Reflective Practice Large Group Meetings
Organization Meeting and Introduction to Reflective Practice
August 26, 2004
The Center for Teaching Excellence-sponsored Reflective Practice Group continued with a blend of monthly large group meetings and small cross-disciplinary and departmental teaching circles dedicated to improving teaching and learning at Ä¢¹½tv.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker and Teaching Circle Formation
September 1, 2004
This Reflective Practice Large Group meeting introduced the concept of teaching circles and provided an opportunity for faculty to meet with others to join departmental and/or cross-disciplinary teaching circles.
Advising: What You Need to Know
October 7, 2004
Presenters provided an overview about their topic. Participants broke into smaller groups to rotate through tables where the presenters shared additional information and answered questions. Presenters for this session included: Jackie Beck, Michelle Norwood (new campus advising/scheduling program), Richard Lamberski (Virtual Advisor), and Rebecca Sterley (National Academic Advising Association).
Formative Dialog Workshop
November 3, 2004
Participants had the opportunity to learn answers to questions like: What is Formative Dialog Anyway?, In What Ways Can I Use Formative Dialog to Develop My Teaching? and What Happens If I'd Like to Get Involved? We didn't just talk about Formative Dialog; The Reflective Practice Co-Directors SHOWED what it is all about and to how to benefit from this service!
Yum! A Holiday Taste Testing Showcase
December 2, 2004
Participants spent a bit of time talking with other RP members and enjoying sweet delights graciously provided by the Ä¢¹½tv Academy of Culinary Arts and snacks/beverages provided by Aramark. Our fun included a Holiday Cooking Demonstration presented by local Chef Bob Piccirillo and Mrs. Diane Wagoner, faculty member (and registered dietitian) in the Department of Food and Nutrition.
Technology and On-Line Courses
February 2, 2005
A panel of faculty experienced in teaching on-line shared their perspectives and strategies on how to effectively teach in an on-line environment (both distance education as a compliment to in-resident instruction) and what works for them and their students!
Effective and Efficient Grading Using Rubrics
March 3, 2005
Facilitator: Dr. Mary Ann Rafoth - Several faculty submitted their rubrics and all attendees at the meeting received packets containing these rubric examples (, , ). Along with information regarding guiding principles for rubric development and evaluation, faculty shared rubrics they have found particularly useful (from their perspective as well as that of the student).
End of Year Assessment and Teaching Circle Showcase
April 6, 2005
Our program focus was on the Scholarship of Teaching, specifically, "How to Turn RP Participation into Presentation and/or Publication." In addition to providing an opportunity for RP members to share accomplishments in this area, this meeting provided participants with an opportunity to see at least one example of a poster designed to communicate RP teaching circle activities. Our discussion emphasized sharing ideas and perspectives on posters as a way of promoting what was done in RP and teaching. Publications, presentations, and grant writing are also areas in which the scholarship of teaching was discussed.
Outcomes Assessment D-E-A-L: Design, Engage, Assess and Apply, Link
September 17, 2004
Facilitator: Dr. Barbara Walvoord - This workshop was designed to:
- Create an Outcomes Assessment framework for each department and program that is meaningful and useable.
- Examine how departments can use existing data to measure student/program outcomes.
- Provide a variety of outcome measurement strategies for classroom and program use.
- Suggest application strategies to facilitate reflection and facilitate the use of the data collected for program improvement.
Participants left this workshop with a complete skeletal plan of action toward meeting their Outcome Assessment Goals.
Spirituality Across the Curriculum Retreat/Workshop: An Investigation of Zen Principles and Their Applications to the Educational Environment
September 25, 2004
Facilitator: Dai-En Bennage - As part of a yearlong examination of the principles of Zen, the Spirituality Across the Curriculum teaching circle hosted a faculty/student retreat to explore what Zen might contribute to the teaching/learning process.
Encouraging Classroom Civility Through Behavioral Interventions, Teamwork, and Collaboration, or "With a Team, You Get Eggroll"
January 22, 2005
Facilitator: Dr. Tom Brown - Pathways to Persistence is a simulation exercise that challenges some of the common myths and misconceptions about attrition, identifies many of the real reasons students leave college, and considers evidence suggesting that what happens to students after they enroll is often more important than their pre-enrollment attributes and experiences. Pathways makes the point that increased persistence is the by-product of a campus environment which combines high quality teaching, comprehensive student services, and an effective academic advising program.
Conceptual and Relational Issues in Advising presentation addressed academic advising as an extension of the classroom teaching done by faculty members, which supports students to develop and achieve their personal, academic and career goals. The session provided a framework to guide the work of advisors, considereded the roles and responsibilities of advisors and advisees, and identified specific student needs and expectations in advising. Participants reflected on the skills, attitudes, and behaviors essential to forming effective advising and teaching relationships.
Supporting the Achievement and Success of At-Risk Students presentation and discussion identified the characteristics, challenges and effective strategies for advising specific student populations at-risk for leaving college and/or for not achieving their full potential. Participants considered basic theories of student learning and motivation and learned about concrete, tangible strategies that can increase student engagement, achievement, and persistence.
The Framework for Teaching Workshop
March 19, 2005
Facilitator: Charlotte Danielson - This workshop introduced Ms. Danielson's research-based set of components of instruction. The components are aligned to the INTASC standards, and grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching. The Framework for Teaching applies to all instructional settings, whether they are in early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school, or college. How the various skills of teaching are manifested in these different settings is of course different, but the underlying concepts are the same in all environments.