Professor John Lewis talks in a hallway FACULTY EXPERTISE - (center) has research interests in legal impact studies, deterrence theory, and juvenile alcohol use. He is a member of the Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Board.

Committed to Making Sure you Succeed in the Criminal Justice Field

Being one of the largest departments at Ä¢¹½tv brings with it huge responsibilities, but our large and diverse criminology/criminal justice faculty members are up to the task.

We believe in providing you with a healthy mix of applied and theoretical concepts in all of our classes. That's why so many of our professors come from the field, having worked in criminal justice departments across the country. We also have faculty members who are recognized nationally as being experts in their specialties, and all are busy conducting and publishing their research.

  • Our professors' first priority is teaching. While they are actively conducting research and publishing papers, their focus is always on teaching their students.
  • All criminology majors work with an academic advisor from our department.
  • We dedicate one professor to making sure you succeed with your internship. These internships are available both in state and out of state, in government, and in the private sector.
  • Our faculty members are engaged not only in the classroom, but also with the many activities that serve the university and greater community.