Tuition Related Definitions
Tuition: The basic charge for a course. Tuition waivers apply only to the basic charge and not to other fees such as room and board, student union fees, orientation fees, instructional/educational fees, etc. Additionally, such basic fee shall apply toward only undergraduate credit-generating courses whether they count toward the first baccalaureate degree or not.
Tuition Waiver: Waiver of the University's right to collect tuition for credit courses taken by eligible employees and their dependents.
Employing University: The local university where the tuition waiver eligible employee is appointed.
Attending University: The university where the student receiving tuition waiver is to complete coursework.
Other State System University: One of the other 14 Pennsylvania State System universities: Bloomsburg, California, Cheney, Clarion, East Stroudsburg, Edinboro, Kutztown, Lock Haven, Mansfield, Millersville, Shippensburg, Slippery Rock, West Chester.
Semester: Fall semester, spring semester, summer Session (Pre-session, Summer 1 and Summer 2), winter session
First Undergraduate Degree: An undergraduate degree (also called first degree or bachelor's degree) is a informal term for an academic degree earned by completing a set amount of coursework above secondary education (high school) through an accredited university usually in four to five years. Some examples are Bachelor of Science (BS), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), and Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA).
- Associate degrees and certifications are not considered undergraduate degrees for tuition waiver purposes.
- Dependents who have earned their first undergraduate degree are not eligible for tuition wavier regardless of where the degree was conferred and regardless of whether or not the tuition waiver benefit was utilized.
Employment Type Definitions
Full-Time Employee: An employee with a regular work schedule of 37.50 or more hours per week.
Part-Time Employee: An employee with a regular work schedule of less than 37.50 hours per week.
Regular Employment Status: Employees who are represented by a union serve a probationary period consistent with the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements or memoranda of understanding. Prior to the completion of the established probationary periods, raters of union represented employees must complete a performance evaluation indicating that the employee's performance is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Failure to initiate action to terminate the employee or extend the probationary period consistent with applicable union agreements or memoranda of understanding will result in regular employment status for the employee.
Permanent Employee: An employee who is hired with the expectation of being in an active pay status for more than 12 consecutive months or who is hired with the expectation of being in an active pay status from nine to 12 consecutive months and with the expectation of working on an annually recurring basis.
Temporary Employee: An employee who is hired with the expectation of being in an active pay status for less than 12 consecutive months, without the expectation of working on an annually recurring basis, or who is hired with the expectation of being in an active pay status for less than nine consecutive months on an annually recurring basis.
Active Employee: An active employee is currently working, either a full time or part time schedule, and is compensated for such work. Active employees also include those on paid and unpaid leave, including workers compensation.
Retired Employee: An employee who has chosen to leave one's employment permanently. Retirement generally coincides with the employee's eligibility to collect retirement resources such as Social Security, a company pension, or distributions from a 401(k) or another retirement plan.
Permanently Disabled Employee: A permanently disabled employee is unable to work in their current occupation; or any occupation for which they are suited by training, education, or experience; due to an illness or injury which impairs one's physical and/or mental abilities supposedly for the remainder of one's life.
Employee Group (Bargaining Unit) Definitions
AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees) Employees who perform work in the clerical field, accounting, maintenance and trades, grounds keeping, custodial, and information technology.
APSCUF (Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties) Employees who hold positions as full- and part-time teaching faculty, department chairpersons, librarians, athletic trainers, and faculty members whose basic responsibilities lie outside of the classroom setting.
Management (Non-Represented Employees ) Employees who hold professional and managerial positions such as accountants, bursars, registrars, human resources generalists, maintenance managers, information technology specialists, and academic deans.
Coaches (APSCUF Non-Faculty Athletic Coaches) Employees who hold positions as non-faculty athletic coaches.
SCUPA (State College and University Professional Association) Employees who hold professional positions working in admissions, financial aid, residence life, registrar, or career services.
SPFPA (Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America) Employees who hold professional positions working as patrol specialist, police supervisor, patrol officer, or security officer.
OPEIU (Office of Professional Employees International Union Healthcare Pennsylvania) Employees who hold university registered nurse, university certified registered nurse practitioner, or university registered nurse supervisory positions.
PSSU (Pennsylvania Social Service Union ) Employees who hold positions such as social worker, drug and alcohol treatment specialist supervisor, juvenile court consultant, or licensed occupational therapists.
PDA (Pennsylvania's Doctor's Alliance) Employees who hold positions as physicians at university health centers.
ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) Employees holding positions within the Military Science program at Ä¢¹½tv, including commissioned and non-commissioned officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian employees.
Co-Op (Student Co-operative Association) Employees holding positions and paid through the Student Cooperative Association.
Fee Definitions
Activity Fee - This fee is assessed each semester on a per-credit basis to support the cost of student activities in recreation, athletics, lectures, entertainment, student organizations, student publications, etc.
Technology Tuition Fee - This fee is assessed each semester on a per-credit basis to support academic or instructional technology as a direct benefit for students to help them to achieve the learning objectives of their academic programs. This fee covers items such as student computer laboratories, specialized software, hardware, databases, and licensing fees.
Transportation Fee - This flat fee is assessed each semester to all registered students to support parking systems and improve transportation systems available to students, including bus service.
Wellness (Health) Fee - This fee is assessed each semester on a per-credit basis to support student wellness services, including the Center for Health and Well-Being; the Counseling Center; Student Wellness and Engagement; Fitness and Recreation; Health and Wellness Promotion; the Haven Project; Nutrition Connection; Disability Services; and Athletics.
Dependent Definitions
- A natural child of your own
- A legally adopted child
- A stepchild
- A minor child for whom the employee is the court or agency appointed legal guardian, as evidenced by the court or agency order establishing guardianship
Legal Guardianship: Legal guardianship is a state court process which results in an order of guardianship. Notary certified statements of guardianship are not acceptable documents of legal guardianship.
Spouse: The employee's legal spouse.