennis Stover '76 and Regina Dressel Stover '75

Frederick Streams '55

Robert Strouse '70 and Susan Strouse

Simon Stuchlik M'19 and Jill Stuchlik

Timothy Sullivan '73

Kerry Wolfe Sunderland '88 and Daniel Sunderland

Suphavadi Sunhachawi-Taylor '87 and James Taylor '86

Michael Supinka and Vivian Supinka

Ryan Sweeney '16

Jeffrey Swift '75 and Jill Trainor Swift '75

Irene Tabish '70 and David Tabish '70

C Robert Tate '69 and Brenda Tate

Suzanne Kuhn Teele '82 and Edward Teele

Myron Tomb '69

Gwendolyn Torges

Janet Amick Tritsch '71

Cynthia Turco '70

Richard Ubinger '81 and Lori Ubinger

Albert Vaccaro '65, M'66

Cynthia Vallina '82 and James Hostetter

Samuel Varano '03

James Vogt '71 and Sally Vogt

Courtney Barilar Vose '92

Thomas Wallace '80

Timothy Wallace '79 and Lee Wallace

David Wallace and Ruthie Wallace

Mick Watson '66 and Nancy Watson

Cindy Rhine Watta '75, M'79 and Robert Watta

Dey Watts

Scott Weber '88, M'89 and Karen Weber

Cheryl Wegener

Glenn Wenger '72

Kenneth Wengert '83 and Carol Wengert

Marla Prizant Weston '80 and Richard Weston

Robert Stonebraker and Annie-Laurie Wheat

Sandra Whitson

Stephen Wiedmaier '73 and Loucinda Wiedmaier

Robert Wilburn and Patricia Wilburn

Jim Wiley and Jackie Wiley '69, M'77

Cameron Wilkins '06 and Vanessa Wayne Wilkins '06

David Williams '79

James Wilson

Barbara Wilson

Harold Wingard and Elizabeth Wingard

Patricia Winkelvoss

Loretta Opila and James Wolfe

Lenora Saxton Woodard '76 and Mel R. Woodard

Sara Woodhull and Craig Fuget

Jack Yanni '71

Michael Zang '73 and Karen Focht Zang '73

Junlue Zhang M'07 and Joan Zhang


Loyalty Society, deceased*

This special community of donors comprises those who have given to Ä¢¹½tv for five or more consecutive years. Gifts of any amount to any area of the university qualify donors for membership. Involvement in the society is sustained as long as gifts are made to Ä¢¹½tv every fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) without interruption.

Download the complete list of Loyalty Society donors.


Michael Arabia

Ronald Beach

Mia Courtalis

Dylan Cree '22

Kennedy Eddy

Diana Feliciano

Casey Fischer

Jacey Henderson

Branden Hendricks '22

Kaylee Kassa '22

Maggie Kilgallon

Marija Linde

Annabelle McCullough

Zackery McGarvey

Madeline Miller

Leah Moyer

Colton Packard '22

Luke Ramalho

Amanda Reynolds

Sara Russell

Nina Schembri

Nicholas Shaeffer

Angela Townsend '22

Octavia Trice

Brian Wentling

Sarah Wentling

Student Giving at Ä¢¹½tv is more than giving, it’s about helping ensure their one Ä¢¹½tv experience is top-notch. Student members of the Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society (with a gift of $100 or more) have the opportunity to connect with other esteemed donors in the Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society by being invited to exclusive events.

Download the complete list of Student Donors.

Alumni and friends believe Ä¢¹½tv is a worthy investment, and they support Ä¢¹½tv’s mission through various donations throughout the year.

Download the complete list of All Other Donors.

Anthony J. and Kitty Ferrari Boardwalk Bowl Scholarship

Barry and Diane Balliet Scholarship for Nursing

Brian Swatt Memorial Scholarship

Charles J. Mociak Accounting Scholarship

Coach Ed Receski Boardwalk Bowl Scholarship

Coach Fry Scholarship

Dave and Joyce Piper Family Scholarship

David Karl Scholarship for Education

Diversified Energy Scholarship

Donald Rorabaugh Scholarship for Mathematical and Computer Sciences

Dr. Charles R. Fuget Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry

Eleanor Wilson Krebs Scholarship

Helene L. Boroch Memorial Scholarship

Hogue Family Scholarship

J. Zhang Scholarship for Applied Statistics

Janice Krall Hummel and John Hummel Nursing Scholarship

Kalister Opportunity Scholarship

Lee M. Johnson Faulconbridge Scholarship

Marla Weston New Horizon Scholarship

William J. Lewis Scholarship for Business

1st Summit Bank

ADS System Safety Consulting LLC

Advanced Office Systems, Inc.

Allan Myers

Allegheny County Airport Authority

Allegheny Health Network

AmazonSmile Foundation

Ambulance Service Management Corporation

American Society of Safety Professionals Western PA Chapter

Amerisafe Consulting & Safety Services


Aramark Corporation

Assurance Data Inc

Baker Construction DC


Better World Books

Bill Sugra Memorial Fund

Brayman Construction Corp

BSN Sports, Inc.

C Harper Automotive

Carino Well

CDT Insurance Group LLC

Cengage Learning


Chestnut Ridge Chiropractic PC

Chevron Corporation

Chicora Pharmacy LLC

Chipotle Mexican Grill

Cianbro Corporation

Cincinnati Insurance Co.

Citizens' Ambulance Service, Inc.

Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.

CLI Transport LP

CNB Bank

Colonial Motor Mart

Creps United Publications

Crete Presbyterian Church

Deabner General Contracting

Delaney Automotive Group

Diversified Energy Company

Donald C Hogan DMD

Double Good

Douds Furniture Company, Inc.

Douglass Heirs 1 - H/C Deep

E Patrick Joseph DBA

East American, Inc.

East Penn Manufacturing Co.

Ebensburg Main Street Partnership

Eber Hvac, Inc.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Evergreen Environmental Health & Safety, Inc.

First Commonwealth Bank

First National Bank

FOCUS Accounting & Business Solutions, LLC

Friends of Jim Struzzi

Friends of the Museum

Foundation for Ä¢¹½tv

Gilbane Building Co.

Gingerbread Man Running Company

Hergenroeder Rega Ewing & Kennedy LLC

Hilton Garden Inn - Indiana at Ä¢¹½tv

Holder Construction

Homer City Pharmacy, Inc.

Independence Excavating

Indiana Little League Baseball

Indiana Printing & Publishing Company

Indiana Regional Medical Center

Indiana Subs 'N Suds, Inc.

Ä¢¹½tv Alumni Association

Ä¢¹½tv English Graduate Organization

Jacklyn Apartments

Jay Dee Contractors, Inc.

Jefferson County EMS, Inc.

Jennings Environmental Education Center

Joe's Auto Sales

KITS Brokerage, Inc.

Kiwanis Club of Indiana, PA

KJRX Holdings LLC

Kokosing Construction Co.

Landmark Event Staffing Services, Inc.

Layton Construction

Lezzer Holdings Inc

Leonard A & Mary Jane Schafer Foundation

Lighthouse Electric Co Inc

Luther Ford

Luxenberg's Jewelers

Mack Park

Maple Family Foundation

Marcus & Mack

Martin's Potato Rolls

Mascaro Construction Co LP

McLanahan Corporation


MICMIN Inc dba McDonald's Southtowne Plaza

Mt Holly Beverage LLC

Nashville Publishers Network

New Pig

Nickle Pickle Inc

No Pressure House Wash LLC

OC Reilly Inc

On Campus Marketing LLC

P & N Coal Company, Inc.

PA Hockey Foundation

PA State System of Higher Education Foundation

Parker-Hannifin Corporation

Pearce's Pet Place

Penn Care, Inc.

Penn Mechanical Group, Inc.

Phillips 66

Pinnacle Venue Services

PPC Lubricants Inc

PPG Industries Inc

PTC Alliance

Punxsutawney Area College Trust

Putt Real Estate

Range Resources

Robert A. Cinpinski Attorney

Romeo's Pizza Inc

Rosatis of Warrenville Inc DBA Rosatis Pizza

Rosebud Mining Company

Rustic Lodge Inc

S&T Bank

Safety Controls Technology

Safex Inc

Scott Electric Foundation Inc


Sheetz Incorporated

Shields Insurance Agency

Sisterson & Company LLP

Snyder Brothers, Inc.

Southland Industries

Spartan Pharmacy Inc

State Farm Insurance Company

State Farm Insurance/David W Smith

Stronger Day Rehabilitation & Management Company

Symmco Foundation

Syngenta - United States

The Co-op Store

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities

The Meadows

The Merck Foundation

The PNC Financial Services Group Inc

The Safegard Group

The Statler Foundation

The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company

Theta Chi Fraternity Scholarship Fund

United States Tennis Association Middle States Section Inc

Victory Energy Corp

Wal-Mart Community

Waste Management


William G Mechling Insurance Agency Inc

Wood Chevrolet


Allegro Microsystems

Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Citizens Charitable Foundation

Dollar Bank Foundation

Duke Energy Foundation

Eaton Corporation

Emerson Charitable Trust

ExxonMobil Foundation

FMC Technologies Corporate Contributions Prgm


GlaxoSmithKline Foundation

Highmark Inc

Illinois Tool Works Foundation

Johnson & Johnson Foundation

Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation

McDonalds Corporation

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

Parker-Hannifin Foundation

PNC Foundation

PPG Industries Foundation

Red Hat, Inc.

State Farm Companies Foundation

TDK Corporation of America

The Bank of America Foundation

The Blackbaud Giving Fund

The Hershey Company

UGI Utilities, Inc.

Willis US Holding Company LLC

Endowment Funds provide a gift with both immediate and long-term benefits. Endowment donations are invested. A portion of the annual income from the investment is used to address immediate needs at the Foundation for Ä¢¹½tv. The remaining funds are reinvested to ensure indefinite support.

Download the complete list of Endowed Funds.

Please note: We so appreciate the generosity of our donors. Sometimes, we make mistakes. If you see an error on the lists, please accept our apology, and please report it by sending a message to We will correct the error immediately.