Recent Posts

Writing Center Seeks Tutors for 2025–26 Academic Year

The Jones White Writing Center is recruiting undergraduate and graduate tutors for 2025–26. The position is open to students from all majors.

Ģtv Celebrates National Day on Writing for the 13th Year!

The Ģtv Writing Across the Curriculum program, Kathleen Jones White Writing Center, and Ģtv Libraries will host a virtual celebration of the National Day on Writing on Instagram the weekend of October 18-22!

Mahmoud and Moroz Receive Graduate Awards at Scholars Forum

The Kathleen Jones White Writing Center is proud to announce that two of our graduate tutors received graduate awards for their poster presentations at Ģtv’s spring 2024 Scholar’s Forum.

Ģtv Hosting Nationally Recognized Book Conservator for Presentation April 18 as Part of “Big Ideas” Program

Consuela (Chela) G. Metzger, a nationally recognized and award-winning expert in the field of book conservation, will present “Old Books, New Ideas—Transformations of a Rare Book Conservator” on April 18 at Ģtv. Metzger’s presentation at Ģtv is part of Ģtv’s Big Ideas: Transformative Culture and the Professions.

Driscoll and Yim Publish in Post-Pandemic Writing Center

Dana Lynn Driscoll (professor of English and director of the Jones White Writing Center) and Andrew Yim (composition and applied linguistics doctoral student, tutor in the Writing Center) have published a new article in an edited collection, titled “The Loss of We: An Empirical Investigation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Tutoring Experiences before and During the Pandemic.”

Warm Up with Wellness

The Jones White Writing Center kicked off the spring semester with their event “Warm Up with Wellness” on Wednesday, February 14.

Meet the Writing Center Team and Follow us on Social Media

Our team of tutors and staff has expanded. Find out who is serving students and helps to improve their writing plus follow our new Instagram page and Facebook for inspiration, information, and writing-related content.

National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing: JW Writing Center's Involvement

The Writing Center tutors and staff members presented at the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing in Pittsburgh.

Driscoll and Yacoub Win Article Award from Association of Writing Across the Curriculum

Dana Driscoll (English, Writing Center) and Omar Yacoub (August 2023 graduate from the Composition and Applied Linguistics Doctoral program and former assistant director of the Jones White Writing Center) won a major article award for their 2022 article, “Threshold Genres; A 10-Year Exploration of a Medical Writer’s Development and Social Apprenticeship through the Patient SOAP Note.”

Driscoll Helps Launch First Writing Support Center in Czech Republic

One of the legacies of the Jones White Writing Center has been to help open new writing centers and consult on writing centers globally. In fall 2023, Dana Driscoll (English, Writing Center) traveled to the Czech Republic to help open the first Writing Center Support Centre at VSB Technical University of Ostrava in Ostrava, Czech Republic. 

Driscoll Offers Workshops in Czech Republic on STEM Writing in Disciplines and Dissertation Supervision

Dana Driscoll (English, Writing Center) offered a series of five half-day workshops on teaching writing for universities in the Czech Republic. In partnership with VSB Technical University of Ostrava, the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Charles University, she offered workshops to support teaching writing in the disciplines and offered support for dissertation writers.

Business Writing Credential Offered by Writing Center

Jones White Writing Center offers a Business Writing Credential which is open to all Ģtv students. This program offers a free certificate in effective workplace, business, and technical communication and can be added to your résumé.

Writing Center Fall 2023 Wednesday Workshops

The Writing Center offers students the opportunity to attend Wednesday Workshops, which are workshops open to all students on campus and are held on Wednesdays throughout the semester at 7:00 p.m. in 210 Stabley Library and via Zoom.

Fall 2023 Thesis and Dissertation Writing Boot Camp for Graduate Students

Geared toward graduate students, this workshop will provide workshop and support to graduate-level students still in coursework or in any stage of thesis/dissertation writing.

Writing Center Offers Workshop for Research Appreciation Week

In support of Ģtv's research initiatives and Research Week events, the Jones White Writing Center will offer a special workshop on giving academic oral presentations.

Ahmadi and Moroz Featured in Language Testing Podcast

Sayed Ali Reza Ahmadi and Oksana Moroz, doctoral candidates in Composition and Applied Linguistics program, discuss tutoring in the Jones White Writing Center and share tips for succeeding as international graduate students.

Driscoll Offers Writing Center Workshop and Keynote Address in Bangladesh

Capping off two years of Writing Center consultations, Dana Driscoll traveled to Bangladesh earlier this month to deliver a Writing Center-related workshop and a keynote address.

Martins, Moroz, Yacoub, and Yim Present at IWCA Conference

Doctoral students in the Composition and Applied Linguistics program shared their experiences as Writing Center tutors at the annual International Writing Centers Association conference.

Visiting Scholar to Offer Presentation on Foreign Language Teaching in Turkey

Visiting scholar Osman Ozdemir will be offering a presentation on English language teaching and Turkish language education.

Driscoll Offers Writing Workshops and Keynote Address in Czech Republic

Dana Driscoll, professor of English and director of the Jones White Writing Center, spent a week in Ostrava, Czech Republic, to deliver workshops and a keynote address at VSB Technical University of Ostrava.

Fall 2022 Thesis and Dissertation Writing Boot Camp for Graduate Students

Geared toward graduate students, this workshop will provide workshop and support to graduate-level students still in coursework or in any stage of thesis/dissertation writing.

Summer Writing Center Tutoring Begins on May 9

The Jones White Writing Center is offering summer tutoring to students for all three terms, including graduate editing.

Collaborative Community Writing Center a Success

New this year, the Jones White Writing Center and Indiana Free Library collaborated to offer a series of workshops and open tutoring to the greater Indiana community.

Graduate Writing Groups Forming for Summer 2022

Graduate students engaged in independent thesis/dissertation writing are encouraged to sign up for a Graduate Writing Group through the Jones White Writing Center for the summer 2022 semester.

Yim Wins Peer Choice Award in Three-Minute Thesis Competition

The Jones White Writing Center is proud to announce that Andrew Yim, assistant director, has won the Peer Choice award at the 2022 Three-Minute Thesis competition.