Dr. Stacia CaroneAssociate Professor

260 Stouffer Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
724-357-2306 — Office
stacia.carone@iup.edu (please email for quickest response!)

Experience and Interests

Stacia Carone joined the faculty in January 2007. Prior to that, she was a faculty member in the Rehabilitation Counseling and Psychology master's program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Stacy received a bachelor's degree in psychology from Chatham College in 1989, a master's degree in counseling services from Ä¢¹½tv in 1991, and an EdD in counselor education from the University of Virginia in 1995. She is a Pennsylvania licensed professional counselor.

Stacy has provided clinical services in a number of areas such as adolescent residential treatment agencies, a nonprofit school for special education, and outpatient psychotherapy with adults and children, and she has provided clinical consultation to the dentofacial deformities team at the University of North Carolina's Department of Orthodontics. Stacy has published articles on counselor attitudes regarding working with adolescent sexual offenders and career implications of persons with cystic fibrosis, problem-based learning in rehabilitation counselor education, and volunteerism for persons with psychiatric disabilities. Her research interests include teaching strategies in counselor education and creative supervision.