Professor, Co-assistant Chairperson, and Master’s Graduate Coordinator
231 Stouffer Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
907 Pittsburgh East
Pittsburgh, PA 15705
412-824-3225 — Office
Professional Background
Brittany Pollard-Kosidowski (“Dr. PK”; she/her/hers) joined the Ä¢¹½tv faculty in fall 2015 and currently serves as the co-assistant chairperson and master’s graduate coordinator in the Department of Counseling and Human Development. In this role, she oversees all master’s programming and serves as the department’s CACREP liaison. Dr. PK completed a dual BA in magazine journalism and sociology at Syracuse University, an MEd in clinical mental health counseling at Lincoln Memorial University, and a PhD in counselor education at the University of Tennessee. Her dissertation focused on the small group experiences of master’s-level counselors-in-training learning about group work facilitation.
Dr. PK’s primary research interests include the use of experiential learning methods within counselor education and the training of master’s and doctoral students in specialty areas such as group work and social justice advocacy. She has most recently presented on the decolonization of various counseling constructs and is currently leading a study of how doctoral students in counselor education and supervision are trained to serve as leaders and advocates.
Before joining Ä¢¹½tv, Dr. PK provided individual and group counseling services to clients living with HIV in a variety of community and clinical settings. She also spearheaded testing, diagnostic, and therapeutic initiatives in maximum-security prisons throughout the greater East Tennessee region. She is active in a number of professional organizations, including the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, and the Association for Specialists in Group Work, where she served in a number of board positions for seven years. She is also the past president of the Pennsylvania Association for Specialists in Group Work and currently serves as a regular panel member on the podcast.
Dr. PK presents regularly at national, regional, state, and local conferences and has won several awards for her teaching and scholarly achievements. In 2023, she won the O’Hana Award, presented by the national organization Counselors for Social Justice, a division of the American Counseling Association. In 2022, she won an ASGW Presidential Award for her work in co-leading a special preconference initiative serving LGBTQ+ youth in Jacksonville, Florida. She again won the Presidential Award in 2024 for her work in co-developing and co-facilitating ASGW’s first-ever Leadership Institute. She is especially passionate about mentoring students by engaging them in collaborative scholarly and service efforts that enhance their professional identity and further their career development.
Dr. PK teaches in the master’s and doctoral programs at both campus locations, with Basic Skills, Counseling Theories, and CES Professional Identity among her favorite courses to instruct. She thrives on using her creativity to develop new electives, which have recently included Social Justice Advocacy, Using Humor in Counseling, Pop Culture and Media in Counseling, and Counseling LGBTQ+ Populations. During her free time, she most enjoys spending time with family and friends; especially her husband, Tom, and her nephew, Michael. She loves traveling and exploring new cultures, attending various sporting events, playing tennis, reading, writing poetry, and getting out on the water whenever she gets back home to Michigan.
Feel free to stop in and say hi when you see her on either campus! :)
Selected Publications
(*indicates work with current student(s); **indicates work with program alumni)
Edited Works
Guth, L. J., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023). Special Issue: Group work innovations in a transforming world. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 48(1), 1-80.
Book Contributions
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Stephens, A. F. (2024). Aromantic individuals. In Dermer, S. B., & Abdullah, J. (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of multicultural counseling, social justice, and advocacy. SAGE Publications.
West, S. C., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Wood, C., & Stephens, A. F. (2023). Counseling individuals with addictive behaviors. In Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (Eds.), Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications (4th ed.). Cognella.
Pollard, B. L., West, S., & Figurelli, K. M.* (2020). Developmental issues of students. In Oberman, A., & Studer, J. R. (Eds.) A guide to practicum and internship for school counselors-in-training (3rd ed., pp. 222-251). Routledge.
Pollard, B. L. (2017). Individuals with HIV and case management. In Woodside, M., & McClam, T. Generalist case management (5th ed.). (pp. 8-13). Cengage Learning. Available online.
Pollard, B. L. (2017). Individuals within the correctional system and case management. In Woodside, M., & McClam, T. Generalist case management (5th ed.). (pp. 29-35). Cengage Learning. Available online.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Kaule, M. E.*, Uphold, H.*, Losinger, C.**, & Stephens, A. F. (2024). A qualitative exploration of counselors’ group practicum training experiences. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 18(1), 1-17.
Sager-Heinrichs, B.**, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023). Personal experiences with long-term recovery. Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 24(1), 35-47.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Guth, L. J. (2023). Looking ahead to continued innovation. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 48(1), 78-80. (Commentary provided for co-edited special journal issue)
Stephens, A. F., Diambra, J. F., Shirley, D., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021). Burnout among new mental health counselors: Applying the Indivisible Self Model of Wellness. Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association (21)2, 15-26.
Guth, L. J., Pepper, E. L.*, Stephens, A. F., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Garrow, J. (2021). Ten tips for the facilitation of virtual groups. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 46(4), 309-321.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Diambra, J. F., Araoz, J. R.*, & Burd, C. K.* (2021). A qualitative exploration of using experiential groups to train future group counselors. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 14(2), 59-88.
Guth, L., Pollard, B. L., Nitza, A., Puig, A., Chan, C. D., Singh, A. A., & Bailey, H.* (2019). Ten strategies to intentionally use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 44(1), 3-24.
Pollard, B. L., Varga, M. A., Wheat, L. S., McClam, T., & Balentyne, P. J. (2017). Characteristics of graduate counseling student grief experiences. Illness, Crisis, & Loss [published online].
Diambra, J., Pollard, B. L., Gamble, R. M., & Banks, B. P. (2016). Teaching a human sexuality course: What are counseling students thinking? American Journal of Sexuality Education, 11(1), 76-91.
Hannon, C. R., Woodside, M., Pollard, B. L., & Roman, J. (2016). The meaning of African American college women's experiences attending a predominantly white institution: A phenomenological study. Journal of College Student Development, 57(6), 652-666.
Published Interviews
Martens, R. (Founder). (2021, July). Expert advice [Virtual publication]. MSW Online.
Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, October 4). Utilizing creative and expressive techniques to give grief a voice: A conversation with Brittany Pollard and Tiffany Brooks [Audio podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor.
Selected Presentations
Invited Presentations
Stephens, A. F., Messinger, E. S.**, Guth, L. J., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023, March). The history of ASGW’s Special Initiatives Committee. Invited to represent the Association for Specialists in Group Work at the international conference of the American Counseling Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Coombs, A. E.**, Buchanan, L., Resurreccion, A., Jancay, K.*, & Ciampa, T.* (2022, October). Empowering group members to become agents of change: A panel discussion. Invited to represent the Pennsylvania Association for Specialists in Group Work at the state conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Guth, L. J., & Messinger, E. M. (2022, April). Finding our virtual voices: Facilitating online groups during COVID-19. Invited to represent the Association for Specialists in Group Work at the national conference of the American Counseling Association, Atlanta, GA.
Ybanez-Llorente, K., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Puig, A., Choudhuri, D. D., & Guth, L. J. (2022, April). Group work innovations in a transforming world. Invited to represent the Association for Specialists in Group Work at the national conference of the American Counseling Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stephens, A. F., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Guth, L. J., Brown, J. J., & Messinger, E. M. (2022, February). Creativity and connection amidst COVID: The ongoing work of ASGW's Special Initiatives Committee. Invited to the national conference of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Atlantic Beach, FL.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Machado, M., McGrath Fair, C., DeMonte, L., Guth, L. J., & Choudhuri, D. D. (2021, March). Lighting trails of hope: Grassroots social justice and advocacy in counseling. Invited to the national conference of the American Counseling Association (virtual).
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Guth, L. J., & Bailey, H.* (2020, July). Applying ASGW's ten strategies for using group work to transform hate: A virtual roundtable. Invited to host webinar event for the Pennsylvania Association for Specialists in Group Work (virtual).
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2019, March). Maximizing connection to address the holistic impact of crisis and trauma in schools. Invited Keynote Speaker, School Counselor Professional Development Day, Ä¢¹½tv, Indiana, PA.
International Presentations
Stephens, A. F., & Pollard, B. L. (2016, April). Counselor wellness: Promoting mental health career sustainability. Presented at the international conference for the American Counseling Association, Montreal, Quebec.
National Presentations
Wilson, E.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2024, January). The ethics of electives: Designing curriculum that is relevant, responsive, and representative. Presented at the national conference for Law and Ethics in Counseling (virtual).
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Rusoke, C.* (2024, February). Creating community: A group model for supporting international students in counselor education. Presented at the national conference for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Portland, OR.
Guth, L. J., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Cook, A., Murphy, K., Xiong, Y., Oursler, J., Luke, C., & Schimmel, C. J. (2024, February). Group work innovations in a transforming world: JSGW special issue author panel. Presented at the national conference for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Portland, OR.
Stephens, A. F., Nuwagaba-K, R.**, Harrison, A.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023, October). Exploring one aspect of professional identity development: Leadership and advocacy training in CES. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Rusoke, C.* (2023, October). Cultural critical incidents: Strategies for prevention, management, and follow-through. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO.
Wilson, E.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023, October). Seize the opportunity: Practical strategies for developing master's level electives. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO.
Coombs, A. E.**, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023, February). Moving beyond the classroom: Social justice and ethics in the practicum counseling experience. Presented at the national conference for Law and Ethics in Counseling (virtual).
Nice, M., Stephens, A. F., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2022, February). Using photovoice as a group work intervention. Presented at the national conference for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Atlantic Beach, FL.
Messinger, E., Stephens, A. F., Smith, A., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2022, February). Unmute yourself! Helping online groups to find their voice. Presented at the national conference for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Atlantic Beach, FL.
Stephens, A. F., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Harrison, A.*, & Hill, M. (2021, October). Getting
their feet wet: Using photovoice to engage counselors-in-training in entry-level advocacy. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Atlanta, GA.
Guth, L. J., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021, October). Innovative infusion: Integrating
social justice and advocacy in counselor education and supervision. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Atlanta, GA. (*Selected for simultaneous virtual livestream)
Stephens, A. F., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021, March). Every picture tells a story:
Encouraging advocacy through photovoice. Presented at the national conference for the American Counseling Association (virtual).
Coombs, A. E.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021, March). Social justice for all: An ethical imperative for the inclusion of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies in practicum training experiences. Presented at the national conference for the Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference (virtual).
Pollard, B. L., & Uphold, H. (2020, February). A qualitative exploration of how group practicum impacts clinical competence and self-efficacy. Presented at the national conference for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Dorado, Puerto Rico.
Guth, L. J., Pollard, B. L., Chan, C. D., Nitza, A., & Singh, A. A. (2020, February). Applying ASGW's ten strategies to use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building. Presented at the national conference for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Dorado, Puerto Rico.
Pollard, B. L., Uphold, H., & Kaule, M. E. (2019, October). Digging even deeper: Helping students and supervisees to address the hidden biases we don't discuss. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Seattle, WA.
Pollard, B. L., Bruno, M., & Guth, L. (2018, February). You want to talk about what? Ten tips for addressing sensitive issues in groups. Presented at the national conference of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, Savannah, GA.
Pollard, B. L., & Diambra, J. F. (2017, December). It takes a village: Facilitating support groups for individuals diagnosed with HIV. Presented at the Center for Sex Education's annual National Sex Ed Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
Diambra, J. F., & Pollard, B. L. (2017, December). Human sexuality for counselors-in-training - questions, secrets, fantasies: What should we be teaching? Presented at the Center for Sex Education's annual National Sex Ed Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
Regional Presentations
Messinger, E. S.**, Coombs, A. E.**, Pursell, R. M.*, Stephens, A. F., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2024, September). Promoting parallel process: Using group work to enhance counselor training. Accepted to the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Atlantic City, NJ.
Sager-Heinrichs, B.**, Stephens, A. F., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2024, September). The intersection between trauma and entry to long-term recovery: A research study. Accepted to the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Atlantic City, NJ.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Cifone, A.,* Ulizio, A.,* & Garland, R.* (2022, November). Deconstructing, decolonizing, and demystifying professionalism. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Pittsburgh, PA.
Stephens, A. F., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Harrison, A.*, Sarra, S., & Nuwagaba-K, R.* (2022, November). Promoting the change we wish to see: Leadership and advocacy training in CES. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Pittsburgh, PA.
Siler, A.*, L’Amoreaux, N., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Nice, M. L. (2022, November).Welcoming Generation Z students and intergenerational considerations for counselor educators. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pollard, B. L., Stephens, A. F., & Bruno, M. L. (2018, September). Getting connected: Training counselors in the digital age. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Burlington, VT.
Stephens, A. F., Bruno, M. L., & Pollard, B. L. (2018, September). Plugging in to wellness: Using technology in supervision. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Burlington, VT.
Guth, L., Pollard, B. L., & Chan, C. (2018, September). Diversity, equity, and inclusion: ASGW's innovative tips for fostering unity in group settings. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Burlington, VT.
Pollard, B. L. (2016, September). The holistic impact of loss: Exploring the grief experiences of graduate counseling students. Presented at the regional conference of the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Syracuse, NY.
State Presentations
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Buchinger, A*, & Noble, N.*. (2024, October). The role of spirituality in counseling. Accepted to the Pennsylvania Counseling Association statewide conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2024, October). Exemplary leadership: An alternative model for counselors and CES professionals. Accepted to the Pennsylvania Counseling Association statewide conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Spisak, T*. (2024, April). Every picture tells a story: Encouraging advocacy through photovoice. Presented at the Chi Sigma Iota statewide conference, Slippery Rock, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Nice, M. L. (2024, April). Experiential education: Designing applied elective courses for master’s counseling students. Presented at the Chi Sigma Iota statewide conference, Slippery Rock, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Ciampa, T.* (2023, November). It begins with us: Decolonizing our approach to counselor education. Presented at the Pennsylvania Counseling Association statewide conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Nuckols, B.* (2023, November). Tuning into our own experiences: An exercise in embodiment. Presented at the Pennsylvania Counseling Association statewide conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Rectenwald, R. A.*, Ciampa, C. L.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023, April). Can we decolonize CBT without losing CBT? Practical strategies for doing just that. Presented at the Chi Sigma Iota statewide conference, Indiana, PA.
Rusoke, C.*, Nuwagaba-K., R.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2023, April). Self-care and social justice: Finding the balance between advocacy and personal wellness. Presented at the Chi Sigma Iota statewide conference, Indiana, PA.
Sager-Heinrichs, B.**, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2022, October). An exploration of personal catalysts for change and the links between trauma, addiction, and long-term recovery. Presented at the Pennsylvania Counseling Association statewide conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Cifone, A.,* Ulizio, A.,* & Garland, R.* (2022, October). Decolonizing group therapy: From forming to adjourning. Presented at the Pennsylvania Counseling Association statewide conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Harrison, A.*, Cifone, A.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021, April). Using Relational Cultural Theory in supervision to enhance multicultural competence with counselors-in-training. Presented at the Chi Sigma Iota statewide conference, Villanova, PA.
Nice, M. L., Burd, C. K.*, Garland, R.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021, April). Decolonizing wellness for underrepresented populations. Presented at the Chi Sigma Iota statewide conference, Villanova, PA.
Haley, A., Pearce, J., Walsh, D., Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Malott, K. (2022, April). Hot moments: Managing challenging conversations of diversity, equity, and inclusion in counselor education. Presented at the statewide conference of the Pennsylvania Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Villanova, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Jancay, K. M.*, & Merten, B. L.* (2021, November). Intimacy, identity, and inclusion: Facilitating addictions groups for diverse emerging adults. Presented at the state conference for the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, King of Prussia, PA.
Coombs, A. E.*, & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2021, November). Practice makes competent: Integrating the MSJCC into practicum training experiences. Presented at the state conference for the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, King of Prussia, PA.
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., & Stephens, A. F. (2020, October). Language of loss: Utilizing creative and expressive techniques to give grief a voice. Presented at the state conference for the Pennsylvania Counseling Association (virtual).
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Figurelli, K. M.*, & Price, L. P.* (2019, November). Aligning the creative and essential selves to foster positive identity development for adolescents in group counseling. Presented at the state conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, State College, PA.
Stephens, A. F., Bruno, M. L., & Pollard, B. L. (2019, November). Plugging in: Using technology to foster wellness in clinical supervision. Presented at the state conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, State College, PA.
Pollard, B. L. (2019, April). ASGW’s ten strategies for using group work to transform hate and
facilitate courageous conversations. Presented at the state conference for Chi Sigma Iota, Pittsburgh, PA.
Figurelli, K. M.*, Nelson, M. E.*, Uphold, H.*, & Pollard, B. L. (2019, April). Uncovering hidden biases: Developing awareness to enhance our ability to lead. Presented at the state conference for Chi Sigma Iota, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pollard, B. L., Nelson, M. E.*, & Uphold, H.* (2018, November). Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable: Hidden biases we often ignore. Presented at the state conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pollard, B. L., & Burd, C. K.* (2017, November). Privilege, power, and bias: Addressing social justice advocacy in group counseling. Presented at the state conference for the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, King of Prussia, PA.
Local Presentations
Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L., Noble, N.*, & Ciampa, T.* (2024, March). Snapshot social justice: Photovoice for collective focus. Presented at Ä¢¹½tv’s Counselors for Social Justice in-house conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sager-Heinrichs, B., & Pollard-Kosidowski, B. L. (2024, March). Thinking outside the box: Creative ideas to bring to group counseling classes. Presented at Ä¢¹½tv’s Counselors for Social Justice in-house conference, Pittsburgh, PA.