What is criminology?
Criminology is the scientific study of crime as an individual and social phenomenon. Research areas include different types of crime as well as its causes and explanations. We also examine the operation of the criminal justice system and public policy.
What is the difference between criminology and criminal justice?
Whereas criminology is the study of crime, criminal justice refers to the systemic and policy aspects of the field utilized by local, state, and national governments. Aspects of the field include policing, corrections, courts, and other real-world applications.
The Criminology program at Ä¢¹½tv views these two areas as being closely interrelated, and we offer courses that enhance student knowledge in both areas.
Is the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department the same as the Criminal Justice Training Center at Ä¢¹½tv?
No, they are separate programs, serving different populations and purposes. The Criminology and Criminal Justice Department is an academic department that offers courses leading to an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (or BA) degree. (The department also offers master's degree programs and a doctoral degree program. Additional information about the graduate programs can be found on the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department website).
The Criminal Justice Training Center provides nonacademic career training for the professional advancement of criminal justice practitioners, such as its Act 120 Municipal Police Academy program.
Because the programs are separate, credits earned in one program (for example, the Criminology undergraduate program) do not transfer to the other (for example, the Criminal Justice Training Center program).
What is the size of Ä¢¹½tv's undergraduate Criminology program and Ä¢¹½tv?
The Criminology and Criminal Justice Department is one of the largest departments on campus, with approximately 650 majors and minors. Ä¢¹½tv has a current enrollment of almost 10,350 students.
Are there any groups or associations for students to join?
Who actually teaches in the classroom?
Ä¢¹½tv is unusual in that all of the faculty members teach multiple courses each semester. Unlike many other universities, teaching is the top priority on our campus and in our department, and a heavy emphasis is placed on being an effective professor who is responsive to student needs.
Where do I find the requirements for a major in criminology?
Please use the Criminology Checklist available on the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department website.
You can find the requirements for all majors in the Ä¢¹½tv Undergraduate Catalog or for purchase at the Co-Op Store on campus.
How would I know in which classes to enroll?
Do I need a minor?
What kind of things do criminology majors select for a minor?
Minors are as varied as the interests of our students. If you have some language competency, you might consider taking a minor in the language. Many of our students opt for psychology or business minors. Criminology students also frequently select the criminology/pre-law program. One of our newer minors is the information assurance minor, which combines coursework in computer science with criminology courses. We encourage students to select a minor that will broaden their educational experience.
Once I am a criminology major, how do I declare a minor?
You contact the department where the major is housed to declare the minor. In most cases, this means that you would fill out some paperwork in that department.
I am a transfer student. How can I find out what courses transfer to Ä¢¹½tv from my other school?
You can contact the Transfer Equivalency Office, Office of Transfer Services, Sutton Hall, Room G27, Ä¢¹½tv, (phone: 724-357-2230) to inquire about how your courses will transfer.
You can also reference the online transfer equivalency website. This website will give you an idea of which courses may transfer. Keep in mind that this does not guarantee that the course will transfer. The final decision is made by the Transfer Equivalency Office.
What can I do with a criminology degree?
Career opportunities are quite broad for this field. Our program graduates have been appointed as analysts with the FBI (which hopefully leads to FBI special agent), Secret Service agents, Drug Enforcement Administration agents, probation officers, parole officers, jail and prison counselors, local police officers, state police, counselors in juvenile and adult programs, coordinators of private security for corporations, and investigators for insurance companies.
Is there an opportunity to receive hands-on experience while still in school?
Are there any opportunities to find potential employers in criminology and criminal justice while attending Ä¢¹½tv?
In addition to our internship program, every year we conduct a career fair that brings potential employers from the local, state, and federal levels to help our students find jobs when they graduate. In addition, the Pennsylvania State Police has a recruiter in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Wilson G1).
How do I apply to Ä¢¹½tv?
What if I am not sure about which major I want? Or I decide later on to major in criminology?
Many students are unsure about where their futures are headed as they enter college. It is not necessary to declare a major immediately, and students can change majors as their interests shift or become clear.
Should a student elect to change career paths, a Change of Major form can be submitted on MyÄ¢¹½tv. Prior to obtaining the form, make sure that you meet the requirements for a change of major: 1) must have earned at least 12 credit hours at Ä¢¹½tv, and 2) have at least a 2.0 GPA.
If I would like to schedule a tour of campus and possibly meet with a faculty member of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, whom do I contact?
This requires two steps: First, contact the Ä¢¹½tv Admissions Office either by phone (800-442-6830) or online to make a reservation for an Ä¢¹½tv tour. Second, once the tour date and time have been established, contact the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department at 724-357-2720 to make an appointment to meet with a faculty member on that day. With enough notice, we may be able to arrange for you to sit in on a class if you would like.
Please note: While we try to accommodate drop-in visitors, you may be disappointed if you do not make arrangements in advance.
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