This handout was developed as a collection of tips and methods for teaching in large group settings from Dr. Lamberski's teaching mentorship graduate class presentations.
- Use humor to entertain students now and then; at least be happy!
- Show enthusiasm toward the subject; be sure to be upbeat with positive energy.
- Move around the classroom rather than standing behind a podium for the entire class period.
- Make eye contact with the students; make them feel you see them as individuals.
- Greet students upon entering and leaving the classroom if you can.
- Use attention-grabbing stories to make the topic come to life and be remembered.
- Use analogies and metaphors so that students can associate the new information to things they already know.
- Begin the lecture with the purpose of the lecture and review (placing today's subject matter in context).
- Provide students with a detailed syllabus so they can use it as a reference throughout the semester; it is and should be a contract between students and professors.
- Make sure evaluation parameters are included (dates are optional in my opinion).
- Teach only what is needed (“nice to know” or “need to know”).
- Include many points or milestones of evaluation (a portfolio).
Multimedia/Visuals/Support Materials
- Use audio, videos, photos, etc. to reinforce your lecturing.
- About every ten to fifteen minutes, if possible, do some sort of activity or use a form of multimedia to keep the students interested if it lends to the content.
- Encourage students to ask questions if they are not clear about something; listen as well as talk.
- Every so often ask, “Does anyone have any questions?” or pose a reflective question.
- Give students time to discuss any questions they may have with their classmates if possible.
- Break class into small groups; buddy system.
- I do not feel that note taking is necessary in most classes; provide study guides and let them listen.
- Be willing to meet as an advisor on class content and career.
- If possible, give many tests online, and allow students to take the same test a few times. This will encourage students to read the information while trying to find the answers rather than cramming the night before. This also “chunks” the content.
- As difficulty of content increases, allow for feedback and revision for subject material.
- Do not be afraid to admit errors; show compassion.
- With class input, allow for mid-course changes; willingness to be open-minded.
- Offer incentives (extra credit).
- Challenge students at all levels of respective intelligence.
- Give students confidence; perception as a friend before educator.
My appreciation to Sara Lamberson Ģtv '09 and Caitlin Hamryszak Ģtv '10, research associates while at Ģtv, for compiling these pointers from many internal graduate presentations.