Ä¢¹½tv's teacher education programs are recognized both nationally and regionally.

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) accreditation is a process of peer review that the educational community has adopted for its self-regulation. It is a voluntary process intended to strengthen and sustain the quality and integrity of teacher preparation programs, making it worthy of public confidence.

Once accredited by CAEP, Ä¢¹½tv teacher preparation programs agree to abide by the standards of CAEP and to take responsibility for their own continuous improvement.

The programs listed below are recognized by CAEP. Additionally, all programs are recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and some by their Specialized Professional Accreditor (SPA) as indicated below as well. For additional information, go to Specialized Accreditations.

Programs Recognized by CAEP

Program Level Degree Organization
Administration and Leadership Studies, DEd ADV Doctorate ELCC | NELP
Curriculum and Instruction, DEd ADV Doctorate PDE
Literacy, MEd and/or Reading Specialist ADV Specialist or CAS ILA | IRA
Masters or Certificate in Special Education PreK–12 ADV Certificate or Master's CEC
Principal Certification ADV Specialist or CAS ELCC | NELP
School Psychology, MEd/Post-Master's Certification Program ADV Specialist or CAS NASP
School Psychology, PhD and EdD ADV Doctorate NASP
Art Education ITP Baccalaureate NASAD
Business Education ITP Baccalaureate AACSB International
Early Childhood Education with Special Education ITP Baccalaureate NAEYC/ CEC
Early Childhood ITP Baccalaureate NAEYC
English Education ITP Baccalaureate NCTE
Family and Consumer Science Education ITP Baccalaureate PDE
Health and Physical Education (AAHE) ITP Baccalaureate AAHE
Health and Physical Education, MEd ITP Master's AAHE
Mathematics Education ITP Baccalaureate NCTM
Middle Level Mathematics Education ITP Baccalaureate NCTM
Music Education ITP Baccalaureate NASM
Science Education Grades 7-12: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, and Physics ITP Baccalaureate NSTA
Social Studies Education ITP Baccalaureate NCSS
Spanish Education ITP Baccalaureate ACTFL