Department Chair
506-L Leonard Hall
Assistant Department Chair
McElhaney 202D
Language, Literature and Writing Faculty
506-H Leonard Hall
506-G Leonard Hall
506-W Leonard Hall
506-DD Leonard Hall
Department of Foreign Languages
McElhaney 202E
Director of Ä¢¹½tv Writing Center
203-B Stabley Library (inside the Jones White Writing Center)
506-R Leonard Hall
506-F Leonard Hall
315 Leonard Hall
506-CC Leonard Hall
McElhaney 213E
506-FF Leonard Hall
506-D Leonard Hall
Dr. Charles McCreary
506-Y Leonard Hall
506-L Leonard Hall
Director of Graduate Studies in Composition and Applied Linguistics; Graduate Certificate in TESOL
506-S Leonard Hall
316 Leonard Hall
McElhaney Hall 204B
Hispanic Journal, McElhaney Hall 202F
Foreign Languages
213G McElhaney
506-AA Leonard Hall
506-AA Leonard Hall
506-Q Leonard Hall
506-X Leonard Hall
506-O Leonard Hall
506-T Leonard Hall
724-864-8528 (cell)
Director of Bachelor of Science in English Education
506-QQ Leonard Hall
506-EE Leonard Hall
McElhaney 202D
506-BB Leonard Hall
Secretarial Support
Kaitlyn Nanni
Andrea Campbell
College of Arts, Humanities, Media, and Public Affairs
McElhaney Hall, Room 201