Center for Teaching Excellence Reflective Practice Teaching Circles 2019-20

Updated 11-4-19 CTC= Cross-Disciplinary Teaching Circle DTC= Departmental Teaching Circle

Type of Teaching Circle Open or Closed Name of Teaching Circle Brief Description Facilitator Facilitator Email
CTC Closed Pre-Tenure and Promotion Working Group To learn about the tenure and promotion process for tenure-track faculty, to review past year's promotion and tenure materials, and prepare our own tenure and promotion materials.

Aleea Lynn Perry

Jennifer Smith

DTC Open Teaching LSE at Ģtv Members will share effective strategies for teaching English 100, 101, 121 and 202, especially strategies that foster engagement and support retention. Lynn Shelly
CTC Closed Research and Writing Support junior female colleagues as they balance maintaining an active research and writing agenda while teaching. Erin Conlin
DTC Open Information Literacy and Information Innovations Teaching Circle To improve our effectiveness at teaching information literacy and information tools. Maria Barefoot
CTC Open Mindfulness in Higher Education Teaching Circle The goals of the MHE Teaching Circle are to encourage to support, among its members, exploration of personal mindfulness-based contemplative practices, investigation of contemplative teaching strategies in higher ed through research, and, through discussion, reflection on personal practice and applications of mindfulness-based activities for learning in the classroom. Daniel J. Weinstein
Kim Weiner
CTC Closed

“Facilitating Student Learning Through Interprofessional

To develop and integrate simulation experiences to increase student learning Pao Ying Hsiao
DTC Open Improving Nursing Students' Clinical Judgment Identify teaching-learning activities to improve nursing students' clinical judgment. Discuss challenges related to clinical judgment. Implement improvement measures related to clinical judgment. Taylor Edwards
CTC Open APSCUF Newer Faculty Teaching Circle Rachel Fox
DTC Closed Healthy Teachers
  1. Discuss strategies for promoting faculty wellness.
  2. Describe stressors that hinder faculty performance.
  3. Reflect on strategies for promoting health and being effective in one's professional role.
Kristy Chunta
CTC Open Online Teaching and Learning To learn and share ideas and experiences related to online teaching and learning. Carrie Bishop
DTC Closed Psychology Department Teaching Circle To provide a forum for more senior and less experienced members of the Psychology Department to share their teaching experiences, practices, and initiatives. William James Farrell
CTC Closed Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Teaching To facilitate dialogue across disciplines regarding teaching pedagogy, classroom management, and self-care. Melanie Duncan
DTC Open General Chemistry Department Teaching Circle To improve the General Chemistry experience, particularly the laboratory component, of the students in the course(s). Wendy Lou Elcesser
DTC Open Emerging Technology Teaching Circle To explore the use of new and emerging technology while teaching and sharing scholarship. John Chrispell
DTC Open Theater EDI DTC To discuss and implement continued strategies to meet and surpass our departmental diversity goals in the classroom through curriculum, alumni involvement, and guest speakers. Ethan Hollinger
CTC Open Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Any Classroom Learn how to appropriately and actively address diversity and inclusion in any class so that all students know they are welcome. Anne Kondo
CTC Open Integrating Digital Design and Rapid Prototyping into the Classroom This teaching circle will use computer- aided design software and digital fabrication processes such as laser cutting, CNC milling and 3D printing to explore innovative ways to incorporate this technology into the classroom. Sharon Massey
Sean Derry

DTCOpen Anthropology OER Create an introductory anthropology
Open Educational Resource
Andrea Palmiotto
Lara Homsey-Messer
DTCClosed Assessment Planning and Revision The teaching circle will help plan and analyze assessment data for the departments programs.
Gail Sechrist
DTCClosed Mentoring Students Through Extracurricular Studio Art Practice This teaching circle will explore effective strategies for mentoring undergraduate students through the
development and creation of public exhibitions and events.

Sean Derry
Sharon Massey

DTC ClosedGetting Things Done Teaching Circle

The primary goal of this teaching circle is to help Ģtv faculty to learn principles of effective time management as they have been developed according to productivity
specialists. In order to pursue this goal, members of the teaching circle will read productivity documents
and experiment with productivity software and technology. The secondary goal of this teaching circle is to learn how to apply productivity principals to classroom teaching, course preparation, and other faculty responsibilities. Since most productivity guides and
software have been developed for business enterprises, the member of the group are working to find ways to adapt these concepts and tools to educational purposes.

Gian Pagnucci
CTC Open Living-Learning Partners Teaching Circle 1) to explore LLCs as a HIP by
reviewing best practices as
confirmed by research, 2) to support colleagues currently participating in or considering participating in LLCs at Ģtv by providing appropriate professional development
DTCOpen Safety Sciences 1) Publish Results of Last year's Reflective Practice Study. 2) Invite members of Advisory Board for
discussion on course updates for MS program. 3) Start a path forward with Advisory Board member(s) on
safety visualization article.
Wanda Minnick