During the spring 2022 term, tutors from the Jones White Writing Center and students from Ä¢¹½tv's English department partnered with the  to host a Community Writing Center. Group of students posing for a photo

This unique service was open to the greater Indiana community and offered six literacy-based workshops and two community tutoring events. The CWC offered free, one-on-one writing tutorials for a variety of writers within the community. Writers who came to the CWC brought personal writing for the purposes of healing, personal expression, sharing stories about their lives, exploring family histories, and developing as writers. Additionally, many community writers were interested in writing for publication. The tutors enjoyed meeting with members of the Indiana community and learning more about the writing they are doing in their lives. In total, the CWC tutoring and workshops reached 66 members of the Indiana community

The CWC's writing workshops were also well-attended and covered topics such as grant writing, creative writing, comic writing for teens, writing as healing, business writing basics, and literature. This innovative service was beneficial to the Indiana community and to the tutors, who gained invaluable community service experience by working with diverse populations and administering a pilot program. Additionally, the CWC allowed the university to enhance diversity and inclusion in the community and create welcoming spaces where individuals came together for positive interpersonal interaction.  

The workshop series and tutor training was coordinated by Kimberly Bressler, a doctoral candidate in the Literature and Criticism program. Madelyn Carroll and Joseph Navarro, doctoral students in the Composition and Applied Linguistics program, provided leadership training and tutor support. Volunteer tutors from the Jones White Writing Center included Jun Akiyoshi, Jared Burkhardt, Cassidy Black, Danning Liang, Marília Martins, Oksana Moroz, Mahmoud Othman, Asher Rehn, Will Taylor, Katie Weaver, Omar Yacoub, and Andrew Yim. Workshop leaders included Dana Driscoll, Jun Akiyoshi, Ahmed Alsarhan, Joseph Canton, Aaron Heinrich, Kaitlyn Sass, Brian Sateriale, and Omar Yacoub. 

The Jones White Writing Center and  eagerly anticipate offering future CWC events in the next academic year.