
Undergraduates Publish Research Paper in Journal “Tetrahedron”

Abra Dadum (BS Chemistry '22) and David McLean (BS Biochemistry '24) published their undergraduate research. "Chemoselective oxidation of alcohols in the presence of amines using an oxoammonium salt," in the journal Tetrahedron with their research advisor, Justin Fair, and collaborators from Old Dominion University. 


Alumni Receives Grant to Develop HIV Drugs

Daniel Adu-Ampratwum, who graduated from Ģtv with a master's in chemistry in 2010, received a $140,000 grant to develop new HIV drugs from the HIV Interaction and viral Evolution Center.


Biochem Alumni to Hold Virtual Career Panel on Thursday, February 24

Five Ģtv Biochemistry alumni will hold a virtual career panel on Thursday, February 24, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom, as part of AMES, Alumni Mentors Empowering Students.

Majumdar Publishes in “ACS Omega”

Professor Sudipta Majumdar and former Ģtv undergrad Arie Van Wieren have published a paper in the ACS Omega journal. The paper is titled “Substitution of the Methionine Axial Ligand of the T1 Copper for the Fungal-like Phenylalanine Ligand (M298F) Causes Local Structural Perturbations that Lead to Thermal Instability and Reduced Catalytic Efficiency of the Small Laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).”

Ģtv Biochemistry Alumnus Shenin Dettwyler to speak on becoming a genetic counselor

Ģtv alumnus Shenin Dettwyler will speak via Zoom Tuesday, February 8, at 11:30 a.m. She will discuss how she used her BS in Biochemistry degree to become a genetic counselor for cancer patients. All students and faculty are invited to attend in person at Weyandt 240, or via Zoom.