Dear investigators,
The Ä¢¹½tv IACUC is happy to provide here another in our IACUC series of 'Memos to Investigators'. We hope to use these memos to relay to investigators information which will aid them in complying with regulations concerning the use of animals in research here at Ä¢¹½tv.
We offer here several news items, and one reminder:
01) PHS assurance at Ä¢¹½tv
The Ä¢¹½tv School of Graduate Studies and Research and the Ä¢¹½tv IACUC have investigated the potential for Ä¢¹½tv to obtain PHS (Public Health Service) assurance, which is a level of accreditation associated with compliance with the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. [Those of you applying for federal funding may have seen questions related to PHS assurance on your grant proposal applications]. Ä¢¹½tv does not, at present, have PHS assurance. However, should applications be pending for the release of federal funds relating to animal research, Ä¢¹½tv is now prepared to seek PHS assurance. If you have grant proposals planned which ask you for a PHS assurance number, please be sure to contact either the IACUC or the Ä¢¹½tv School of Graduate Studies and Research and we will begin the process of seeking PHS assurance.
02) IACUC reference library available
The IACUC has assembled a series of guides for the use of animals in research, including regulatory guides relating to the role of the IACUC itself, as well as animal husbandry guides (from the CRC Press series, and other) for the care and housing of research animals (including mice, zebrafish, rat, and rabbit). We also have available several videos from the Laboratory Animal Training Association. These and other materials are available for investigator borrowing/reference.
03) IACUC protocol revision form
Investigators occasionally have the need to revise an existing, active protocol. To facilitate this need, we have developed a 'protocol revision form', which is now available on the IACUC web site. This form will guide investigators through the revision process, and highlights the specific process required to obtain a revised protocol.
04) Reminder: protocol hardcopy submission still required
The IACUC also wishes to remind our investigators that all IACUC submissions (protocol forms and related documents, such as copies of permits) must be made in hardcopy form to the IACUC, c/o the office of the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics (305 Weyandt). Submission in hardcopy form eases the distribution of material to the committee as well as insures that protocol logging and history can be maintained.
As always, the IACUC is here to serve our Ä¢¹½tv research community. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
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