Center for Teaching Excellence
Reflective Practice Teaching Circles 2020-21
Updated 9-14-20
CTC = Cross-Disciplinary Teac
Reflective Practice Teaching Circles 2020-21
Updated 9-14-20
CTC = Cross-Disciplinary Teac
Type of Teaching Circle | Open or Closed | Name of Teaching Circle | Brief Description | Name of Facilitator |
CTC | OPEN | Mathematical and Computer Sciences Emerging Technologies Teaching Circle | This teaching circle focuses on the use of emerging technologies and how they can be used in the teaching and sharing of classroom experiences. Often this focus is centered on mathematics; however, all disciplines are welcome. | John Chrispell 724-357-4763 |
DTC | CLOSED | Getting Things Done (GTD) Teaching Circle | This teaching circle is for faculty to explore new technique for time management to boldly go where no teaching circle has ever gone before! | Gian Pagnucci 724-357-2261 |
DTC | CLOSED | Healthy Teachers | Focus on healthy lifestyle behaviors Identify self-care tips for faculty Discuss health and wellness strategies to us throughout the academic year. | Kristy Chunta 724-357-3091 |
CTC | OPEN | Issues and Ideas in Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum | Discussion group; developing practical strategies for teaching writing in all disciplines | Bryna SiegelFiner 646-483-9487 |
CTC | OPEN | Zoom Writing Group | The goal is to get together and block out time for writing and research. This group will serve as an idea, heave, and time commitment for research and writing activities. | Veronica Paz 724-590-9164 |
CTC | OPEN | Online Teaching and Learning | To provide best practices, tools, tips, and pedagogy for Online Teaching, Hybrid Teaching, and Blended formats of Teaching. To learn and share ideas and experiences related to online (and other modalities) of teaching and learning. | Veronica Paz 724-590-9164 |
CTC` | OPEN | Open Educational Resources (OER) Teaching Circle | For anyone who is interested in incorporating OER into a unit or lesson, or find a textbook replacement, for their course. Fall 2020 would focus on researching OER, exploring OER collections, and finding suitable resources. Spring would focus on implementation and assessment strategies. No need to be familiar with OER. | Sara Parme 724-357-3318 |
DTC | CLOSED | Improving Clinical Judgment | Identify teaching-learning activities to improve nursing students clinical judgment Conduct research related to clinical judgment Discuss challenges r/t clinical judgment Implement improvement measures r/t clinical judgment | Taylor Edwards 7243169112 |
CTC | CLOSED | APSCUF Newer Faculty Teaching Circle | Exclusive to newer tenure-track faculty, the goal of this teaching circle is to provide a supportive forum centered on teaching, research, and service for Newer Faculty as they navigate their tenure-track years at Ä¢¹½tv. | Rachel Fox 724-357-5691 |
DTC | CLOSED | Small Teaching Practices for Big Gains | 1) Reflect on current pedagogical practices, 2) Discuss models of small teaching in traditional and online learning environments, and 3) Implement small activities that energize student engagement and increase comprehension of course topics. | Meigan Robb 724-357-3425 Teresa Shellenbarger 724 357-2559 |
CTC | CLOSED | Transformative Texts | To explore, share, and grow our knowledges of teaching from transformative texts from across the humanities canon. Such works might include the plays of William Shakespeare and the writings of H.G. Wells. | Lynn Botelho 724-357-2884 |
DTC | CLOSED | Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Teaching Circle | To support faculty development in teaching and student interactions. More specific goals will be established at the first meeting with the full group. | Shannon Phaneuf 724-357-5606 Sadie Miller 724-357-1250 |
CTC | CLOSED | Enhancing Learning of Healthcare Students through use of Interprofessional Simulation | Our team of six faculty members from three different colleges, with expertise in nursing, nutrition, speech-language pathology, and theater, collaborate to bring our students together for simulation experiences that allow them to learn from and about each other. The members of this teaching circle collaborate and support each other on internal and external grant opportunities to more fully integrate simulation opportunities into the respective curricula and to continue to contribute to the existing simulation research that is available in each of our respective disciplines. | Erin Clark 724-357-5684 Pao Ying Hsiao 724-357-7917 |
DTC | OPEN | General Chemistry Department Teaching Circle | To improve the student experience in the General Chemistry courses, especially the laboratory components | Wendy Lou Elcesser 724-357-2362 |
CTC | CLOSED | Promotion and Tenure Preparation Teaching Circle | To provide collegial and informative discourse in preparation of promotion and tenure materials for FY 20-21. | Aleea Perry 724-357-7527 Jennifer Smith 724-357-5990 |
DTC | CLOSED | Safety Sciences Teaching Circle | Finish writing article that summarized research conducted on active learning. Identify future projects to pursue that aligns with student-centered approach. | Wanda Minnick 724-357-3276 |
CTC | OPEN | Integrating Digital Design and Rapid Prototyping into the Classroom | This teaching circle will investigate strategies for integrating digital design and fabrication into the classroom. We will use Rhino 3D software to create digital files for rapid prototyping using a laser cutter, 3D printer, and CNC mill, with a focus on planning introductory projects for students and methods for instruction and assessment. Theses new technologies are becoming more widely available, and it is vital that our students are trained in their use. This teaching circle is open to any faculty member who is interested in including digital design and rapid prototyping in their curriculum. | Sharon Massey 412-996-9059 Sean Derry |
DTC | CLOSED | Sculpture Support System: mentoring students through social practice | This teaching circle will explore effective extracurricular mentoring strategies for undergraduate art students through the development and creation of participatory public art projects. | Sean Derry 724-357-2539 Sharon Massey 724-357-2633 |
DTC | CLOSED | Leaders Exploring Leadership Text | To explore two recent leadership texts and develop reading response questions integrating technology. To write about our professional learning circle and using leadership trade books in courses for publication. | Dr. Susan Marie Sibert 724-357-2400 |
DTC | CLOSED | History Department Teaching Circle | 1) To reflect on pedagogical practices that can meet student needs and facilitate their learning. 2) To develop strategies for departmental recruitment and retention to support a diverse student body. | Soo Chun Lu 724-3572284 |
CTC | CLOSED | Research and Writing | The focus is on helping junior faculty balance research and writing with teaching and life. This current year may also be more about supporting people as they balance a whole host of issues in their personal and professional lives. | Erin Conlin |
CTC | OPEN | Faculty Wellness | This teaching circle will explore ways for faculty to be healthy, happy, and productive. | Theresa McDevitt 724-357-4892 |
DTC | CLOSED | Bridging teaching, learning and scholarship | Discuss, identify, and implement scholarly projects associated with teaching technology oriented mathematics as well as tracking success for mathematics courses. | Valerie Long 724-357-2388 |
DTC | CLOSED | Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance | This year the department focuses on applying Anti-Racism practices within our teaching, work, and artistry. | Rachel DeSoto-Jackson 724-357-2777 |
DTC | CLOSED | Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance | To provide a forum for interested faculty to share teaching experiences an expertise with the goal of developing our teaching skills. | William J. Farrell wfarrell@Ä¢¹½ 724-357-7978 |