When is it necessary to submit an IACUC animal protocol?

Anytime vertebrate animals are proposed for use in teaching or research under the auspices of Ä¢¹½tv (including both laboratory and field studies). Any animal use that involves physical handling or behavioral manipulation of animals requires IACUC approval.

Why is it necessary to have IACUC approval of animal uses?

To ensure that the university adheres to the highest standards of ethical treatment of animals, and to ensure university compliance with federal regulations regarding the care and use of animals.

Who should submit the protocol?

One of the senior investigators or instructors overseeing the project. Student investigators may complete and submit the review protocol under the supervision of a faculty member.

What about permits? Does the IACUC require permits for my research?

The IACUC does not itself require any permits for investigator research. However, if any state, federal, or other permits (such as for the use of controlled substances, or the capture/handling of wild animals) are required by some other authority, investigators must secure these permits and provide copies of them to the IACUC before the IACUC will authorize their research.

Where should the completed protocol form be submitted?

To the IACUC Committee, at the office of the Dean of the Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (305 Weyandt).

What happens to my protocol after submission?

Animal use protocols submitted for consideration are logged, copied, and distributed to the IACUC committee. The committee will review the protocol, meet to discuss it, and then respond to the investigator. Responses may include protocol approval or denial, comments, questions, and suggestions for revision.

When can I begin my work with animals?

No housing, use, or manipulation of animals can begin until the IACUC committee notifies the investigator of full approval of a reviewed animal protocol.

How long does IACUC approval take?

The IACUC normally meets monthly to review protocols. Protocols submitted by the 7th of each month normally can be reviewed in the same month.

Investigators should be aware, however, that the approval of new protocols often requires one or more rounds of revision. Investigators are encouraged to submit their protocols as far in advance of their intended start date as is possible.

For how long will my work be approved?

IACUC approval is granted for up to a one-year period. If the use of animals is to continue beyond this date, submission of an IACUC Renewal Approval Request form can be used to request expedited review for a further one-year approval period, up to a maximum of three years. Investigators are expected to submit the renewal request before their approval period has expired. After three years of continued project approval, a project may be continued only after a new animal protocol is submitted for full review and approved.

What should I do if I have questions about the IACUC or the required forms?

You can visit the Ä¢¹½tv IACUC website. You may also email your questions to iacuc-info@iup.edu.