The Ģtv Writing Across the Curriculum program, Jones White Writing Center, Liberal Studies English program, and Ģtv-NCTE will host a celebration of the on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, through all social media platforms. This year's theme is #WhyIWrite and how writing is meaningful.

Why I Write hashtag logo All members of the Ģtv community are invited to post about how writing is meaningful to them. Please use the hashtag #WhyIWrite and #Ģtvwrites (example: Writing is the way I stay in touch with my family in China. Writing letters keeps us close even though we're far apart! #meaningfulwriting #WhyIWrite #Ģtvwrites).

Established in 2009 by the , the National Day on Writing celebrates composition in all forms—from stories, poems, and letters to text messages, videos, and audio recordings—and demonstrates how writing is a vital part of our everyday lives. Thousands of writers from across the country recognize the National Day on Writing with local events, including write-ins, talks by local authors, and poetry slam celebrations. This will be Ģtv's ninth year of holding a celebration.

NCTE says, “Writing is an important part of life. It allows us to communicate and collaborate; to think and learn; and to celebrate and share our voices, our struggles, and our experiences.”

The National Council of Teachers of English, with 35,000 individual and institutional members worldwide, is dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.