Associate Professor
222 Stouffer Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
909 Pittsburgh East
724-357-2306 - Office
Courses Taught
COUN 617: Basic Counseling Skills
COUN 618: Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Counseling
COUN 621: Introduction to Professional School Counseling
COUN 627: Counseling and Consulting Theories
COUN 628: Management of Professional School Counseling Programs
COUN 636: Career Counseling and Consultation Theories
COUN 657: Individual Counseling Prac
COUN 659: Group Counseling Prac
COUN 667: Individual Counseling Prac (Child)
COUN 681: Special Topic: Gangs, Drugs, and Violence in the Schools
COUN 755: Field Experience
Sibyl West joined the Ä¢¹½tv faculty in fall 2009. She completed her BA at Truman State University, received an MEd in professional school counseling from the University of Arizona, and earned a PhD in counselor education and supervision from the Ohio State University. Her dissertation focused on CACREP accreditation at HBCUs.
Within the department, West teaches at the Indiana and Pittsburgh East campuses and in the clinical mental health, school, and doctoral programs. She has taught a variety of master's courses, including Basic Counseling Skills, Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Counseling, Introduction to Professional School Counseling, Management of Professional School Counseling Programs, and Career Counseling. In the doctoral program, she is currently teaching Preparation for the Professoriate: Teaching in Counselor Education. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, West serves as chair of the departmental student review committee and the department evaluation committee.
West is also the co-director of the Frederick Douglass Institute at Ä¢¹½tv with Malaika Turner. The Frederick Douglass Institute is an interdisciplinary, campus-wide body that serves as a resource for information and advocacy on issues related to equity and diversity at Ä¢¹½tv. There are several components within the institute, including the Frederick Douglass Scholars Fellowship, the Douglass Debate Society, the Douglass Research Academy, and the Each One Reach One Program. Overall, 50-60 undergraduate and graduate students participate in the FDI programs at Ä¢¹½tv.
Finally, West works closely with the organization. ROX is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to create generations of confident girls who control their own relationships, experiences and decisions. West works with the ROX training team to train and license counselors and educators to deliver a 20-week empowerment program for girls. She also serves as a research consultant and helped to create large-scale national research on the complex issues impacting today's girls. Additionally, West works with the organization to deliver professional development workshops for educators and those working for the good of girls.