Monday, November 27, 2017, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Location: HUB, Allegheny Room
Speakers: Dr. Edel Reilly and Dr. Shari Robertson
We are assigned a class and our first instinct is to identify all available resources, develop lesson plans to cover the material we have selected, painstakingly design a syllabus to ensure the class remains on track and the students are aware of the class content and their obligations, and prepare examinations and assignments as identified on the syllabus to assess student learning outcomes. The question we often do not address or even neglect is; What are my student learning outcomes and what type of assessment will be required to verify these outcomes have been achieved? Dr. Edel Reilly, Department of Mathematics and Ä¢¹½tv's Director of Liberal Studies and Dr. Shari Robertson, Provost's Associate for Academic Programs and Planning; will offer their insight about developing and assessing course objectives.