Teachers may choose to participate in the Ä¢¹½tv String Project in the following ways:
- Using teaching hours for volunteer requirements in Ä¢¹½tv courses
- Enrolling for credit in an internship course
- Through receiving a semester stipend
Supporting String Programs in the Schools
One of the important goals of this program is to support the string programs in the schools. So, please keep this in mind. We want to coordinate as much as we can with their programs in the schools. For students to be eligible to participate in the Ä¢¹½tv String Project, they must be enrolled in their school programs.
Teaching Space
Lessons must be taught at Ä¢¹½tv, or, if approved by Dr. Jennings, at one of the Indiana Area School District grade schools. Lessons may not be taught outside of these locations. This is to protect you as teachers in case any issue of liability arises.
The design of the program is to make lessons as accessible as possible to students. It has worked out well in the past for teachers to find a mutually agreeable time with your students and their parents.
Pay Scale
You will receive $10 per each thirty-minute lesson; $15 per forty-five-minute lesson; and $20 per hour lesson. You will receive two paychecks: November 1 and December 16. Any questions about money matters should be directed to Dr. Jennings.
Student Fees and Payments
You should not discuss any financial matters with parents or students. Please direct them to Dr. Jennings, who will handle all financial concerns with parents.
Your students
The majority of students in the Ä¢¹½tv String Project are in the grade-school and middle-school age range. There are high-school-age students, although fewer in number. There are also several younger students beginning at age five.
Ä¢¹½tv String Project Student Requirements
The only requirement for Ä¢¹½tv String Project students to participate is that they must be enrolled in their school program if a program exists in their schools. We want to support the string program in the schools, and not detract from it in any way.
Suzuki Materials
In order to coordinate and maintain consistency in the String Project, use the Suzuki Books with students in grade school and into middle school. There are many other materials with which you can supplement the Suzuki books. Using the Suzuki materials will help for younger students, especially for recitals and group classes. Students will need to purchase their own music.
Special note: Even though you will use the Suzuki materials, that does not mean the Ä¢¹½tv String Project is a Suzuki program. The Suzuki program is a wonderful, comprehensive method with many facets. Using the materials does not give the status of a Suzuki program. Using the Suzuki materials provides a common repertoire basis for our students, but allows you as teachers to explore other materials as well. I would suggest starting your own repertoire of Suzuki and other pedagogical materials.
Working out Problems with Parents or Students
If you encounter any problems with students or parents, let Dr. Jennings know right away. She is available to help you find the best way to deal with situations. It also is good for her to be informed in case she is contacted by a parent.
Musical Explorations (Group classes and string ensemble)
The Ä¢¹½tv String Project Musical Exploration classes are designed to give students more ensemble experience and to provide you, as teachers, with more experience teaching in a classroom setting and conducting a string ensemble. You will all teach in these sessions, so make sure to mark these in your date book and reserve these times. During these Musical Exploration sessions, beginners will be taught in a Suzuki-style setting, and older students will play together in a string ensemble. These classes give you a rare opportunity to teach in a classroom setting. Take advantage of the situation, and have fun exploring different activities, games, conducting techniques, etc., for these classes.
Explore and Have Fun!
This is a teacher-training program designed to give you practical experience and guidance in developing your teaching skills. Make the most of it. Try out new pedagogical ideas that we talk about in meetings or learn about from your colleagues. A great way to learn new ways of teaching is talking with other teachers and learning their tricks as well.