Once you have printed the forms, you may fill in the information and then send to the address noted on the form.
- Address Correction
- Act 48 Submission Request
- Birth Date Correction Request
- Course Audit Form (Email Version)
- Enrollment Verification Explanation Letter
- Enrollment Verification from MyÄ¢¹½tv
- FERPA Online Training Quiz
- Financial Hold Override
- Graduate Course Repeat Form
- Major Change Request Forms
- Incoming freshmen (before the first day of class): Office of Admissions Major Change Request
Current students:
- Name Change Correction
- Nondisclosure
- Nondisclosure Rescinded
- Pass-Fail Form (Email Version)
- Reenrollment Application
- Residency Application
- School of Graduate Studies and Research Forms
- Social Security Number Change Form
- Time Conflict Resolution Form (Email Version)
- Visiting Student Application