
Research Opportunities in Chemistry Graduate Program at West Virginia University

West Virginia University's Department of Chemistry will be visiting Ģtv on Wednesday, November 17, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to showcase their graduate PhD and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs. Students can attend either by coming to Weyandt 127 or via Zoom..

University of Charleston School of Pharmacy Visit

On Tuesday, November 16, a representative from the University of Charleston School of Pharmacy will be on campus to talk to students.

University College Cork (Ireland) Recruiting Visit

University College Cork (UCC) will have a Zoom recruiting presentation for graduate school at 11:30 to 12:30 on Monday, November 15.

University of Connecticut Graduate Recruiting Visit

The University of Connecticut's Department of Chemistry will be visiting Ģtv on Thursday, November 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to showcase their graduate MS and PhD programs.

Tang's Article Featured by American Water Works Association Journal

Chemistry Professor Hao Tang's interview article is featured on the latest issue of Journal of the American Water Works Association. Tang's research article, titled “Modeling and interpretation of membrane capacitive deionization responses to different salt load,” was selected as the spotlight article of the month by the journal. 

Johns Hopkins Internships and Job Opportunities

Caitlin Tressler, an Ģtv alumna from Johns Hopkins, will be visiting Ģtv to discuss internships and job opportunities on Friday, November 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in room 127 Weyandt Hall. Come meet Caitlin to find out more about Johns Hopkins’ Applied Imagine Mass Spectrometry Core Facility and their job and internship opportunities.

Old Dominion University's Graduate Recruiting Visit

Come learn about Old Dominion University's PhD and MS programs in chemistry.


New Internship Opportunity with Environmental Services Laboratory of Indiana

The Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, and Engineering is excited to announce an agreement with Environmental Services Laboratory of Indiana for an undergraduate internship program.

Jayne Giniewicz Memorial Scholarship Recipient Announced

Simon Andrew Accamando (Phys/Pre-Eng) is the newest awardee of the Jayne Giniewicz Memorial Scholarship.

Students Awarded the Daniel G. Reiber Memorial Scholarship

Congratulations to the recipients of the Daniel G. Reiber Memorial Scholarship.

Take “Chemistry of CSI” this Winter Session

Get ahead on your coursework by taking a winter session course. The Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, and Engineering is pleased to offer Chemistry of CSI during the 2021 winter session. Watch episodes of CSI as you learn how chemistry helps solve crimes. 

Winter and Spring Registration


Students Publish on Alanine Racemase

Arie Van Wieren, Emma Bouchard, and Sudipta Majumdar published “Enzymatic and structural characterization of alanine racemase from E. faecium by kinetic and computational studies" in the American Journal of Undergraduate Studies.

Join the Co-Ed Professional Chemistry Fraternity

Come learn about the co-ed professional chemistry fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma. Come to one or all four events to learn about the organization, its members, and opportunities for you!


Free Chemistry and Physics Tutoring Available

Come to room 127 Weyandt Hall for free chemistry and physics tutoring Monday-Thursday 7:00-9:00 p.m..

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Site Fieldtrip

Professor Hao Tang recently took his students from the Environmental Aquatic Chemistry course (ENVE 301) to the Tanoma AMD Wetlands Educational Site in Tanoma, Pennsylvania, to experience examples of engineering approaches for AMD remediation.

Chemistry Awards Ceremony

The Department of Chemistry held its fifty-third annual awards ceremony and reception on Friday, April 23, 2021, on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 Dean's List

The Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics and Engineering congratulates our students for being named to the Dean’s List for spring 2021.


Meet Kopchick College's Young Alumni Award Winner 2021

Ardian Soca Wibowo ’05 is the co-founder and chief scientific officer at Helix Biostructures LLC. Join us on Monday, March 22, to hear how he got from an Ģtv BS in biochemistry degree to where he is today.


Guaranteed Admission into University of Cork (Ireland) Graduate Programs

The Madia Department of Chemistry and the University College Cork (Ireland) have signed a formal memorandum of understanding to facilitate the admission of any qualified Ģtv chemistry and biochemistry graduates into the MRes in biochemistry and cell biology or MSc in molecular cell biology with bioinnovation.

Guaranteed Admission into WVU Chemistry PhD Program

The Madia Department of Chemistry and West Virginia University’s C. Eugene Bennett Department of Chemistry have signed a formal memorandum of understanding to facilitate the admission of any qualified Ģtv chemistry and biochemistry graduate into the PhD in Chemistry program at WVU.