Associate Professor
Office: 506B Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Phone: 724-357-3967
E-mail: Nienkamp@iup.edu
PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 1994
Academic Interests
Rhetorical History and Theory, Argumentation, and Writing
Jean Nienkamp's areas of interest include all aspects of rhetoric, and she is currently researching internal rhetorics; ethics, epistemology, and rhetoric; and Stephen Toulmin. Her most recent book, Internal Rhetorics: Toward a History and Theory of Self-Persuasion (Southern Illinois University Press, 2001), has been described as"thought provoking, intelligently organized and clearly written . . . articulat[ing] a point of view that can be recognized as something theorists have been trying to say all along"(Argumentation and Advocacy, Fall 2002).
Jean's favorite pastime is hiking in Pennsylvania's beautiful woods with her dogs, Lincoln and Rori.