Gifts to support the university from various constituents (such as individuals, corporations, and foundations) should be made to the Foundation for Ģtv ; all gifts will be processed in accordance with the donor's wishes by the foundation. All efforts to solicit private gifts must be cleared and coordinated through the Office of the Vice President for University Advancement or his/her designee.

The Foundation for Ģtv was established in 1967 to promote and support the educational purposes of the university. The foundation serves as a university-affiliated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whereby charitable gifts can be received and administered in accordance with Internal Revenue Service guidelines as well as any other federal, state, and local laws pertaining to charitable gift giving. Private gifts received by the foundation, in support of Ģtv, are managed and invested independently as per foundation investment policies.

Please bring this policy to the attention of all faculty and staff members that may be involved in solicitations of private support. It is imperative that we coordinate all efforts for private fundraising if the university is to receive the greatest benefit from charitable giving.

The following information outlines the general procedures for soliciting charitable gifts on behalf of Ģtv:

  • University Advancement shall be the primary division charged with soliciting private gifts* on behalf of the university in partnership with the Foundation for Ģtv. The process is designed to provide guidance to the university community and general public to facilitate the private gift giving process and to provide donors with the greatest flexibility possible in formulating their gifts within governing policy and legal parameters while assuring that gifts support programs and projects consistent with the mission of Ģtv.

    *Proposals to organizations or corporations for gifts do not include requests or proposals for government grants and research contracts which are handled through the Research Institute.

  • The University Advancement Division, in partnership with the Foundation for Ģtv, shall be charged with conducting both annual appeals (including direct mail/phonathon) and personal solicitations in support of university priorities, colleges/departments, and programs. During fundraising drives and capital or comprehensive campaigns, all development efforts will be coordinated in support of Ģtv's defined goals and priorities.

  • Departments and programs within the university may, with the approval of the appropriate Dean or Vice President, conduct fundraising with oversight and support (as available) from the University Advancement Division. Examples include, but are not limited to, soliciting for Memorial Donations and other “specific project” appeals. The Vice President for University Advancement will review requests to ensure they do not interfere or conflict with annual and major gift fundraising planned by the division. University Advancement will respond to these requests in no more than 10 working days from submission.

  • For all fundraising events, planners should visit and will need to complete the “Outreach to Alumni & Friends” form checking the box for solicitation. For fundraising events (such as benefit dinners, sales, or auctions), the fair market value section of the disclosure statement will need to be completed to allow for correct receipting on the charitable gift tax receipt. Please allow 10 working days for approval of the form by University Advancement, although all efforts will be made to expedite the process. All departments and programs are asked to work with University Advancement concerning the RSVP and payment processes.

  • Gifts in support of the university from various constituents (such as individuals, corporations and foundations) should be made payable to the Foundation for Ģtv (FĢtv); all gifts will be processed in accordance with the donor's wishes through the Foundation. The Foundation for Ģtv was established in 1967 to promote and support the educational purposes of the University. The Foundation serves as a University affiliated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whereby charitable gifts can be received and administered in accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines as well as any other federal, state, and local laws pertaining to charitable gift giving. Private gifts received through the FĢtv, on behalf of Ģtv, are managed and invested independently as per FĢtv investment policies.

Simplified Steps to Partnering with University Advancement and the Foundation for Ģtv on Philanthropic Initiatives

  1. Submit completed “Outreach to Alumni & Friends” form available at .
  2. Execute philanthropic activity in support of Ģtv with oversight and support (as available) of University Advancement
  3. Ensure gifts payable to and received by Foundation for Ģtv
  4. Gifts processed, receipted and acknowledged
  5. Complete initiative follow-up and discuss next steps or evaluation with University Advancement