Attendance - Teachers
You are expected to be present and on time for all lessons, pedagogy meetings, and Musical Exploration sessions.
If you cannot attend a lesson due to illness or an emergency, you must contact the student and his/her parent(s) before he/she comes to the lesson. Under no circumstances should a student arrive to find no teacher for the lesson. At the first lesson, discuss with parents how to contact them and how they can contact you in case of emergencies. With cell phones, it is quite easy to avoid these kinds of problems.
If you must miss a lesson, you need to make up the lesson. Discuss this with parents ahead of time to arrange a makeup lesson.
Please keep Dr. Jennings informed about any absences in case she gets a call from a parent.
Pedagogy Meetings
Pedagogy meetings will be held generally every other week. The dates and times will be arranged at the first Ä¢¹½tv String Project teacher meeting. Attendance is required for all pedagogy meetings.
Musical Exploration
You will receive the dates at the beginning of the semester. You are required to attend all these sessions.
Attendance - Students
Students are expected to attend every lesson. They will receive information outlining the importance of consistency of lessons. The payment plan is also set up to encourage a commitment for each semester and regular attendance for each lesson.
Please talk through the scheduling with your students and their parents. There is some flexibility in the schedule.
When a student cancels a lesson, you are not obligated to make up the lesson, but are encouraged to do so if time and scheduling permit.
Lesson Report Forms
As part of your teacher duties, you will need to keep track of the lessons you teach through submitting Lesson Report Forms on the first Monday of each month, or as indicated on the form. For these forms, you must get the signature of a parent documenting the date of each lesson given. Your paycheck will not be processed until all Lesson Report Forms have been submitted. Turning in Lesson Report Forms late may result in receiving your paycheck later than scheduled.
Get in the habit of checking your e-mail every day. This seems to be the best way to get information to you. Please return e-mail messages or phone messages within twenty-four hours.
Confidences of Students
Do not share any personal information about a student unless the other person has a professional need to know.
Professionalism with Colleagues
Show respect to your colleagues at all times and support their teaching. Remain neutral when students express frustrations/concerns about other teachers. A seemingly innocent, casual remark can cause problems.
In order to teach in the String Project, teachers must complete all the required clearances for teaching in the public schools (Act 34, Act 151, and FBI clearances). This is a requirement of Ä¢¹½tv. Documentation of completed clearances must be submitted a week before lessons begin each semester. Without documentation of completed clearances, you will not be able to teach in the String Project.