Faculty in a Writing Across the Curriculum classroom

Teach, Write, Teach Writing

The Writing Across the Curriculum program provides support for faculty university-wide in implementing writing into their courses. The program aims to create and sustain a community of writers at Ä¢¹½tv.

If you have questions about WAC, please contact Bryna Siegel Finer at brynasf@iup.edu.

In fall 2012, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Office of the Provost committed to creating a university-wide initiative with a multi-faceted agenda:

Faculty Development

  • Provide faculty development for those teaching writing-intensive courses, including workshops and training for those interested in proposing writing-intensive courses
  • Provide support for all faculty across the university in implementing writing assignments into their courses

Writing Plan Consultation

  • Assist departments in creating Writing Plans to shift their curriculums to WAC
  • Help departments develop plans for assessing writing in their majors
  • Provide support and consultation to the university-wide Liberal Studies Committee as needed in revising writing requirements


  • Create a research agenda for studying and understanding the effectiveness of how writing is taught and learned in the university curriculum
  • Assist faculty in creating individual research projects on how writing is taught and learned in their own classrooms
  • Continually collect data from students and faculty on their perceptions of how writing is taught and learned at Ä¢¹½tv

Bryna Finer teaching in a classroomWorkshops

  • Connect departments and/or colleges with consultants from professional settings or other universities who are experts in writing in specific fields and can come to Ä¢¹½tv
  • Provide workshops, seminars, and opportunities to meet with faculty to provide resources on the teaching of writing

Community Development

  • Foster a community of writers through various modes and media (such as contests, readings, workshops, newsletters, etc.)
  • And through relationships (with the Writing Center, the Ä¢¹½tv Libraries, and various departments across campus)


Ä¢¹½tv Celebrates National Day on Writing for the 13th Year!

The Ä¢¹½tv Writing Across the Curriculum program, Kathleen Jones White Writing Center, and Ä¢¹½tv Libraries will host a virtual celebration of the National Day on Writing on Instagram the weekend of October 18-22!

Siegel Finer Promoted to Associate Editor of Journal

English department faculty member Bryna Siegel Finer (English) has taken on new roles at the journal Rhetoric of Health & Medicine and the book series Writing Spaces.

Siegel Finer Publishes Book on Women's Health Rhetoric

Bryna Siegel Finer, director of Undergraduate Writing Programs, published a new book, "Patients Making Meaning: Theorizing Sources of Information and Forms of Support in Women's Health," co-authored with Cathryn Molloy (University of Delaware) and Jamie White-Farnham (University of Wisconsin–Superior). 

Creating Effective Writing Assignments: Plagiarism-Proofing in the Modern Age

If your students seem to struggle with writing assignments, and you want to help them succeed, then come to this workshop.

National Day on Writing

The Ä¢¹½tv Writing Across the Curriculum program, Jones White Writing Center, Liberal Studies English program, and Ä¢¹½tv-NCTE will host a virtual celebration of the National Day on Writing on Wednesday, October 20, 2021.