
Dissertation and Thesis Writing Boot Camp a Success

On Saturday, October 17, the Jones White Writing Center hosted its first Dissertation and Thesis Writing Boot Camp, attended by 80 graduate students from 26 different master’s and PhD programs.

Writing Center Wednesday Workshop: Writing for Publication for Graduate Researchers

The Jones White Writing Center Wednesday Workshop topic for October 14 is “Writing for Publication for Graduate Researchers.” Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. 


Dissertation and Thesis Writing Boot Camp, Full Schedule

This six-hour event, taking place via Zoom on Saturday, October 17, will provide a supportive environment to help you to make progress on your thesis/dissertation writing, jump-start your writing, pick up a stalled project, or build your writing skills while you are still in coursework.

Writing Center Wednesday Workshop: Avoiding Plagiarism

The Jones White Writing Center Wednesday Workshop topic for September 30 is “Avoiding Plagiarism.” Please join us on Zoom. 

Writing Center Wednesday Workshop: Cover Letters

The Jones White Writing Center Wednesday Workshop topic for September 23 is “Cover Letters.” Please join us on Zoom. 

Space Still Available in Writing Center Graduate Writing Groups

If you are looking to make progress on your thesis or dissertation this fall, the Jones White Writing Center is offering two Online Graduate Writing Groups. These groups are for graduate writers who have begun the thesis/dissertation process (at any stage).

Writing Center Wednesday Workshop: Résumé Writing

The Jones White Writing Center Wednesday Workshop topic for September 16 is “Résumé Writing.” Please join us on Zoom. 

Writing Center to Hire Business Writing Tutor

The Jones White Writing Center is searching for a writing tutor who specializes in business writing. The position is for three hours of online tutoring per week for the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Dissertation and Thesis Writing Boot Camp, October 17

Are you ready to get your dissertation or thesis started? Are you having trouble finding time to write? Are you stalled and want to restart your writing? Would you like support for your writing? Consider attending the Jones White Writing Center’s Dissertation and Thesis Writing Boot Camp on October 17 via Zoom.

Writing Center Wednesday Workshop: APA Documentation

The Jones White Writing Center Wednesday Workshop topic for September 9 is “APA Documentation.” Please join us on Zoom. 

Graduate Writing Groups Offered for Fall 2020

Do you want a supportive environment for writing your thesis or dissertation? Are you feeling isolated and in need of support? Do you want to hone your writing skills? If you are looking to make progress on your thesis or dissertation this fall, the Jones White Writing Center is offering two Online Graduate Writing Groups.


Driscoll and Wells Publish on Addressing Emotions in Writing Centers

Dana Driscoll (Professor of English and Director of the Jones White Writing Center) and alumna Jennifer Wells (Ģtv English PhD’09) have published an article titled, “Tutoring the Whole Person: Supporting Emotional Development in Writers and Tutors.”

Fall 2020 Writing Center Wednesday Workshops

For the fall 2020 semester, all Wednesday Workshops will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom.  Workshop attendees can request attendance vouchers.

Fall 2020 Jones White Writing Center Schedule

The Jones White Writing Center will open for online tutoring on Monday, August 31, for the fall 2020 semester. In-person tutoring in Eicher Hall 218 and the Library Satellite in Stapleton will begin the following week on Tuesday, September 8. 

Writing Center Hiring Business Writing Tutor

The Jones White Writing Center is searching for a writing tutor who specializes in business writing. The position is for three hours of online tutoring per week for the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Jones White Writing Center Awarded CRLA Tutoring Certification

After a rigorous 10-month review process, the Jones White Writing Center has been awarded a prestigious Collegiate Reading and Learning Association International Tutor Training Program Certification, recognizing that it meets high professional standards for hiring and training tutors, and in all aspects of writing center operations.


Summer 2020 Tutoring at the Writing Center

The Jones White Writing Center will continue to offer online tutoring appointments through summer 2020. Appointments can be scheduled online.


Writing Center Offers Online Summer Graduate Writing Groups for Thesis and Dissertation Writers

These groups are for graduate writers who have begun the thesis/dissertation process (at any stage). Our writing groups will provide writers with a supportive environment. The Graduate Writing Groups will meet online via Zoom.


Writing Center: Online Tutoring, Workshops, and Updates

The Ģtv Writing Center is here to serve students and faculty during the COVID-19 outbreak.  We will continue to offer online tutoring to all students as well as our graduate editing service. Our Wednesday Workshops are canceled until fall 2020.

Expanded Online Writing Center Tutoring Available for Spring 2020

As instruction at Ģtv transitions online, the Jones White Writing Center is here to support the Ģtv community. As of Monday, March 23, all writing center tutorials will be conducted online by appointment in 45-minute sessions. 


Writing Center Director Publishes New Edited Collection on Writing Centers and Learning Transfer

A new edited collection, titled Transfer of Learning in the Writing Center, has just been released by Dana Driscoll. The collection is an open access, digital publication produced by the WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship.

Writing Center Wednesday Walk-in Workshop: APA 7th Edition

The Jones White Writing Center will offer students the opportunity to learn about the new updates to APA on Wednesday, February 19, in Eicher Hall 218 at 7:00 p.m.


Writing Center Spring 2020 Wednesday Workshop Schedule

The Jones White Writing Center will offer the following open writing workshops throughout the semester. Workshops are held either online over Zoom or in Eicher Hall 218 at 7:00 p.m.

In-Person Appointments Now Available at Writing Center

The Jones White Writing Center is offering in-person appointments in addition to walk-in tutoring in spring 2020.