Surplus Property
A. Purpose
The purpose of the Surplus Property Procedure is to provide a clear and concise guideline for the disbursement/disposal of all Ä¢¹½tv surplus property. This procedure provides the university with a clear understanding that we use property to its best advantage, and realize the maximum value possible for any piece of equipment and/or furniture. Surplus disbursement/disposal procedures, as followed, will ensure that university property has provided a value beyond its worth and that its disbursement/disposal will be conducted in an equitable, efficient, and cost-effective manner.
B. Explanation of Procedure
It is the university's fiduciary responsibility to receive the maximum amount of value from a piece of equipment, furniture, or supply. When it has been determined that no further value is to be realized by the university through utilization of a particular piece of equipment, furniture, or supply, said item shall be declared surplus. Once declared surplus, items will be disposed of as set forth in the following procedures. The Facilities Maintenance supervisor, along with the employees of the Central Storeroom, have the primary responsibility to monitor compliance with this procedure
C. Procedure:
Surplus Declaration Process
When it is determined, by the user department, that an item has served its original purpose and no longer provides value to the original department, this item shall be slated for determination of its eligibility for the surplus disbursement/disposal program.
The decision to designate an item for the surplus program must be made by the person with purchasing authority for the department in which the furniture/equipment is located.
Should a circumstance present itself where no one is in a position to make a surplus determination, that decision will be made by the Facilities Maintenance supervisor and/or the designated employees of the Central Storeroom.
If the condition of an item is noted as poor, broken, not working, or cannibalized, then at the discretion of the Facilities Maintenance supervisor and the designated Central Storeroom staff, an item may be declared as "scrap." At that point, the item will be labeled as such and disposed of accordingly.
The process to move surplus from the campus area to the Surplus Properties area at the Robertshaw Building are as follows:
Step 1: Identifying what is surplus
Surplus is furnishings, equipment, and supplies that are no longer needed by the current owning department that can be moved to the Central Storeroom Reissue and Surplus area. These are items that can be repurposed through the Central Storeroom reissue process to assist campus customers in need.
Examples of Surplus:
- Furniture - to include cabinets, desks, tables, etc. and functional chairs
- Equipment in working and non-working condition
- Electronics and appliances, working and non-working condition
- Computer equipment to be handled by IT
- Supplies that can be re-used by others (folders, notebooks, general office supplies no longer needed by your department)
- Questions concerning what is considered surplus can be directed to Central Storeroom at
Examples of what is NOT Surplus - should be disposed of via recycling or garbage at the buildings:
- All items listed as recyclable by university procedure
- Broken items that would be considered "trash" and not reusable by others; to include small equipment, furniture, supplies, etc.
Step 2: Tagging the items
All items going to surplus must be tagged with a designated "SURPLUS" sticker. The stickers can be purchased by entering a storeroom reservation through SAP or ESS.
- Ä¢¹½tv Material 24415
- Sold as EACH; can be ordered in quantities as needed
- Note: Please plan ahead and supply yourself with the SURPLUS stickers
Step 3: Listing the items
A list of the items for surplus is recommended. The list can be attached to the work order (once created) as well as a hard copy to accompany the items. This list, in conjunction with the stickers, will assure that the correct items are removed from campus to the surplus area.
Step 4: The work order
Enter work order through the Asset Essentials work order system.
Be sure the following is included:
- Department name and contact person (to include telephone and email)
- Where is the surplus located (building, room, special notes, or instructions)
- Description of surplus - be sure to note chemical information if it pertains to the items
Attach the surplus list to the work order within Asset Essentials.
Remember: Items that are not tagged with the appropriate sticker and listed may be removed from your area.
Surplus Disbursement/Disposal Program
- Reissue Area
- Items that are in acceptable and exceptional condition are placed in a reissue area for the campus to view.
- Direct Email Notification
- When exceptional items are available through surplus, emails are sent to vice presidents, deans, and department chairs alerting them to the availability.
You are able to view current surplus items available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Robertshaw Building.
To make arrangements and set a time to view these items, please contact the Central Storeroom at or 724-357-7569.
Items will be awarded to the campus customer on a first-come, first-served basis. Upon request, the Central Storeroom will enter a work order to have the items delivered to the requesting department.
Surplus Exceptions
- Special Value - Items that are or could be considered valuable to the university or University Museum will be offered to the University Museum and/or university historian.
- Hazardous Items - Recommendations from the university hygienist if items arrive in surplus that could be hazardous or need disposed of in a specific manner.
- Computer-Related Equipment - All computer-related equipment must go through a surplus disposal process to confirm that all data and essential parts have been removed prior to the unit being sent to surplus. Computer equipment that has been processed and has no further value to the university will then be placed into the surplus disposal procedure.
State System School Notification
A listing of all available surplus may be sent to all universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.
- State System universities will be given the opportunity to claim items deemed surplus by Ä¢¹½tv.
- State System universities interested in said surplus will make arrangements to pick up the requested items.
Sale Process
Exceptional items of value and need (as determined by designated employees of the Central Storeroom) will be placed on an auction website.
- All surplus placed for sale will be as-is/where-as, with no guarantee of its working condition.
- Items will be photographed, described, and submitted for public auction by the Central Storeroom.
- Minimum bids will be determined the Central Storeroom and Facilities supervisor.
- Items will be made available to the public via the auction site .
- The auction site will work directly with buyers, and all payments will be submitted through the website. When bidding, please keep in mind there are additional fees if you win.
- Buyers will make their own arrangements to have the item(s) removed from Ä¢¹½tv (pickup, shipment, etc.) by contacting the Central Storeroom.
- All questions can be directed to
Bidding Eligibility
- University employees and their families are eligible to bid on surplus items for sale.
- Registration and details for bidding can be found at .
Public Auction
At the discretion of the Facilities Maintenance manager, the decision may be made to hire an auctioneer and conduct a public auction of goods.
August, 2024