Student being tutored at the Writing CenterIn-person tutoring is available at the Writing Center and the Library Satellite. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are strongly recommended. 

  • Appointments are for 45 minutes.
  • Appointments are limited to two per day.
  • Appointments must be made at least 1 hour in advance.
  • To schedule:
    • In the portal, go to Discover. Search for "writing center." On the Academic Support card, click on Writing Center: Schedule a Writing Tutorial.
  • You will then be asked to use your Ä¢¹½tv credentials to log in and see the Writing Center Schedule.
  • Cancellation Policy: If you make an appointment, it is important that you keep your appointment. If you cannot make your appointment, please call us or email us to cancel it. If you schedule and miss more than two appointments per semester without giving notice, you will be unable to schedule more appointments for the remainder of that semester.


More Writing Help

The Kathleen Jones White Writing Center provides tutoring services, workshops, and writing resources.