Ģtv is committed to the improvement of student writing skills; therefore, the teaching of writing must be a university-wide effort. This means that writing must be practiced and reinforced throughout the curriculum. Students need to be educated to recognize that writing is a necessary and frequently used skill.

The current Liberal Studies requirement is for two (2) “W” courses in addition to the two English Composition courses required in the Learning Skills. At least one “W” course must be completed in the student's major course of study.

Ģtv is in the process of moving toward a full WAC model, in which the majority of courses in a students' major teach and reinforce writing skills, rather than a model in which writing is emphasized in only two courses. A WAC program can improve students' writing, enhance their learning in their majors, and make Ģtv a leader in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and nationally in its commitment to improving students' communication skills.

The cornerstone of the WAC program at Ģtv is the writing-enriched Department Writing Plan. Several departments are now working to develop Department Writing Plans. Completed writing plans can be accessed at Current Department Writing Plans.

You can get started on writing a plan for your department.

If you have questions regarding Writing Intensive courses, please contact Edel Reilly, director of Liberal Studies, at ereilly@iup.edu.