Donor Report Statistics
Who Gives to Ä¢¹½tv? |
Alumni/Students | $2,603,386 |
Corporations/Foundations | $1,437,821 |
Friends | $643,018 |
Faculty/Staff/Retirees | $89,316 |
Parents | $27,499 |
$4,801,040 |
How Your Gifts Support Ä¢¹½tv |
Academic Excellence | $1,881,513 |
Student Success and Engagement | $1,877,107 |
Leadership through Athletic Competition | $599,158 |
The Future of Science and Mathematics | $443,262 |
$4,801,040 |
*This total reflects cash donations received during the 2020-21 fiscal year. Commitments of planned gifts and pledges that extend beyond the fiscal year are not included in the total.
2,936 Awards presented
2,150 Students received scholarships
$6,513,898 Total in scholarships awarded
$225 Average annual fund gift amount
2,192 Loyalty society donors (those who have given for 5+ consecutive years)
585 Leadership Society donors ($1,000+ annual donors)
5,689 All donors
Philanthropic support to Ä¢¹½tv comes from many people and organizations and in many forms.
As the charts show, alumni, employees, corporate, and foundation friends—even students—believe Ä¢¹½tv is a worthy investment, and they support Ä¢¹½tv's mission through annual gifts, large-gift endowments, estate planning, and more. In this section, you'll find those who have supported Ä¢¹½tv with gifts of $1,000 or more (or slightly lower range for graduates of the last decade).
Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society
Members of the Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society set the pace for charitable giving and help to provide students with scholarships, research opportunities, and out-of-classroom experiences.
Leadership Society members have chosen to invest in the success of Ä¢¹½tv at a higher level. As the leaders of philanthropic giving, they enable Ä¢¹½tv students to act as ambassadors for Ä¢¹½tv through their travels to competitions, conferences, and performances.
Stephen Abel '73†
Lorna Milkovich Abernathy '83 and Justin Abernathy
Judith Ahern '67†
Barbara Morrison Albanese '86 and Joseph Albanese
John Albarano and Sandra Bryson
Hussam Al-Shammari
Andrea Logue Alsippi '75†
Robert Anderson '67 and Bonnie Anderson†
Bonnie Harbison Anderson '80†
Heather Andring†
David Antolik '88 and Elizabeth Ferguson Antolik M'04, D'19
Andrew Arthur '79 and Mary Kay Arthur
Yaw Asamoah and Carol Asamoah†
James Ashton '64 and Virginia Harrigan Ashton '64†
George Audi '89 and Denise Audi
Glenn Bafia '85 and Kirk Petersen
Kevin Bailey '86, M'90†
Jennifer Baker '17
William Balint '88 and Amy Balint '98†
Barry Balliet '74 and Diane Klingensmith Balliet '75†
Jane Miller Banks '56
Gretchen Barbor M'85 and John Barbor†
Margaret Barnes’76
Donald Baronitis '76 and Anne Baronitis†
Sandra Koeppl Barsotti '87†
Robert Basehore '71 and Kathie Kuvinka Basehore '71†
Brian Basile '81
David Baughman '74 and Debra Marinelli Baughman '74†
Nadav Baum '86 and Nancy Wallace Baum '83†
Charlene Bebko and Robert Bebko
William Beck
William Bell '02, M'18
John Benedict†
John Benson '88, M'19†
Frances Bentkowski '70
Thomas Bergstresser '77
Elaine Berry M'67†
David Best '00, M'02
Prashanth Bharadwaj and Jaya Rao†
Eugene Bicego M'73 and June Montali Bicego M'73
Ann Bilko†
Taylor Billman '14
Gary Bird and Julie Bird
Christopher Bird '95
David Bluemling '85 and Sheila Mowry Bluemling '85†
Jeffrey Bobich '93 and Angela Bobich†
Michael Bodolosky '72, M'78 and Glenna Bodolosky†
Paul Bolig ‘71, M'73 and Jo Ann Bolig†
Mark Bolinger '77 and Linda Bolinger†
Martin Bolinger and Fayetta Bolinger†
John Bonya '70 and Beverly Gazza Bonya '70
Carol Strozak Boone '75 and Daniel Boone
Anthony Bosnick '72†
Daniel Bostedo '19, M'20
Samantha Muir '12, M'22 and Lynn Botelho†
Samuel Bowers and Fredalene Barletta Bowers '70, M'73*†
Joan Frey Boytim '55, M'64
David Brady D'20 and Susan Boser†
Philip Brannen M'06
Timothy Bratton '68†
Clare Bretz '69 and Thomas Sullivan†
Thomas Briggle '68 and Fayetta Briggle†
Kristopher Bruns
Chris Brussalis and Christina Burssalis
Mark Piwinsky and Dolores Brzycki†
Diane Kunz Buck '69†
Larry Buckwalter '68 and Carol Buckwalter†
Matthew Burglund '98 and Sarah Burglund '14†
Marcia Cosgray Buriok '84
Frank Burke '74 and Karen Burke†
Daniel Burkett '86†
John Butzow and Carol Hollander Butzow D'91*†
Victor Campbell '68†
Joseph Campolo*
Courtney Canale '00†
James Carino†
Patrick Carone '90 and Stacia Scaletta Carone M'91†
Patrick Carone*
John Carr '83†
Phillip Carrai '83 and Angela Carrai
Richard Caruso '83†
Charles Casavant
Charles Cashdollar '65 and Donna Cashdollar†
Richard Cassel†
Suzanne Johansson-Cawley '92 and James Cawley
Stanley Celich '90 and Patricia Celich
Miriam Chaiken and William Conelly
Mary Semelsberger Chakot M'78, D'93 and John Chakot†
Aaron Chapman '87†
Jonathan Clark '76 and Pamela Clark
Gerald Clark '69 and Cheryl Dunlap Clark '68†
James Clarke '78 and Rosemary Clarke†
Susan Clarke-Johnson '80†
Roger Claypoole and Charlene Claypoole
Brian Cobaugh '92†
Gary Cohen '65 and Kay Cohen
Jeffrey Coleman '87 and Donna Cook Coleman '89
Zachary Collins†
John Collins '87 and Daria Levkus Collins '88†
Jack Conaboy '77 and Julia Morabito Conaboy '77†
Frank Condino and Marty Condino†
Amy McMillin Conjelko '90 and Brian Conjelko†
Robin Connelly '77 and Darlene Connelly
J Victor Conrad '87 and Debbie Conrad†
John Conrad '58 and Barbara Conrad
Charles Conrad '88 and Tabitha Duncan Conrad '96
Craig Cox '79†
Dennis Cramer '75, M'82 and Elizabeth Michaliszyn Cramer '76†
Virginia Crider†
Mary Cunningham
James Curtis '74
Thomas Curtiss and Helma Curtiss†
William Dannecker '61*
Patrick Daugherty*
Nancy McElroy de Brier '62 and Donald de Brier
Linda Deabenderfer†
Richard DeBastiani '61* and Iris Chapman DeBastiani '61
Susan Snell Delaney '64 and John Delaney†
Phyllis DeMark '65†
Albert Dettorre Jr. '76, M'85 and Lujean Boring Dettorre '76, M'80
Mary Ann Dickey†
Christian Dickinson and Wanda Dickinson
Mary Dimock
John Dobies '71
Kevin Dodds '84 and Kimberly Lezanic Dodds '91†
David Dolinger '69, '73 and E Jean Growden Dolinger '73†
Amy Wertz Dorsey '91 and Mark Dorsey
William Dorsey M'70†
Linda Houk Double '67 and William Double†
Aaron Douthit '15 and Carly Lewis Douthit '14†
Mary Jo Dressel '82†
Michael Driscoll Rebecca Young Driscoll*†
David Duckett '75 and Joan Duckett†
Terry Dunlap '81 and Mary Jo Dunlap†
Jennifer Luzier Dunsmore '98 and James Dunsmore†
Pamela Dzialowski M'18
Matthew Egner '00
Peter Eilbott and Joan Eilbott†
Barbara Eisen†
David Elko '76 and Constance Elko†
Kelly Eschbach '86†
Louis Estrada '22
Donald Ettore '88†
Derek Fairman '03 and Lindsay Fairman†
Joyce Ritenour Fairman '76, M'84†
Mark Feighner '80
Richard Ferguson '62
Elizabeth Yoe Fiddler '72
Cassie Fish '06
Glenn Fitzgerald '69
Christopher Fleischner and Dawn Fleischner
Thomas Frantz '73, M'77, D'00†
Gregory Fritze and Linda Fritze
Stephen Gallagher and Susan Gallagher†
Eleanor Mihalyi Gallati '54
Frederick Garbinski '65 and Judith Garbinski
Rajendar Garg and Vipul Garg
Louis Garzarelli '95, M'04 and Tammy McCready Garzarelli '95, M'00†
Jon Gascoine '81 and Beverly Rupert Gascoine AA'89†
Barry Gasdek '64 and Rita Gasdek†
Grady Gaspar '77 and Carol Zeh Gaspar '78†
Thomas Gathers '77 and Melanie Overman Gathers '78
Mary Mondrick Gatti M'70 and William Gatti
Rebecca Gay-Gregory M'17 and William Gregory†
Barbara Koch Gazibara '57 and Donald Gazibara
Gail Gerlach '59†
Robert Gett '72 and Lisbeth Gett†
Beverly Bartzer Glendening '77 and Robert Glendening†
Samantha Goettman '10, M'12†
Mary Beth Leidman and David Golub
Matthew Golub†
William Grant '75 and Mary Grant†
Donald L. Green
Richard Gudewicz '70
Suzanne Kirch Gurski '71†
Terry Guthrie '70, M'72
William Hadley M'70 and Georgeann Kattic Hadley '69†
Linda Clemmer Hagey '65†
Paul Haines '94 and Robin Haines
Dale Hall '69 and Linda Hall†
Catherine Walls Haller '94
Lawrence Hammonds†
David Hampe '83 and Kathleen Capodice
Edward Hartman '86 and Lori Herzing Hartman '87†
Patricia Hartwell M'88*†
Charles Hasse '71 and Kathleen Hasse†
Frances Thompson Hawkins Wells '78†
Virginia Cecconi Hazelet '80 and David Hazelet
Karen Hechler '62, M'69
John Henry '69 and Carol Highberger Henry '68, M'89†
Philip Henry '81, M'82 and Beth Andrews Henry '84, M'86
Jo-Ann Taylor Herrick '72 and John Herrick†
Becky Hilditch '05 and Douglas Hilditch
Joshua Hillard '01 and Jamie Anna Hillard '00†
Wing-Fai Ho '78†
Mark Holman '79†
Michael J. Hood and Kitty Hood D'08†
Scott Horton '87 and Shelley Owens Horton '89†
Dale Hosack '81 and Jo Hosack†
Amy Hovan '95, M'13 and Steven Hovan†
Mary Jane Hovanec '73 and Howard Miska†
Donna Carlson Howard '69†
Janice Krall Hummel '75, M'79 and John Hummel
Robert Jamison '65 and Carol Jamison†
CJ Jaynes '79, M'82†
Cynthia Jeness M'70
G Bruce Jenkins*†
Ann Roberts Jesick M'80 and Randy Jesick†
Rita Johnson
Roberta Jones†
Adeline Jones Wilk '56
William Joseph '79 and Debra Joseph
James Jozefowicz and Stephanie Jozefowicz†
Andrew Jozefowicz
Alex Juhasz and Rosemary Juhasz†
Robert Kane '90 and Kristen Kane†
David Karl '64, M'68†
Leonard Kasubick and Nancy Kasubick†
C Edward Keller '74 and Judy Keller†
George Kelly '82 and Lisa Kelly†
John Kengla '67, M'72†
Esther Massung Kepplinger '71 and Gary Kepplinger
Mark Kernen '04 and Jenny Kernen†
Gloria Hullihen Kerr '70, M'75, D'96 and M Dale Kerr†
Beatrice Kerridge '91†
John Kilmarx and Beth Kilmarx†
Frank Kinter and Hastie Kinter†
Alexander Kirsch '11 and Sarah Hosterman Kirsch '11
F Bernard Kish '60 and Judith Kish†
Thomas Kobus '74 and Christine Milsom Kobus
John Kopchick '72, M'75 and Char Labay Kopchick '73†
Joseph Kovaleski and Susan Kovaleski†
Mileah Kromer '03 and Michael Madden '02†
Larry Kubala '68 and Barbara Bentrim Kubala '68, M'73†
Lawrence Kupchella '79, M'82†
Eugene Kupchella '83, '96 and Regina Trio Kupchella '83
Beverly Grau Kurts M'72 and Thomas Kurts†
Donald Kuty '69†
Laurie Frisina Kuzneski '93 and Andy Kuzneski†
Stephanie Lambidakis '81 and John Leseur†
Erick Lauber and Betsy Lauber†
John Laudeman '71 and Dorothy Laudeman†
James Leda '95 and Leslie Vanderhoof Leda '98†
Mary Leisher Leipheimer '66†
Walter Lewis '70 and Suzanne Lamm Lewis '71†
William Lewis '81†
Ada Greening Lewis '54, M'66†
David Linton '64, M'69 and Simi Linton†
Barry Lippencott '67 and Patricia Hedges Lippencott '68†
Joshua Liss '92†
James Litzenberger '85 and Ellen Dougherty Litzenberger '84
Robyn Lockard M'08 and Bernard Lockard Jr.
Jane Ramsey Logan '63 and H Morris Logan†
Lori Lombard†
Andrew Longacre '13 M'19 and Meghan Longacre
Dorothy Sullivan Love '81†
Mary Ludwig and Michael Ludwig†
Lara Luetkehans†
Ronald Lunardini '69 and Margaret Evans Lunardini '69†
Thomas Lyttle '18 'M'21
Kim Lyttle '72, M'74†
Christina Lyttle†
William Madia '69, M'71 and Audrey Delaquil Madia '70†
Mark Mahoney '79
Robert Mallick '84†
Joseph Marcoline '70, D'90 and Mary Marcoline
Maura Mittelhauser Marcus '90, M'01 and Robert Marcus†
Branko Maric '88 and Lisa Maric
Daniel Markey '77 and Linda Markey†
Maria Markovich '74 and Gregory Shutske†
Donald Mash '64†
Cynthia Nixon Mastro†
Mont Mattocks Jr. '70 and Stephanie Cain Mattocks '71†
David Maudie '87 and Carol Maudie†
Derrick Maultsby Jr. '17
Aiko Maurer D'17†
Pat Mazanek '73, M'82 and Patti Shannahan Mazanek '74, M'86†
Stephen McAneny and Cynthia McAneny
Patricia Curran McCarthy '89, D'15 and Thomas McCarthy†
David McClymont '84 and Kathleen Lewis McClymont '84
Kelly Dobson McCombie '09 and David McCombie
Karl McDermott '76 and Deirdre Weston†
Diane Taylor McGeehan '72†
Skip McGreevy '71†
Pamela Hale McGuire '69
Barry McKnight
Elaine Lytle Mead '70 and James Mead†
John Mead '65 and Jane Henk Mead '64†
William Mechling* and Darla Mechling†
Judith Meister '80 and Andrew Newcomb
Raymond Mialki†
Keith Michael '52 and Marion Bankert Michael '51
Patrick Mikesell '62†
James Mill and Bonnie Mill†
Paul Miller '74 and Susan Walker Miller '74†
Gwendolyn Howard Miller '60†
James Miller '87†
Alan Miller '80 and A. Lorraine Miller†
Ryan Miller '02 and Krista Hughes Miller '03
James Milligan '01 and Becky Boarts Milligan '01, M'03†
Geofrey Mills
Robert Millward and Kathleen Millward†
Kathleen Stadelmyer Mitchell '71 and John Mitchell†
R Thomas Monk and Lisa Monk
Austin Moody '18
Thomas Moore '76 and Karen Mertz Moore '76
Tina Piccolini Moore '82 and David Moore†
Kimberly Brown Moore '74, M'75 and David Shores
Casey Moore '75 and Janice Moore†
Jeffrey Moran '89
Mary Ordakowski Morgan '91 and Scott Morgan
Mario Morino and Dana Morino†
Ralph Morris '69†
John Morris '71†
Barbara Morycz '72†
Ryan Mostyn '09 and Jayde Mostyn
Rohini Desai Mulchandani
Richard Muth M'96 and Brandy Muth†
Wendy Naman '92†
Cheryl Longenecker Naughton '75, M'80 and Paul Naughton†
Penelope Moyer Naylor '77 and W Patrick Naylor†
David Neal '85 and Sue Neal
Sally Miller McCombie '74, M'78 and John Nelson III '73†
Christina Newhill
Christopher Noah†
Michele Wippich Norwood M'92
M Michelina Zoffuto Olmstead '73, M'79, and Gary Olmstead
Edward Onderick and Catherine Onderick†
Khatmeh Osseiran-Hanna and Ibrahim Hanna†
Eugene O'Sullivan '71 and Saundra O'Sullivan†
Kelli Reefer Paquette '93†
Kevin O'Donnell M'11 and Gloria Park†
David Pauling '70 and Nancy Pauling
Daniel Perlongo and Susan Wheatley†
Bradley Peterson and Diane Peterson
Charles Petrie M'85
John Pettina '87 and Cathy Jones Pettina '87†
Paul Phillips '93†
Sam Phillips '91, M'19 and Lisa Phillips†
David Piper '84, M'89, M'92, D'00 and Joyce Piper†
Martha Piwinsky†
Edward Platt and Olga Platt†
Sharon Ann Plowman
Richard Pontius '76 and Sharon Pontius†
Joseph Pontoli and Heather Pontoli†
Dennis Popovec '77 and Annmarie Popovec†
Jamie Potosnak '97 and Angela Orlando Potosnak '98
Daniel Powers '70
Michael Powers and Heather Powers†
Kathleen Darkes Prokay '69†
John Prushnok and Patricia Prushnok
Brian Quinn '96 and Rebecca Ruffner Quinn '95†
Gerald Quinn '91 and Jennifer Thomas Quinn '94†
Julia Levy Rachlin '89, M'92 and Adam Rachlin
Daniel Radakovich Jr. '80 and Marcia Radakovich†
Martin Raniowski '96, M'98 and Jenna Raniowski†
James Reckard III '90 and Marla Reckard†
David Reed '00 and Heather Camp Reed M'13
Jack Reefer Jr '69†
Bernard Reilly '85, M'86 and Jayne Reilly
Erik Reinhard and Donna Reinhard†
Janelle Reinoso '92 and Juan Reinoso†
Nellie Byers Reynolds '48*†
Samuel Richards '04†
James Rickard '06†
Ruth Riesenman '64†
Allen Childs '81 and Glenda Riley-Childs†
Jeremy Risinger '16, M'18†
Shirley Ritter '74†
Keith Rittle '91 and Kathleen Rittle†
Rosemary DeMark Roberts '79 and William Roberts
Douglas Roblin '75†
Catherine Rodgers '71†
James Rose '90 and Eric Gutierrez
Beth Snyder Rosenthal '84 and Daniel Rosenthal
Elijah Rosenthal '15
Rodney Ruddock '65, M'75 and Ellen Sylves Ruddock '66†
Stephen Ruger and Almeda Ruger†
William Rusnack '66 and Marsha Zamberlan Rusnack '66†
Joseph Saffron '63 and Merceda Biordi Saffron '65†
Kenneth Salem '97 and Lee Salem M'18†
Daniel Sarver '90 and Lisa Edgar Sarver '91
Robert Sauritch '84†
Sam Scavo '61†
William Scheeren '68 and Judith Scheeren†
Curtis Scheib '77, M'78†
Gregg Schmidt '78 and Sharon Ammons†
Eugene Schmidt '64 and Kathy Wright†
Benjamin Schneider '01
Bruce Schonour '71†
Matthew Schroeder '91 and Stacy Schroeder†
Sara Cline Schumacher '02 and William Schumacher†
Thomas Segar†
Thomas Selby '75†
Brian Sell '05 and Stephanie Sell '10, M'19†
Terry Serafini '61 and Janet Serafini†
Joseph Serene
Tracy Settle '80 and Sheri Settle†
Dennis Sevin '98 and Kelly Krevokuch Sevin '97†
Anita Malone Shaffer '54†
Jeremiah Shanahan '88 and Kristen Dean Shanahan '91†
Sharon Sheetz*
William Shipley '75 and Judith Stuart Shipley '22†
George Siehl '59 and Nancy Siehl
Marilyn Silvey†
Ronald Simkins '58 and Patricia Brown Simkins '55†
Daniel Simoni '94 and Michelle Costanza Simoni '95
John Simpson '79†
John Sitton*
Jean Sabolovich Sledzik '61 and Herman Sledzik†
David Smith '67†
Kay Baker Smith†
Samuel Smith and Donna Bruder-Smith†
R Roger Smith
Paul Smocer '74 and Susan Seftic Smocer '75†
Deanne Snavely†
David Snyder '72 and Sandra J Ford Snyder '73
Carolyn Armrose Snyder '81 and Mark Snyder
Linda Snyder
Larry Sobotka '63†
Jo-Una Spadafora†
Candice Cedarland Spadafora '68 and William Spadafora†
C J Spadafora
Nathan Spade '01†
James Staples†
Michael Staub '80 and Gayle Leader†
Kenneth Steffy '03 and Chrystina Black Steffy '03†
Joanne Steiner†
Judith Kralik Sterner '69 and Stephen Sterner†
Douglas Steve '92, M'93 and Julie Steve†
Martha Stitt Stewart-Finton '60 and Abe Finton†
Benjamin Stiles and Carolyn Stiles
Susan Giles Stonebraker '68†
Rick Stouffer and Meg Stouffer
Dennis Stover '76 and Regina Dressel Stover '75†
Frederick Streams '55†
Robert Strouse '70 and Susan Strouse†
Simon Stuchlik M'19 and Jill Stuchlik†
Timothy Sullivan '73†
Kerry Wolfe Sunderland '88 and Daniel Sunderland†
Suphavadi Sunhachawi-Taylor '87 and James Taylor '86†
Charles Sutton '73† and Connie Evans Sutton '67, M'68
Ryan Sweeney '16†
Jeffrey Swift '75 and Jill Trainor Swift '75
Irene Tabish '70 and David Tabish '70†
C Robert Tate '69 and Brenda Tate†
Suzanne Kuhn Teele '82 and Edward Teele†
Ron Thomas and Gerri Thomas†
Terry Throm '98
Gwendolyn Torges†
Matthew Traver '10†
Ronald Trenney '84 and Amy Dunlap Trenney '83, M'84
Cynthia Turco '70
Richard Ubinger '81 and Lori Ubinger†
Vislosky Family
James Vogt '71 and Sally Vogt†
Courtney Barilar Vose '92†
Kraig Walker '11
Patricia Wall
Thomas Wallace '80†
David Wallace and Ruthie Wallace†
Timothy Wallace '79 and Lee Wallace†
Brian Walsh '98 and Keely Walsh†
Mick Watson '66 and Nancy Watson†
Cindy Rhine Watta '75, M'79 and Robert Watta†
Scott Weber '88, M'89 and Karen Weber†
Calvin Weber and June Weber
Cheryl Wegener†
Kevin Weidl '06
Glenn Wenger '72
Ned Wert '58*†
Sandra Whitson†
Charles Wick D'18 and Kimberly Wick '12, M'14†
Stephen Wiedmaier '73 and Loucinda Wiedmaier†
Jim Wiley and Jackie Wiley '69, M'77†
Cameron Wilkins '06 and Vanessa Wayne Wilkins '06
David Williams '79†
James Wilson†
Harold Wingard and Elizabeth Wingard†
Diane Wolf '79 and Charles Wolf
Lenora Saxton Woodard '76 and Mel R. Woodard†
Thomas Wozniak '80 and Anne Wozniak†
Sanketh Yalamuri Sathyanarayan M'19
Terry Yosie '74 and Ann Hegnauer
Michael Zang '73 and Karen Focht Zang '73†
Stephen Zbur '85 and Sandra Cornell Zbur '85†
Loyalty Society†, deceased*
Ä¢¹½tv Loyalty Society
This special community of donors comprises those who have given to Ä¢¹½tv for five or more consecutive years. Gifts of any amount to any area of the university qualify donors for membership. Involvement in the Society is sustained as long as gifts are made to Ä¢¹½tv every fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) without interruption.
Download the complete list of Loyalty Society donors.
Student Leadership Society
Ronald Beach
Maria Grau '21
Julia Hartwig
Branden Hendricks '22
Idoia Huerta
Bryan Jia '22
Karolin Kirchtag
Julianne Laird
Marija Linde
Ebona McRavion
Colton Packard '22
Jace Rearic
Rebecca Shellenbarger '20
Emily Turner
Renee Wall '21, M'22
Student Giving
Student Giving at Ä¢¹½tv is more than giving, it’s about helping ensure their one Ä¢¹½tv experience is top-notch. Student members of the Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society (with a gift of $100 or more) have the opportunity to connect with other esteemed donors in the Ä¢¹½tv Leadership Society by being invited to exclusive events.
Download the complete list of Student Donors.
All Other Donors
Alumni and friends believe Ä¢¹½tv is a worthy investment, and they support Ä¢¹½tv’s mission through various donations throughout the year.
Download the complete list of All Other Donors.
New Scholarship Funds
1976 Alumna Food and Nutrition Scholarship
Allen and Jane Amos Scholarship
Barbara and Larry Kubala Scholarship for Fine Arts
Berty-Dean Trust for Secondary Science and Music Education
Beth A and Daniel L. Rosenthal Scholarship for Safety Science
Blane Dessy Scholarship for English
Bob and Kathie Basehore Boardwalk Bowl Scholarship
Bob and Sue Strouse Endowed Scholarship
Carl Adams Scholarship for Flute Performance
Cobaugh Family Sutton Scholarship
College of Arts and Humanities Dean's Merit Scholarship
Denise Mularz Wilks '72 Scholarship for English
Dorothy Peterman Salsgiver Scholarship for Nursing and Allied Health
Dr. Jerry B. Fiddler Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Kwasi Yirenkyi Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Sally M. McCombie Scholarship
Dr. Wanda Stitt-Gohdes and Dr. William Gohdes Scholarship
Drs. Phillip and Sarah Neusius Scholarship for Anthropology
Florence J. Mauchant Scholarship
Gealy Wallwork Memorial Scholarship for Student Leadership
Glenn Fitzgerald Scholarship for Natural Science
Ä¢¹½tv Alumni Computer Science Scholarship
Ä¢¹½tv Alumni Veterans Scholarship for Athletics (Endowed)
Ä¢¹½tv Master's of Education Scholarship
Joseph M. Mastro Memorial Scholarship
Kathleen Rankin Fitzgerald Scholarship for Elementary Education
Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science Scholarship
Mary Kay Kennedy Scholarship for Education
Mary Rita Theiss Plowman Scholarship
Master of Business Administration Scholarship
Osseiran Hanna Endowed Scholarship
Phillippi-Malone Family Scholarship
Pre-Med Majors Scholarship
Ray Edwin McAfoose Art Education Scholarship
Ray Edwin McAfoose Mathematics Education Scholarship
Rhonda Luckey Endowed Scholarship
Robert C. Camp Business Scholarship
Robert Mallick Scholarship
Rodney D. and Ellen Sylves Ruddock Business Scholarship
Rodney D. and Ellen Sylves Ruddock Mathematics Scholarship
Corporate and Foundation Friends
1st Summit Bank
Abes Baumann
About All Floors
ADS System Safety Consulting LLC
Advantage Sport & Fitness, Inc.
Affordable Interiors
Airy Pines Boarding Kennel, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Society of Safety Professionals Western PA Chapter
Amerisafe Consulting & Safety Services
Applied Materials
Aramark Corporation
Armond Pools, Inc.
Armstrong County Community Foundation
Assurance Data, Inc.
Berks Plant Design & Maintenance, Inc.
Bill Sugra Memorial Fund
Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP)
Brayman Construction Corp
BSN Sports, Inc.
C L Rosensteel LP
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Carino Well
Catalyst Connection
Charles Burd Construction
Chevron Corporation
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Clark Construction Group LLC
CNB Bank
Colonial Motor Mart
Cow-Camp Communications
Creps United Publications
Cyber Crucible, Inc.
Hess Landscaping
Diamond Drugs, Inc.
Dinette and Barstool Village of PA
Dolansky Lawn Services & More
Donald C Hogan DMD
Douds Furniture Company, Inc.
Douglass Heirs 1 - H/C Deep
Dr. R. Samuel Magee
Dunlap Dental LLC
East American, Inc.
East Coast Risk Management LLC
Eber Hvac, Inc.
Enterprise Bank
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Environment & Safety Solutions, Inc.
Environmental Pest Management, Inc.
Eriez Magnetics - Orrie-M Club
Evergreen Farms
Farrance Insurance and Financial Service
Fast Times Screen Printing
First Commonwealth Bank
FirstEnergy Foundation
Force, Inc.
Friends of the Museum
Foundation for Ä¢¹½tv
Geneva College
George's Pro Shop
Gilbane Building Co
Glezen Sawmill, Inc.
Granite Construction, Inc.
Harbor Creek School District
Hensel Phelps
Hershey Baseball & Softball LLC
Hobby Speed
Indiana County Woodturners Association
Indiana Duquesne Distributing
Indiana Printing & Publishing Company
Indiana Regional Medical Center
Industrial Battery of Pittsburgh, Inc.
InFirst Bank
InTech Solutions, Inc.
Ä¢¹½tv Alumni Association
James D Carmella Attorney at Law
Jamie P Diandreth Physical Therapy
Jay Dee Contractors, Inc.
JJ McGuire General Contractors, Inc.
JL Weitzel Landscaping & Lawn Care LLC
Joe's Auto Sales
Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Karndean International LLC
Keystone Foam PA
KITS Brokerage, Inc.
Kline Brothers Logging LLC
Kuhn Co LLC
Landess Marie Haines Enterprise
League of Women Voters for Indiana Co
Lehigh Country Club
Logan Law Offices LLC
Luther Ford
LV Revolution Baseball
Mack Park
Maple Family Foundation
Marcus & Mack
Marion Center Bank
MC Dean, Inc.
McNaughton & Latrobe Moving & Storage
Mechanical Engineering Systems Assoc, Inc.
Meli Plastering LLC
Mona Electric Group, Inc.
Nashville Publishers Network
North East Locators Auto Sales
Optimist Club of Indiana PA
Palo Alto Networks
PARSE Indico Chapter
Penn Mechanical Group, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Philadelphia Square Management Co
Plus Consulting LLC
Print Tech
Punxsutawney Area College Trust
Putt Real Estate
Pynos Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ralph A Cardamone, MD PC
Riggs Industries, Inc.
Right Hand Technology Group
Robert A Cinpinski Attorney
Romeo's Pizza, Inc.
Rosebud Mining Company
S&T Bank
Schneider Downs & Co, Inc.
Scott Electric Foundation, Inc.
Selective Insurance
Shale Alliance for Energy Research Pennsylvania
Sheetz, Incorporated
Sherwin-Williams Company
Snyder Brothers, Inc.
State Farm Insurance/David W Smith
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Stronger Day Rehabilitation & Management Company
Symmco Foundation
The Clark Associates Charitable Foundation
The Essential Foundation
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
The Law Offices of John E Gabriel
Thermo-Twin Industries
Thompson Machine Co, Inc.
TJ Kournier LLC
University Tees, Inc.
Varonis Systems, Inc.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1989
Victory Energy Corp
Vigliotti Landscape & Construction, Inc.
Viterium LLC
Vold Associates
Wain Financial Strategies, Inc.
Waste Management
Zaucha Family, LP
Matching Gift Companies
Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Chevron Matching Employee Funds
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation
Eaton Corporation
Emerson Charitable Trust
ExxonMobil Foundation
GE Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Parker-Hannifin Foundation
PNC Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
TDK Corporation of America
The Air Products Foundation
The Bank of America Foundation
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Hershey Company
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Please note: We so appreciate the generosity of our donors. Sometimes, we make mistakes. If you see an error on the lists, please accept our apology, and please report it by sending a message to We will correct the error immediately.